
In a scenic building, a young man of about thirty years old came to the balcony and sat cross-legged.

It is the game god on the Internet [I am the liver emperor] Li Hua.

During the recent period between deaths, he could not challenge the Tower of Trials and could only sit idle at home for a while.

Li Hua meditated as usual, practiced the Inner Gong Mind Method, and operated his True Qi, which flowed endlessly.

Of course, the internal work is not embellished, and the external work will not fall.

It’s just that compared to practicing internal skills, external practice requires a place where you can practice.

So they usually practice in the outer park, or log in to the game, and then go to practice the reward martial arts [Lianyun Bu] obtained from the Tower of Trials.


After a while, he got up and went back to the room and turned on the computer to query the information.

Recently, there have been frequent major events in the [Second World], so even Li Hua, who is already a relatively advanced martial artist, does not dare to have the slightest slack heart, for fear that if he does not pay attention, he will miss something important, and regret it for the rest of his life!

Sitting in front of the computer desk, Li Hua held his hands and browsed the information at will.

After watching for a while, I was a little bored and whispered:

“Although the interval between deaths has changed from one month to ten days, it still feels too long…”

The shadow of death that hung up for the first time, when Li Hua first experienced it, also had a lot of discomfort.

However, after slowing down, he couldn’t help but raise his fierce will to fight, and wanted to challenge the [test] again.

For Li Hua, who is a heavy player of the game and a heavy player of the “Second World”, this ‘update’ change has made him gradually tend to a flat game mood.

Once again, the urge to burst the liver has arisen, after all, compared with before, the current “second world” finally has a real ‘game’ feeling.

The appeal to players like Li Hua has increased greatly.

And the interval of ten days is too long.

He was eager to immediately challenge the fourth layer of the trial again, and after summarizing the gains and losses of the last failure, he felt that he should have more confidence than the last time!

However, there was no way, these were not things he could change, and he could only expect that when everyone cultivated to improve in the future, the crown should make adjustments to this.

The information slipped down, and I have read it all, although they are some extremely hot topics,

But Li Hua himself did not like to discuss the same thing again and again, and when he saw that there was no novel point of view, he did not look at it more.

Open the personal platform and turn over the private message.

At this very moment,

Ding dong!

[Your follower ‘Li Li Li’ has released the latest developments.] 】


Li Hua was slightly stunned, nodded and took a look, and suddenly felt a little stunned.

“It’s the lucky koi…..”

Although he didn’t know much, he also had a fresh memory of the ‘Jin Li’ that had been on fire for a while before!

After all, among all the well-known players, such a lucky person is indeed rare.

Li Hua himself is also a relatively lucky category,

Previously, when he was in the Wudang Sect, he had seen Wu Zu’s crown at close range, and even been instructed by him to cultivate the first wisp of internal force, which was the earliest batch of real players to enter.

And such a legendary deed, but also let him quite self-satisfied, commonly known as ‘to be crowned to guide the introduction of martial arts, such a thing, I can blow for a lifetime!’ ’

On the Internet, he is often ridiculed by this and is quite fond of it.

This has been the envy of many netizens, but compared with the ‘Jin Li’, it is a small witch.

Almost all the gifts given by the crown, the other party did not fall once!

Just heard about such deeds, Li Hua couldn’t help but be sour for a long time,

Coupled with the same surname, I was deeply impressed by this.

However, recently it seems to be ridiculed by some red-eyed netizens, the reason is that this time the big event of the Tower of the Heavenly God, the other party did not explode as luck as before, but missed this gift.

As a result, many people were actually attracted to come out and ridicule.

Li Hua’s eyebrows froze slightly, and he clicked on the other party’s dynamics, and was suddenly stunned.

[Grandpa’s luck is back!!! 】

“Oh, this…”

Li Hua was a little puzzled, pulled down to see, it was a comment from netizens, and it was suddenly funny.

“Really? I don’t believe it! Dog Head! Dog Head! ”

“Good fellow, let me see what you do again, Grandpa loves to listen!”

“Jin Li’s luck has always been OK, don’t care about those yin and yang weird people, are a bunch of pink eyes, and do not know where to come from the inexplicable sense of superiority.”

Of course, there are also many direct mockery.

“Oh ~ how about good luck? Isn’t it the same as the dick waste? ”

“Upstairs, it’s too much!” But I do feel that such good luck, spent on brocade plums, is a bit wasted. ”

“But isn’t it, but anyone who has a little talent and has such luck as him has already taken off!” I was ashamed that I had just broken through the ten weights of the day after tomorrow! ”

There are many such remarks, and Li Hua frowned, just wanted to make a comment, ding-dong, and it is another latest development.

This time, there are no words, but a picture, which is the “exchange” interface of the personal “game”.

At just one glance, Li Hua’s breathing was stagnant, somewhat unbelievable.

“Thirteen Spirit Points!?”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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