Martial Arts World

Chapter 2400: Zhang Fei appeared

When Lin Sha led his army to rush to Hebei Julu, he was suddenly shocked to hear that Lu Zhi had lost his defeat outside Guangzong City, and the officers and soldiers retreated for fifty miles.

He was taken aback, and he did not dare to rush to send Huang Xuling to lead two thousand Qingqi hurriedly. He rushed to Guangzong and Lu Zhibu first, and he led the army and then arrived.

In order to hurry up, he ignored the small yellow towel army he encountered along the way, but divided two thousand elite infantry, carefully trained by his men, and named after the noble and energetic family, he led the Qing Dynasty.

Hurrying all the way, finally rushed to the location of the Lu Zhishen Department a few days later.

Fortunately, I didn't feel the decadent gas in the barracks. Lin Sha let out a secret breath, looked up at the direction of Guangzong City in the distance of dozens of miles, and his heart was dignified.

Recall that in Xuzhou, the accidental encounter with Zhang Jiao showed a sense of coldness on his face. That hatred was reported this time!

"The difference is coming, this time we must work together to solve Zhang Jiao!"

Seeing Lin Sha, Lu Zhi was very happy and went out to greet him in person. He also gave a brave hand to Lin Sha and said that he was so shocked that the whole school would be surprised.

It's no wonder that they responded like this. Lu Zhi had just been taught by Zhang Jiao how to be a man. How long did it take before Lu Zhi could even say such a big deal?

Sure enough, Lu Zhineng became a Zhonglang general, but it makes sense.

In the corner of the handsome account, a young man about twenty-eight, seven feet and five inches tall, with two ears lopped over his shoulders, his hands crossed his knees, his eyes can look after his ears, his face like a crown jade, and his lips covered with grease look at Lin Sha Eyes sparkling.

If Lin Sha felt something, she glanced back and didn't care too much. Liu Bei, the big ear, is a full-fledged little character at present. Both can say whether he can rise in the future.

Lin Shao unexpectedly saw Zhang Fei when he was the next general with Lu Zhiyu.

"Yi De, why are you here?"

He asked curiously: "Aren't you playing against Karasuma Renyou in the frontier of Youzhou?"

"Haha, I have seen the emperor!"

Zhang Fei laughed, saw the ceremony first, and then whispered to explain: "I was ordered by Liu Shijun, a priest in Youzhou, and I led five hundred soldiers to support General Lu!"

The identity of this man at this time is that you are a border guard of Youzhou, and his men are in charge of 500 people.

It is said that Lin Sha traveled to Youzhou a few years ago, met Zhang Fei in Zhuo County, and became a good friend after a hard fight.

This martial art is quite amazing. At that time, it was only inferior to Lin Sha. It was similar to Sun Jian now. It may be a little stronger.

Such a good martial art, it is not possible to be a rich man at home!

The key point is that Lin Sha feels that this man has definitely been delayed in history. The good youth and the most golden time in life are wasted following Liu Daer running down the road.

Despite the fact that Heweiwei's name was also left, he did not fall out of the fight with the world's famous tyrants several times, and was hailed as a super hero, but the delay is the delay.

Since I met Zhang Fei in advance and Lin Sha was able to arrange him in the Youzhou Army, what else can I say?

Through the relationship, he entrusted Zhang Fei to General Baima Gongsun Zan, and came directly to the post of the 50-member team.

After making arrangements for Zhang Fei, Lin Sha continued to travel around the world, but the correspondence between the two has been constant. Lin Sha still knows Zhang Fei's situation.

The world is in turmoil, and Youzhou is quite lively.

First, the leader of Karasuma, Qiu Liju, led the army to attack Youzhou County, killing and looting without evil.

Then it was the local tycoon Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju of Youzhou who caused chaos and set off a storm in Youzhou.

Most of the letters that Zhang Fei wrote to Lin Sha basically talked about the battle between Karasuma and Zhang Chun's rebels. He fought with the Yuzhou frontier for several years.

With his bravery and the support of General Baima Gongsun Zan, it is easy to take the lead in the frontier.

It's just because the qualifications are too shallow, the temperament is not much to be seen by civil servants, the promotion rate is not very fast, but now it is already the sergeant who controls the five hundred sergeants.

Six hundred stone official position, Zhang Fei said with a frown on his face, apparently very satisfied with the situation now.

I thought Zhang Fei is now a middle-ranking officer in the Youzhou Border Army, and he is also a No. 1 character. He will not get acquainted with the downcast Liu Bei, but obviously things have not developed according to his ideas.

"Don't say this, come here, someone introduce a great talent to Junhou!"

Zhang Fei was full of courage, took Lin Sha's hand, and walked to the next position of Liu Bei, introducing: "This Liu Bei Liu Xuan De is the King of Zhongshan, and also a fellow of Zhuojun. He used to deal with Youzhou before. Huang Zhicheng Yuanzhi and Deng Maoshi met, is a very good talent!"

"Be prepared, have seen the emperor!"

Liu Bei had been waiting for a long time, and after Zhang Fei's introduction, he bowed to the ground with his hands in fists.

