
In just over an hour, words such as ‘koi’, ‘chance reward’ and ‘demon dan’ have spread all over the network!

Countless netizens poured into the personal platform of ‘Li Li Li’, wanting to understand the whole process of things, and incidentally dipped in the atmosphere of the European Emperor.

As a result, the heat is also getting higher and higher.

Li Hua hurriedly rushed out a roughly sorted article ready to be published,

It contains all the important information about this time, the hidden secrets behind it, and the various speculations that extend it.

Sitting at the computer desk, I roughly browsed it, felt that there was no problem, and then posted directly on the “Second World” forum.

“Huh, it’s getting more and more interesting…”

Li Hua’s face was a little excited, this kind of speculation about the truth of the world, and the feeling of having access to mysterious beings, made him very fascinated.

In the past, although he also liked the “second world”, to be honest, there were always some regrets in his heart.

After all, in addition to the Wu Zu Crown, what the Second World is currently showing is really just an ancient civilization environment.

And what has appeared now is the mystery that he has in mind and the most interesting in his heart!

I opened the dynamics of ‘Li Li Li’, and I was shocked by the heat inside at a glance, and I was a little stunned.

“This heat is so terrible, it seems that this real popularity has become…”

If you say that in the past, ‘Li Li Li’ was just an Internet celebrity with amazing luck and had been popular for a while,

So now, if there is no accident in the follow-up, the reputation of this ‘koi’ is estimated to be fixed, and the real is a well-known person.

Li Hua did not have any real feeling about this, after all, he himself was also a netizen celebrity, but he really envied the luck of the other party.

If you have such luck, wouldn’t it be cool to explode!

Li Hua sighed and once again looked at the various news of ‘Li Li Li’.

“Huh? Small details? What do you mean? ”

Suddenly, his brow furrowed, staring at the final release of the dynamics, somewhat brooding.

Hurry back to the previous dynamics and observe them carefully.

After looking back and forth several times, I didn’t feel that anything was wrong, and I was wondering, when I suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and my eyes were tightly focused on the [exchange] box of the [game] system.

“Hey, this, shouldn’t it have been…”

[Redemption] template because it is not unlocked, the general color rendering is relatively dim, and the template in this image is a pattern that slightly emits halo.

However, these are only some relatively minor changes, so Li Hua did not notice at first.

The attention behind it was all on the two heavy messages of ‘Chance Reward’ and ‘Pure Demon Dan’.

Now, after taking a closer look, I suddenly found the problem!

“Wouldn’t it have been unlocked!?”

This thought flashed through Li Hua’s mind, and his breathing was slightly disordered.

Hurriedly asked under the ‘Li Li Li’ dynamic.

[I am the Emperor of Liver]: “Big Brother!! The small details you said, should it not be [exchange] template unlocked!?? Astound! Astound! @Lee Lee Lee Lee”

After sending several messages in a row, Li Hua stared at the computer tightly, expecting the other party’s answer.

If we say that in the “game” system, the most mysterious and itchy nature is this so-called “exchange” function.

Just being the most basic function of exchanging Heaven and Earth Reiki has already benefited everyone immensely, so if it is unlocked, what exactly is hidden in it!

Thinking about the pure demon dan of the blue mixed circle, Li Hua had a vague guess in his mind, but he was still unsure.

While Li Hua was thinking, on the Internet, after his reminder, others also reacted.

“I lean on! Really, his [exchange] box is glowing! ”

“This! How is it unlocked? Could it be a reward of chance? ”

“No, no, no! Get a chance reward to unlock [Redemption]!? Mad, a non-chief like me has no chance! ”

“I’m more concerned about, what’s in there? Koi Essence! Come out! Tell the truth~”

More and more netizens noticed that the rush was an inquiry, and then time passed, less than half an hour later.

‘Lee Lee Lee’ has once again updated the dynamics.

[Thank you for your love, the comments roughly looked at it, can only say that dare not be! 】 Don’t dare! You are the big brothers, I am the little brothers…

Okay, let’s get to the point, cough! I’m afraid everyone already knows,

Yes, my redemption list is already unlocked.

As for why it was unlocked, everyone guessed that it was not right.

Yes, I did unlock it because of the chance reward, and I guess it’s hard to have replication, because of this thing,

Because this is the first time the reward is triggered, that is, the chance reward is triggered later, it should be unlikely that there will be this again.

The specific unlocking conditions, I don’t know, but I can tell you very responsibly,

Even if the redemption function is now unlocked, only a very small number of people can redeem enough spirit points.

As far as I’m concerned, if I don’t have the ten Spirit Points I rewarded before, I can’t redeem anything

As for what is in the exchange list?

Oh, don’t worry, I know you want to know this, the little brother is carefully sorting out, will soon be sent out, everyone wait a little longer!

Note!!! Friends with bad hearts, it is best to check in the company of their families!

Let me sell it first, I can only say that the things inside are very exciting! It’s unimaginable to you!! 】

As soon as the dynamic was released, there were countless comments that were frantically refreshed.

“Oh? Are you teaching me how to do things? Squinting~”

“The first time it was triggered… Good guys, you’re lucky, I like it~

Hurry up and divide my half luck, give you this opportunity is to look up to you, I hope you don’t know the good villain, dog head ~”

“Hurry up, hurry up! Koi has appeared! Take the rope on the first floor! Get an electric shock stick on the second floor! Take sacks on the fourth floor, take the sacks on the fifth floor… What are you doing!? Put your pants on!! ”

“Yikes! And really! Awesome! Just want to say hurry up, hurry up! ”

“??? I feel offended…”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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