
“Sleeper! This Nyima’s, by what! All the good things are his, the lemons are all ours! ”

“The acid is bitter, directly white prostitutes more than two hundred spirit points, this is not directly taking off?”

“Gan! Are you lucky or unlucky? Can it rise when it is exhausted, and explode when it is full? ”

“The amount of information is so big, so the legendary demons and ghosts all exist?”

“Exist! How does it not exist? Isn’t this just a ready-made koi seed?

Good guys, I’m tm direct good guys! This luck made my scalp tingle!

Everyone else is a diligent and diligent step by step, through the trial to obtain rewards, he is good, directly by chance, spiral to heaven. ”

Many people’s eyes are red, if you say the previous thirteen spiritual points, everyone can still say that they are still calm,

After all, it is not really out of reach, although envious, but consciously can catch up a little, at most a little sour.

But the demon Dan that was worth two hundred spiritual points behind it really made everyone look up to it and be envious and jealous.

Some people who had previously mocked Li Sheng said that it was difficult to accept.

Why should a person with low talent be so lucky, and there should be such a pure demon to contribute to benefit more people, and so on, but there are many brain speeches.

But these taken for granted, others in shock, did not have the heart to care, did not bother to pay attention to anything,

Instead, they have left messages under the dynamics of ‘Li Li Li’ and published their own sour taste.

“God tm luck in general, this tone of voice, see me so angry, the cold day out of a hot, I would like to have such a general luck ah!”

“I finally understood that the physique between people cannot be generalized, and I have been extremely envious and jealous, and I have even cut a few tons of lemons!” And directly kneel on the keyboard and type such a paragraph! ”

“Sizzle! Don’t move! Let me take a breath! Make a few more wishes, first…”

When Li Hua saw this, he skimmed his lips and looked dismissive.

These netizens are really undisciplined, and they can say anything.

Stretch out your hand, type a few lines of words, and leave a comment directly.

[I am the Emperor of the Liver]: “Fools, what effect can this have, look at me!”

Eldest brother! I’m your little brother! You and I have the same surname, five hundred years ago may be a family!

Although I don’t know you now, I inexplicably feel that you are very kind, and you must have been a good brother in your past life.

Since they are good brothers, they are naturally blessed to share together!

The little brother doesn’t want much, just give me a touch of your big baby! Cough! I mean that demon! ”

“Hahaha! Upstairs awesome! 666! ”

“It’s okay to recognize your relatives directly!” And, blessed to share the next sentence eaten by you?

Oh, isn’t this the Liver Emperor? Even the big guys blew up? Catch it! ”

“Tonglao! Or to say that the liver emperor is too faceless! ”

Because of Li Hua’s comments, people who pay attention to him are also attracted to him.

As a game god, the number of fans himself can be quite a lot, coupled with the past two years [Second World], with such a hot blessing, he has been regarded as a character out of the circle.

Countless netizens followed Li Hua’s new dynamics, and after understanding the process, they were suddenly shocked by the amazing content inside.

With this number of people, the matter soon spread across the Internet, causing a comprehensive and fiery discussion.

And the name of ‘Jin Li’ has also completely caught fire, and has been worshiped by many netizens, after all, it is lucky to become like this, saying that it is the European Emperor who is alive, and the koi carp is not too much!

All want to inhale European breath, dip in the luck of Fuyuan!

It doesn’t matter if it has an effect or not, the most important thing is to feel comfortable in your heart.

On the top of the game forum, there was also a heated discussion about “Chance Rewards” and “Pure Demon Dan”.

“Stone hammer, since there are goblins, then there must be other myths and legends?”

“Sure, you see the description is the realm of the Demon Dan, which may correspond to the True Dan Realm of the Martial Arts,

Moreover, there is such a realm division, which has already explained the problem, that is, I don’t know if I can have the opportunity to see it in the future. ”

“Agree with the upstairs, this demon, just by looking at the description, you know that the value is terrible, you can bless the cultivation with it, and before the innate, you can’t absorb the spiritual power inside, you can imagine.”

“Envy, what kind of immortal luck can have such an opportunity, it is really hard to rely on luck to get on the throne.”

“Yikes! It turns out that there are such shortcuts, chance rewards… Okay, got it, let’s go to the Trial Tower to stay! ”

“Don’t go! It’s random! ”

“The so-called opportunity reward, isn’t the focus on the word ‘chance’, provided that you have this source of blessing, and it has nothing to do with whether you go to the trial tower or not.

Everyone might as well practice themselves honestly, so that no one will rob me, funny~”

“Cough, upstairs, thanks to my serious look, almost did not flash waist.”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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