Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1066: Devour

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Chapter 1066: Devouring Dafa

"Is this Cheng Feng after the sword is pulled out? The strength has increased too much."

"Just a knife at hand, Li Shiji has been brewing the third style of the regretful sword method for a long time, and easily stopped it!"

"With such strength, even if Li Shiji's combat power doubles again, I am afraid he will lose it!"

Everyone was shocked to see the third form of Cheng Feng's effort to resolve the regretful world sword.

At the same time, Li Shiji was even more hopeless.

"This little guy, Cheng Feng, is really a good material for practicing knives!"

On the west side of the battlefield, Chen Xuanbei praised: "With a knife in your hand, you seem to have seized the whole world and never fear again!"

"It really is a wizard."

Brother Yu nodded: "In these years, I have also traveled dozens of martial arts worlds.

"Keep watching."

Leng Cangyu interjected: "This is just the beginning. The shock that Cheng Feng gave you is still behind."

Leng Cangyu's words were true.

As the battle between Cheng Feng and Li Shiji continued.

Cheng Feng shocked everyone more and more, more and more frequently.

Especially in the end, Cheng Feng exhibited the Sword of Demon Slayer, and the combat power was almost incredible.

Although Li Shiji was fully fired, he was almost completely abused.

Even if the 4th and 5th styles of regretful swordsmanship are performed, it will not help.

The defeat is already doomed early!

"Can't the gap between me and Cheng Feng really be bridged?"

Supported by Cheng Feng's sword, Li Shiji reluctantly asked, "Is Li Shiji, must be a loser?"

"I do not believe!!"

Li Shiji hissed and yelled, "Cheng Feng, I still have a trick."

"If you can still catch it, then I have nothing to say, willing to give in!"

"Oh, do you have any useless tricks?"

After hearing that, Cheng Feng stopped the attack: "I give you a chance to see if you can create a miracle!"

In fact, with Cheng Feng's strength, this battle could have ended early.

However, in order to give Li Shiji a hope, a hope that can step out of the psychological shadow and reshape the will of martial arts.

Cheng Feng deliberately retained his hand and extended the battle a lot.

However, Cheng Feng's ability to do so is limited to helping Li Shiji.

As to whether it can be achieved in the end, it depends on Li Shiji's own fortune!

"Cheng Feng, my next move is the sixth style of regretful swordsmanship."

Li Shiji said: "However, I haven't practiced this type of knife skill yet."

"So, I need some time to prepare."

"Okay, I'll give you a joss stick time." Cheng Feng nodded.

Then Li Shiji heard the words and looked at Cheng Feng with a complex look.

Immediately closed his eyes, sit cross-legged to adjust the state.

As for the audience, they whispered.

"Fuck, Cheng Feng actually gave Li Shiji a rest time for Huoxiang."

"Isn't he afraid of Li Shiji's well-adjusted condition, suddenly turning over?"

"This is self-confidence, a strong confidence in your own strength!"

"Cheng Feng believes that even if Li Shiji adjusts his state to the peak, he cannot be his opponent!"

At the same time, Leng Cangyu's three turrets peaked, but they saw some clues.

"Cheng Feng seems to be deliberately keeping his hand."

Leng Cangyu said, "Did he want to give Li Shiji an opportunity to rebuild confidence?"

"It's very possible."

Brother Yu nodded: "Otherwise, Cheng Feng could end the battle early, and Li Shiji would not be able to return to heaven!"

"It is rumored that Li Shiji has targeted Cheng Feng several times before."

Chen Xuanbei was puzzled: "Li Shiji's will to martial arts collapsed, it seems that it was the result of the two fighting.

"Since Cheng Feng and Li Shiji are so misaligned, why should he help Li Shiji?"

"It should be a kind thought."

Brother Yu whispered: "Cheng Feng looks indifferent, but in fact, he is a pure and kind person."

"I sincerely hope that he can keep this kindness!"

It was when the three brothers talked.

On the battlefield, there were some changes in Li Shiji's body.

I saw that Li Shiji's face was losing weight at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

The essence of flesh and blood on his body seemed to be being devoured by an invisible monster.

In the blink of an eye, the whole person lost weight a lot.

The sackcloth worn on the seat seemed empty, as if hung on a bamboo pole.

At the same time, a dangerous smell suddenly rose from Li Shiji's body.

Like a giant blade, it is necessary to cut the whole world alive!

"this is……"

Seeing this, countless audiences were shocked.

But he didn't understand what happened to Li Shiji.

Only the core members of the Li family saw some clues, and their faces changed drastically.

"Swallowing Dafa, Shiji is actually casting Swallow Dafa!"

Mrs. Li's face gloomed down: "This devouring Dafa is the taboo martial art of my Li family, and it has been stored at the top of the 'Wu Ge'."

"No one is allowed to practice without permission. How did Shiji get the secret of swallowing Dafa?"

"Grandpa, this may be my negligence."

Li Renxiong's face also changed: "About a month ago, Shiji wanted to go to the top of Wuge and look at the family martial arts."

"At that time, Shiji was at the lowest point of his life, and even thought of resignation."

"In order to divert Shiji's attention, I gave him the key to the top floor of Wuge."

Li Renxiong said: "Perhaps Swallowing Dafa was obtained by Shiji at that time."

"Stupid, really stupid!"

Mrs. Li said, "Swallowing Dafa is a martial art that is biased toward evil skills. Once practiced, it will continue to devour the essence of the practitioner.

"Especially in combat, although it will forcibly improve the combat power of practitioners."

"But it will consume vitality a hundred times faster."

Mrs. Li said in a deep voice: "Perhaps a battle will come to an end!"

"Grandpa, in fact, devouring Dafa is not as serious as you say."

After a moment's groaning, Li Renxiong whispered: "In fact, when the child had practiced Dafa Devourer."

"The intention is to use the power of this increase to defeat the only knife."

"In that battle, I fought for two days and two nights with the sword, and I only consumed the source of my life severely and did not kill me."

Li Renxiong said ruthlessly: "Shiji may be able to defeat Cheng Feng's small beast by relying on Dafa devouring magic."

"Then it broke down and returned to its peak!"

"You ... hmm!"

Hearing Li Renxiong's remarks, the old lady Li sighed and stopped saying more.

On the battlefield, Li Shiji has become thinner.

The cheekbones on the face are raised, the eyes are sunken, and the skin is attached to the skeleton.

But the dangerous atmosphere became more and more intense, like a raging wave and turbulent!

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