Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1067: Li Shiji collapses again

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Chapter 1067 Li Shiji Breaks Again

"Li Shiji's strength is constantly increasing."

On the battlefield, Cheng Feng looked at Li Shiji and raised his brow slightly: "This must be an augmented martial arts technique, which can quickly increase the strength of the warrior by a large margin."

"However, no matter how you improve your strength, you cannot be my opponent!"

Just as Cheng Feng whispered, Li Shiji's breath grew to its peak.

Even the Zulong-level warrior has to go several grades.

Especially when Li Shiji opened his eyes and stood up.

An eye-catching edge suddenly spread to the Quartet.

"So strong, Li Shiji has become so strong!"

"I'm afraid it will be easy to kill Zulong-level warriors."

"If he cooperates with the eight-pin sword and martial arts spirit and displays the Li family's regretful sword technique, how strong will it be?"

When they saw Li Shiji, who was soaring, everyone moved.

As for Li Shiji, his eyes were deeply sunken, staring at Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, take my last move!"

"Sorry for the sword, shake the world!"

The words didn't fall, Li Shiji grabbed the silver long knife and slashed sharply towards Cheng Feng.

The sword used by Li Shiji is the sixth form of regretful sword.

This style is rumored to have the power to shake the world.

As Li Shiji showed up, hum ~~~

A sword-mangling that could shake the world, Huo Ran gushed out of the long silver knife in Li Shiji's hands.

Let the big Mo city shake violently for it.

Seems to be split by this knife!

Even more, the dark clouds in the sky spontaneously spread out, forming a long and narrow gap.

Make your scalp numb and creepy!

"Actually ... such an overbearing swordman!"

"Such knife skills, can Cheng Feng stop him?"

At this moment, the crowd began to worry about Cheng Feng for an unprecedented time.

It actually gave birth to a feeling that Cheng Feng was about to be overturned by Li Shiji!

On the battlefield, Cheng Feng's expression calmed.

"Have you been desperate?"

Cheng Feng looked at the horrified sword, and whispered, "But ... it doesn't work."

"Let's end this battle here!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng grabbed the Devil Sword, and utterly cut off the Emperor Cang Sword ‘Canglong by Moon’!

Roar! !!

As Cheng Feng cut it off with a slash, a sword dragon consisting of tens of thousands of sword lights slashed to Li Shiji.

Rumbling ~~~

When the dragon and Li Shiji cut off the terrifying swordmang, they fought in the void.

The terrible explosion rang immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the horrible sword force swept open, but it penetrated the old man's sword to protect Mocheng.

A large area of ​​high-rise buildings was instantly cut into fly ash.

In the sky, because there was no defense of the sword, a lot of sword strength was released.

Directly shatter the large sky and cut it into pieces.

Even some closer observers were almost wiped out, causing casualties!

However, everyone ignored them.

Instead, staring at each other, they looked at the center of the battlefield.

"Who won? Who won this battle?"

Everyone stared at the battlefield.

However, due to flying sand and stones on the battlefield, which blocked the view, most people could not see clearly.

Only some warriors who have practiced pupil technique can vaguely see a general idea.


A pupil master sighed after seeing the results clearly.

"Failed? Who failed?"

Many people questioned when they heard that the master of pupil surgery was headless.

However, it did not wait for the expert pupil to answer.


On the battlefield, a sword swept across, sweeping away the dust of the sky.

Immediately, the picture on the battlefield was clearly presented in front of everyone.

I saw that in the middle of the battlefield, a young man in black stood with a knife and his face was full of joy and grief.

And another young man in sackcloth is full of anger and unwillingness in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the whole man fell to the ground under a strong chop.

Before his body touched the ground, the look in his eyes dimmed and turned into a gloom!

This young man is indeed Li Shiji!

"Failed, Li Shiji was defeated!"

"I originally thought that Li Shiji used such high-handed sword skills to threaten Cheng Feng one or two."

"It seems that I think too much!"

Everyone shook his head and sighed when he saw Li Shiji on the battlefield.

At the same time, he was also curious about Cheng Feng.

I want to know, where is Cheng Feng's limit.

However, before everyone wanted to understand this, the battlefield changed.

I saw, east of the battlefield.

The master of the Li family saw Li Shiji defeated by Cheng Feng and fell to the ground, his face changed dramatically.

Especially Li Renxiong.

The moment he was defeated by Li Shiji, the divine power in his body was rolling and gushing, and two divine hands were condensed.

One went to pick up Li Shiji, and the other shot to Cheng Feng with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Obviously I want to kill the killer severely, and killed Cheng Feng!

"Li Renxiong, you jerk!"

On the west side of the battlefield, Leng Cangyu and the three men had long been embankment for the masters of the Li family.

Therefore, when Li Renxiong fought against Cheng Feng, Leng Cangyu slashed and slashed at Li Renxiong.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also felt a sense of crisis in advance.

Without saying a word, the magical step backwards retreated.

Before being captured by Li Renxiong's powerful hands, he withdrew from the battlefield and entered the area covered by Leng Cangyu's three sword towers, Feng Su and the old sword.

As a result, Li Renxiong's sneak attack failed.


At this time, Leng Cangyu's sword arrived.

The divine hand that Li Renxiong hit was instantly shattered.

"Huh!" The sneak attack failed, and Li Renxiong snorted coldly.

Immediately ignore Cheng Feng, and look to Li Shiji.

I saw Li Shiji at this time, his face was as thin as a wood, his eyes were deeply sunken.

Although the eyeballs are still turning, they are out of focus.

Obviously, the soul has been severely damaged, and the martial arts will not only temporarily collapsed with the ‘pseudo-patent '.

Even the whole person was in a state of confusion, without the slightest glory.

"Kier, Kier?"

Looking at Li Shiji, Li Renxiong looked sad.

He yelled at Li Shiji, but Li Shiji didn't react at all, as if he didn't hear it.

"Renxiong, Shiji ..."

At this time, three old Li Jiasu, Mrs. Li, came closer.

When they saw what Li Shiji looked like, they all sighed.

I feel that Li Shiji is afraid that he has not been saved.

"Kier, Kier!"

Li Renxiong hugged Li Shiji, and tears flowed from his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, tears turned into a strong hatred. Turning his head, he stared at Cheng Feng: "Cheng Feng! It's all because of your little beast that has caused my family to become so!

"If the old man doesn't break your body into pieces, he will not swear!"

At this point, Li Renxiong's eyes swept all the experts of the Li family in the audience: "The scene just now, everyone must have seen it."

"I don't want to say too much, as long as I still belong to the Li family, or I will also be my friend."

"Let's help Li and win Cheng Feng's little beast!"

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