
【…… That is to say, in the Trial Tower, you may encounter such a mysterious halo anywhere,

If you see it, don’t hesitate to go straight to it!!

Hidden in it are endless possibilities! Maybe you get some kind of artifact and just soar into the sky!

This is called a chance reward.

I was only lucky enough to receive a reward of one ‘Pure Demon Dan’ and ten Spirit Points. (ps: I don’t need to say more, you should also know the source of this chance reward!) Daily worship of Wu Zu under the crown!!! )

Oh, friends who are interested in ‘pure demon’, you can look at the pictures I posted below, there are main effects of introduction.

Oh, by the way, you haven’t noticed, is there a small detail on the picture I sent out earlier? Dog Head! Dog Head! 】

Li Hua looked down silently, his face expressionless, just slightly shaking his palms, indicating the unpeace in his heart.

Take a deep breath, pull directly to the picture area below, and observe.

There are three pictures, one is a white halo, one is the [game] system prompt box, and the last is a cyan round jade.

The former is undoubtedly the mysterious halo mentioned in the text, that is, the carrier of the “opportunity reward”.

The two are about the system of “chance rewards”.

As for the last one…

There is not only a specific image of the so-called “Pure Demon Dan”, but also an introductory description of this object below.

As soon as he swept away, his eyes landed firmly on the last spirit point.

Two hundred ways…


“Two hundred spirit points!!”

Li Hua suddenly stood up and exhaled, with some disbelief in his eyes:

Made! I originally thought that the previous thirteen spirit points were already a rare hidden reward, but I knew that the latter one was even more outrageous!

It’s two hundred points!

According to the current trial rewards, without any superposition, by the last layer of the trial, you can only get a hundred spirit points, which is only half the number.

Such a numerical treasure is simply worth a lot of money, unimaginable!

What is called a step to the sky, this is it!


Li Hua’s eyes were a little red, his breathing was short, and he had not been calm for a long time.

After soothing for a long time, I calmed down a bit, and I had the heart to see the specific description of the ‘pure demon’, and my pupils suddenly shrank, and I was a little shocked.

‘The treasures of blessing cultivation, just one spiritual point have a good effect, and it is conceivable that these two hundred paths… It’s going to be amazing.


Grass and trees become beasts… Goblin!? ’

Although he was also amazed by the divine effect of the Pure Demon Dan, unlike Li Sheng, who paid more attention to the function of the Demon Dan,

Li Hua was more concerned about the information hidden behind this so-called goblin demon.

In his thoughts, many possibilities flashed by, his face was faintly excited, and his face was flushed, as if he had discovered a new continent.

“In this way, a lot of speculation in the past is true!”

As a well-known game god on the Internet, Li Hua’s ability is naturally not only to play the game well, but to have more excellent talents.

Otherwise, in the real world of the “second world”, which is no different from reality, he will not still be able to be sought after by many netizens.

On the Internet, there are many kinds of historical materials about the “Second World”, or some important documents, but they are all sorted out by him, which shows his ability.

Among the various articles published by Li Hua on the “Second World”, there has been speculation more than once.

In this second world, is there still a ‘inner world’ or ‘upper world’ that is unknown to the ordinary world, which contains all kinds of things of legend and mythology!

That is, similar to the words of the Immortal Realm.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the whole world will be crowned the next supreme divine of the Wu Ancestors,

Apart from the things related to the crown, there is not a single case of supernatural things, and it feels strange to think about it.

Nowadays, this Dao has an introduction to Youdan, which proves that the legendary yokai goblin really exists.

Since demons are precise, what about other myths and legends?

Is there one?

Where do they live?

Why haven’t the two worlds been seen so far?

Or is it hidden in some mythical and legendary fairy world?

Will there be a chance in the future to see such legendary beings, this [game] system, will the crown be updated again…

It’s like… This time the Tower of the Gods is the same. ’

Li Hua’s various thoughts emerged, and it took a while before he stopped, suppressing his somewhat excited mood.

Once again, I took a look at the introductory description of the Pure Demon Dan.

In particular, the remarks below explain the restrictions on this item.

That is, without the consent of the recipient, others cannot use it and cannot transfer it!

Li Hua’s eyes narrowed, and he said somewhat suddenly:

“No wonder… He dared to say it so directly, it turned out that there was a protection mechanism. ”

If there is no such information, transposition himself, Li Hua himself has obtained such benefits, and he will definitely not arbitrarily say his chances, after all, who knows what big trouble will be caused.

But with this rule, it is basically enough to stop the greed of all sane and normal people.

Everyone knows that the Tower of Heavenly Trials and the update of the [game] template are related to the Wu Ancestral Crown.

Then this so-called “chance reward” is naturally also the meaning of the crown.

The rules set by Wu Zumian, who dares to violate!

As for whether it is possible to find loopholes in the rules, it is even more foolish, not to mention whether there are such loopholes, and even if there is, no one may dare to do so.

And the more powerful you are, the more you dare not take such a risk.

Li Hua thought for a long time, sighed, and whispered.

“This luck, there is no one anymore!”

The mouse swipes, falls to the comment area behind, and sure enough, a group of netizens have exploded!

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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