
“Thirteen Spirit Points!?”

Li Hua’s face changed a little, something was wrong with this situation!

According to normal circumstances, it is necessary to pass five levels in a row to obtain such a number of Spirit Points.

The difficulty of the five-tier trial is unquestionably extremely difficult.

At present, even if it is the fourth level of the trial, the number of people who have passed the level is very small, and those who know it on the surface are the most talented people.

And the fifth layer of the trial, I have never heard of any big guy being able to pass the level.

So what’s going on with these thirteen spiritual points!?

There could be other rewards hidden!

As Li Hua, who often plays games, subconsciously flashed this idea in his heart and became excited about it.

If this is the case, can he not copy it, and think of him as well?

As for the possibility of whether it is really possible to pass five layers in a row, in his opinion, the odds are too low to be possible.

This [trial] hundred layers of space, although there are some game meanings, but it is not a real game.

Inside are real trials, and there are no other shortcuts to take except for their own strength.

Luckily, it was absolutely impossible for him to pass one more level of the level and a higher level of trial!

Just like Li Hua, he had some confidence in passing the fourth layer of the test, but if he said the fifth layer, he didn’t have to think about it, and it was impossible to pass the test.

Well, the probability that this ‘Jin Li’ has received a hidden reward somewhere is extremely high.

Unfortunately, he only released a picture without any useful information.

Pulled to the bottom to refresh a bit, suddenly appeared a lot of netizen comments, sure enough, is also a question mark.

“Am I blind?” Thirteen Spirit Points!? ”

“Hey, even if you change to Reiki, it’s enough to practice for a long time!”

How? Has ‘Jin Li’ always been playing a pig and eating a tiger?

In fact, the real face is also a dog big guy! Is it so showy? ”

“No, if it is a continuous clearance, the fourth floor is just ten lanes, and the fifth floor should be fifteen lanes!”

What happens when the thirteen spirit points are stuck in the middle? Is there any other way to get Spirit Points? ”

“Come out, Jin Li, talk about the specific situation, don’t hang your appetite!”

Such a strange situation has aroused the curiosity of netizens, who have expressed questions and want to know the situation of things.

You know, this spiritual point is extremely precious,

Not to mention the extremely mysterious [exchange] function, let’s say that it can be exchanged for the function of heaven and earth aura, which is already worthy of everyone’s attention.

It has been a long time since the Tower of the Heavenly God fell, although some people feel that this spiritual point is precious, and there may be some great use in the future, it has not been used for the time being, but intends to preserve it.

But so many people, of course, can’t all think the same thing.

There are many people who directly try to exchange Heaven and Earth Reiki for cultivation purposes.

And publish their feelings on the Internet, and now many people in the real world are basically aware of the approximate effect of exchanging Reiki.

The so-called exchange of Heaven and Earth Reiki for practice is not a mode of empowerment, but a point of aura light given to the pagoda.

Falling into the Dantian of the Trialist, every moment exudes the aura of the aura, nourishing the body of the Trialist.

The effect is naturally better than ever, basically without cultivation, you can increase your cultivation, and it is faster than your own luck breathing and breathing.

If you practice conscientiously, the speed of improvement will be even faster.

Of course, because everyone’s talent and qualifications are different,

Some talents with good qualifications can absorb and refine the aura more quickly; Some of those with lower talent need more time to cultivate and refine.

Although the time difference is quite large, from the point of view of comparison, as long as the aura light point can be refined, the effect will not be much different.

Of course, if it can be refined in a short time, it is naturally the best effect.

After all, the Reiki light point will continue to emit Reiki breath, and the further it goes, the Reiki will also overflow with time, eventually allowing resources to drain.

However, even so, many people were surprised and amazed, and lamented that the benefits to cultivation were extremely great, which was not comparable to their own cultivation in the past.

And such a valuable cultivation resource naturally needs to be used on the blade, and it is generally recognized that it will only be exchanged for cultivation when there is no way to make progress.

Now most of the real-world trialists are only a few ways, or even a spirit point.

The entire thirteen spiritual points were extremely amazing!

It is likely that many people who will pass through the tenth level in the future may not be able to obtain such a number of spirit points.

As a result, all the netizens who saw the dynamic of this article were amazed by it and were extremely concerned about what was going on!

How do you get so many Spirit Points? Are there other ways to earn Spirit Points?

As for whether it is really possible that this ‘Jin Li’ has obtained it by his ability,

To tell the truth, those who can know this dynamic in advance are people who pay attention to him, have a certain understanding of his situation, and do not believe that the strength will have such a big leap.

Most of them wondered if there was any other way to hide.

And a strong curiosity and inquiring thought, after all, this is a matter of vital interests, if it can be copied, can you also get such a spiritual point.

Under such constant inquiry, ‘Li Li Li’ soon released another dynamic.

[Oh ~ how can not believe in my strength!] Showdown, no loading, I’m talented! You can’t envy it! Dog head dog head! 】

Li Hua’s eyes twitched, and he sighed, secretly wondering how he hadn’t found this kid stinky before.

Sure enough, the series below is full of booed comments.

But fortunately, this ‘Jin Li’ did not take long to immediately send a new dynamic.

This time it was a long article, accompanied by a few pictures.

Li Hua came to be interested, all this unknown information involving the Tower of the Heavenly God was what he wanted to know.

What’s more, this time is not the same, maybe there will be some unexpected gains, and I quickly watched it.

[Okay, you are all curious, so I won’t sell it.]

I thought about whether to say it or not, but when I think about it, this is not the only one,

Just say it, so that everyone can have a note, don’t pay attention to it, the reward is sent to the body, and you don’t get it, that is really a sin.

First of all, I can get such a number of spirit points because I am inside the God Tower…]

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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