Martial Arts World

Chapter 2401: 3 male meet will be proud

"it is good!"

Huang Zhong burst into tears, breaking the silence of the Chinese military camp. He laughed and said: "Junehou has a request, Zhongding should lay down his life to accompany the gentleman!"

He was aroused by Lin Sha's pride, and the momentum of the super-strong was like a volcano erupting in the camp.

There was a gust of wind on the flat ground, and there was a sudden gust of wind in the small closed tent. The wind swept across the crowd and the crowd would not open their eyes. The entire tent swayed gently, and the table and chairs were shaken, and the momentum was good. amazing.

"Roar, well, Zhang Fei!"

Trapped by two powerful forces, Zhang Fei couldn't hold his face full of excitement and roared loudly, and his compatriots broke into a wild and lion-like strong momentum, which put a heavy pressure on the camp accountants' heavy hearts.

He laughed loudly, hurriedly rose from his seat, and said quickly with rounded eyes.

"Okay, it's also Yide!"

Lin Sha smiled softly. Before the violent overbearing, it seemed that the overbearing momentum of Taishan Mountain was suddenly recovered. If it was not a rogue in the camp, everyone would doubt whether what he saw was true.

Soon, Huang Zhong and Zhang Fei also gathered their momentum, the three looked at each other suddenly burst into laughter, and the boldness and ignorance caused a heartbreak!


At this time, the handsome account sucked in cold air one after another, and the face of a lieutenant general all became shocked. Unexpectedly, there were three masters beside them!

Huang Zhong had previously revealed a powerful martial art, and the crowd will not be surprised by the terror that he released, but he didn't expect the aura of tantrum to be so scary.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, General Nansha Houhou, General Lin Sha, turned out to be an outstanding powerhouse not inferior to Huang Zhong!

Although they had heard of their powerful name long ago, they only thought that this new general who had emerged was just a master at the level of a first-rate military commander.

Even if they are just first-class military commanders, they are not the ones to look back on!

Unexpectedly, this martial art is at the same level as Huang Zhong!

Judging from his weakness, Huang Zhong's momentum is absolutely inferior.

What surprised them even more was that Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide, the Youzhou Frontier Military Academy who had just come to help yesterday, turned out to be a top military master at the Huang Zhong level!

The top three masters of the three military forces gathered together, and the suddenly released momentum was like a violent wind and waves. They almost didn't drown them.

It's crazy!

When were there so many top-notch powerhouses in the Han Army, and they were the three?

It's because of Lu Zhi's calm heart. At this time, he couldn't help feeling agitated, and two cheeks on both sides were flushed. This is exciting!

After fighting for such a long time, the basics of the Yellow Scarf Army were basically clear to him.

Zhang Jiao hurriedly pulled up, saying that the one million rebels were nothing at all, just a group of untrained people who lacked training and had little organization and discipline.

The real core strength of the Yellow Scarf Thief is the Zhangjiao who knows the magic technique of Xuanshu, and the Yellow Scarlet Battalion under his hand!

Zhang Jiao will not say it. The existence that is about to surpass the commonplace is simply not something that the army can deal with, even if there are more people with the most powerful cutting tools.

Unless it can be forced to fight against the officers and soldiers, and then use the powerful vehicle crossbow array and trebuchet array, arrange a terrifying strangling net to kill it, otherwise it is impossible to kill it!

Zhang Jiao, as a generation of owls, naturally cannot be so stupid, and actively took the trap and died!

Lu Zhi also realized that if he wanted to get rid of the corner of the source of the yellow towel disaster, it would be impossible without top shots!

Unfortunately, there was a Huang Zhong beside him, or Lin Sha took the initiative to introduce him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Sha himself is also a top expert who is not weaker than Huang Zhong, and Zhang Fei, who is new to help, is not too much!

There were three top-level strongmen at once, and Lu Zhi's heart had been relaxed a lot!

Even if he can't make Zhang Jiao dead, he can let go of his hands and feet.

That's right, he did not dare to release all the combat power before!

Nothing else. The main reason is that the Huangjin rebels lost too fast. Zhang Jiao turned and ran away.

With the strength of this man, if Zhang Jiao really wants to run, he can't stop his army!

Once Zhang Jiao ran away, even if the court put out the yellow-turban rebels, Zhang Jiao could still gather in secret and raise the flag again to rebel!

The imperial court can't stand this toss. If two or three more times come, it is estimated that the Han dynasty should be finished.

Only when Zhang Jiao saw hope and was completely **** with the yellow scarf rebels at this time would the court have the opportunity to kill him and his men!

"Unexpectedly, Yide is also a rare master!"

Lu Zhi sighed and looked at Zhang Fei with admiration.

Now he does not lack an army capable of fighting, but also a master who can strike Zhang Jiao hard!

As long as Zhang Jiao can be dealt a heavy blow, Lu Zhi will give Zhang Fe the due respect whether he likes it or not!

"Haha, Mr. Zigan will not know this!"