"It's not bad, the big man's wind and rain is now, it is the time when Liu's children have a lot to do!"

Lin Sha smiled softly, and there was no surprise or any other reaction when she entered the stadium. Nodding her head was very good.

This is the normal reaction. Haven't you seen Liu Da'er look excited?

There are more ancestors in the world surnamed Liu, some of them are well mixed and become one of the territories, and some are so poorly mixed that even eating is a problem. Obviously Liu Daer is the latter case.

Looking at the clothes on him, and the temperament at this time give people an impression of earth hold.

"Haha, Xuande is a disciple who has been taught before!"

Lu Zhi deserves to be a modest gentleman. With his character, he will not like Liu Bei's so-called disciples who like luxury and his family has little money. He helped Lin Say two good words to him.

Lin Sha nodded his head and said nothing, but he was the general Houhou in the south of Tang Township. He also had the highest rank in the official position. If he looked at Liu Da'er as a "volunteer leader", it would be a bit overwhelming. Moreover, he didn't really like Liu Da'er.

Both Ming and Youzhou's previous two assassination history were in the clan, he was not close, but he ran away to find the teacher Lu Zhi, he did not know Lu Zhi's straight character?

As a result, the chaos in Youzhou Yellow Scarf was so great that it quietly disappeared, and I had to start struggling from the beginning. It took a lot of effort to make a small county magistrate.

In the end, I didn't know whether it was Liu Daer's own hand or Zhang Fei's hand. After a brutal beating, Du Post had to resign and ran away to Gongsun Zan, which was miserable.

Anyway, this man missed many opportunities by himself, and later he wandered for years.

Of course, these are all the history of Liu Daer's experience, whether he can become the emperor of Xishu in this life, that's really a lot of things.

At the very least, it is impossible for Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to join Liu Da'er at this time, unless this one can become a party in a short time, otherwise it is impossible.

Regardless of Zhang Fei or Guan Yu, they are now in the middle-level military positions at the border, and they are watched by the military gangsters, not to mention how moist they are in the day, and they have not been grieved and sullied. The big-eared personality charm, crying and shouting to be a younger brother.

Not to mention whether Liu Da'er has such a protagonist aura, even if he is the protagonist, it is impossible to receive Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's two giants at this time.

Without the two great peerless masters, he always wanted to follow him. He wanted to come to Liu Daer and he didn't have the confidence to be as bullish as in normal history.

It is said that the martial arts of this man were okay. Lin Sha saw the clue at a glance. The standard at the end of the second-class was also okay among the generals of all roads, at least stronger than Lu Zhiyu’s next army general.

It is said that Lu Zhi’s two famous disciples, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zhan, seem to have good martial arts. Gongsun Zan doesn’t know his strength. However, the name he established in Biansi should not be lower than the second-rate high section, otherwise how can it be called A dry race known for discoloration?

These thoughts just flashed through the brain, and did not show any abnormality.

After introducing the lieutenant general, Lu Zhi invited Lin Sha to take the seat. He also had no hypocritical modesty, directly occupied the handsome position, and started the normal military meeting.

"Mr. Ziqian, before your team fought with Zhang Jiao, how was it going? How could you retreat fifty miles?

Lin Sha was not polite at all and asked directly: "With Huang Hansheng's martial arts, even if he really meets Zhang Jiao's Huangjin Lishi all dispatched, wouldn't it be the case?"

Lu Zhi smiled bitterly: "It's not the problem of the Huangjin Luxi, it's Zhang Jiao who personally brought in the gusty wind, and the eyes of the soldiers couldn't be opened. The Huangzhai thieves surged up, and the officers and soldiers had to retreat, otherwise If you can’t fight even the battle, you have to wipe it out!"

"Inviting a strong wind?"

Lin Sha grimaced, turning her head to look at Huang Zhong, who was first and second under Lu Zhi.


Huang Zhong said with a deep voice: "Then Japan is windy and beautiful, and there are no clouds in the sky. But when Zhang Jiao appeared in person, the wind and the wind suddenly changed, and the most weird thing was that the wind only rushed towards the officers and soldiers. Is not affected by the slightest!"

As soon as the voice camp account was suddenly silent. The generals present at the meeting looked like water and refused to speak. Obviously they were shocked by Zhang Jiao's means.

Huang Zhong's strength has been recognized by everyone, and what he said is naturally highly credible!

Problems that others cannot see can be seen with his strength. Besides, here is the Chinese military camp, or when discussing important military situations, the end of nonsense will be quite miserable.

"Huang Hansheng, do you have the courage to call Zhang Jiao with somebody?"

Lin Sha pondered for a moment, then suddenly opened her eyes and said a word that surprised everyone.

This Nanxiang Houhou general, actually intends to cross the tent?

Waiting for the crowd to react, Lin Sha's body suddenly surged, exuding a terrifying violent breath, instantly making the generals in the account as if they were trapped in a reckless jungle, facing a preeminent jungle overlord.

A few people left, and the whole camp trembling was shaking at this moment, and looking at Lin Sha was full of horror and incredible...

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