Lin Sha haha ​​took the conversation with a smile, said with a smile: "When I was traveling in Youzhou a few years ago, I accidentally met Yi De, and Hai did a hard job!"

The crowd drew out the curiosity in their hearts. They all listened with a smile on their faces, and the gossip of the two masters was not so easy to hear.

Zhang Fei's black face was a little embarrassed. At that time, he and Lin Sha had a big mistake because of misunderstanding. He could suffer less. Lin Sha was shamed a few times on his body.

Fortunately, he has a big personality, and he likes to make friends. Lin Sha is one of the strong friends of the same level that he rarely recognizes. He doesn’t pay much attention to these small things, and he will not follow Lin Sha’s suggestions and then enter the quiet through his relationship. State frontier.

Strong men like Zhang Fei have arrogance in their hearts and generally refuse to accept gifts from others, even if the other party is well-intentioned.

For example, this is true of Huang Zhong. If Lin Sha did not write an invitation with Huang Xu, and there were factors that affected the normal life of Huang Shao, it is estimated that he would not come out to join the army through Lin Sha’s line.

In the history of history, Huang Zhong has also been a general in Jingzhou. When Liu Biao was under his command, he once achieved the high position of Zhonglang general, that is, Cao Cao won Jingzhou, and he was given an official position to help him stabilize the situation.

"It's not a fight, I don't know each other. Wing Tak is one of the few strong players of the same level that I have traveled around the world. With the strong character of Wing Tak, it is just suitable for the military to do things. I recommended him to Mr. Zi Gan's disciples. Gongsun Bogui!"

Lin Sha said with a smile: "Fortunately, Wing De performed well, and he achieved his merits in the battle with the alien Karasuma!"

Not only is it the achievement of building a war, if Zhang Fei's qualifications are too shallow, if he takes the initiative to give most of the credit to Gongsun Zan, at least a school lieutenant cannot run.

But that's fine. At least Gongsun praised the relationship. With Lu Zhi's relationship with Lin Sha, he couldn't have ignored Zhang Fei's credit and didn't make a statement.

Gongsun Zan didn't tell Zhang Fei, but had a correspondence with Lin Sha. After he believed that he would wait for his position, he would definitely promote Zhang Fei.

This is the official rule!

Before the imperial court of the Eastern Han Dynasty completely lost its prestige and the official order completely collapsed, no matter who had to abide by such an order, otherwise they might be repulsed and hostile throughout the officialdom.

Obviously, Zhang Fei, the head of the powerful family of Zhuojun, also knew this very well, and did a pretty job without talking.

To be honest, with his origins and social circle, following Liu Beihang is actually not a good choice.

With his martial arts strength, coupled with a strong family background, or the respect of the head of the family, no matter if he goes to Liu Yan or Liu Yu, he will be reused.

At least in the early days of the chaos in the world, Zhang Fei could have become a major player, and even affected the changes in the situation in Youzhou. Unfortunately, he followed Liu Bei in the history, and spent more than ten years in a good year!

Without further ado, Lu Zhi heard that Zhang Fei was highly trusted and valued by his student father Sun Bogui. His eyes lit up and Zhang Fei's eyes were very close.

This is the time in this era. The teacher-student relationship is sometimes more intimate than the father-son relationship. Gongsun Zanneng can quickly emerge in the frontier of Youzhou. Lu Zhi, a great Confucian teacher, also has an extremely important relationship.

A few people talked and laughed in the handsome account, and they all echoed the school companionship. No one saw Liu Bei sitting in the corner, the flashing ambition in his eyes.

Lin Sha sensed it, but didn't care much. At this time, Liu Bei was not worth his wasteful attention. Without Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's help, his prospect Zhu Ding was bleak.

Of course, this man may also lose a bit of confidence and ambition, and become more pragmatic and not so high-going. Maybe there will be different chances in the future.

After all, Guan Yu can't rub a little bit of sand in his eyes, Liu Bei just wants to do something, he has to care about the feelings of the second brother, could have had a better future and position, may be so vainly missed and wasted.

With Liu Bei's temperament and means, it is actually very suitable for mixed officialdom. This is much better than the Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian. If Cao Cao does not have a strong background, it is estimated that Liu Bei can't be mixed.

Without the help of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, maybe Liu Bei will have another chance, otherwise how can he sit in the handsome account?

" How can you join hands with Hansheng and Yide to win the opening angle?"

After a while of joking, when the atmosphere was good, Lu Zhifeng turned and asked directly.

As soon as this remark came out, the handsome accountant became silent again, and a tense atmosphere permeated. All the eyes of the general were concentrated on Lin Sha at this time.

Lin Sha smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It is estimated that the three of us have the ability to protect ourselves!"


In addition to Huang Zhong, all the other schools, including Zhang Fei, were shocked and incredible. Is Zhang Jiao really so powerful?

"Is it different, underestimate yourself?"

Lu Zhi frowned and smiled as slowly as possible.

"Yeah, doesn't that corner have three heads and six arms?"

Zhang Fei couldn't sit still, jumped up and shouted...

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