Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1176: Commitment of the year

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Chapter 1176 The Commitment Of The Year

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Eyeed by Mr. Dan's hot eyes, Cheng Feng felt a hair in his heart.

"Cough ~~~"

Mr. Dan coughed a few words: "Cheng Feng, can you help me get some more Emperor's Origins?"

"Get more Emperor's Origins?"

Cheng Feng's face was bitter: "Sir, I'm afraid it's not easy."

"You saw it just now, the newborn Emperor Fireman is a big ghost, but it's not an easy guy to fool."

"Well, I understand that."

Mr. Dan laughed: "So, I want to ask you for help!"

"Be assured, my husband, I won't take the Emperor's origin in vain."

"Every time I take a copy of Emperor Fire, I will have eight different fires above the middle level."

"This ... well."

It was actually thanks to Mr. Dan that he could get Emperor Firestone.

Therefore, Cheng Feng groaned slightly and agreed with a bitter smile.

"Cheng Feng, get here today."

After receiving Cheng Feng's reply, Mr. Dan smiled with a smile on his face: "I'll come to you after I get enough strange fire."

"That line."

Cheng Feng nodded: "As soon as I was free, I tried to coax the new emperor fire, and got a few sources of emperor fire in advance."

"In this way, you can immediately get the source of Emperor Fire after you come."


In a conversation, the two walked out of Fu Longding.

Immediately Cheng Feng saw that his bedroom had been burned to fly ash.

This is obviously due to the slight fire waves that the new emperor fire scattered when Cheng Feng took out the emperor flint.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng timely sent Emperor Flint into Fulongding.

It stopped the fire and burned down the bedroom.

But even so, it also shocked all Cheng family members.

At this moment, people were standing outside the burned-out bedroom, all looking at Fu Longding with a worried look.

When Cheng Feng and Mr. Dan came out of Fulongding, they immediately surrounded them.

"Cheng Feng, are you all right?"

Tai Long rushed to Cheng Feng and whispered.

"It's all right."

Cheng Feng apologized: "I just made a different fire just now, and didn't control the fire ... let everyone worry."

After listening to Cheng Feng's explanation, everyone was relieved.

"By the way, Cheng Feng, when you talk to Mr. Dan, someone comes to you."

Seeing that Cheng Feng was all right, Tailong suddenly said.

"Is someone looking for me? Do you know who it is?"

"Looks like Yaowang Pavilion."

Tyrone said, raising his hand and saying, "Well, that man is over there."

Cheng Feng looked in the direction of Tailong's fingers and saw a middle-aged man standing behind the crowd.

Seeing Cheng Feng at this moment, he smiled and nodded to Cheng Feng.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, I'm a deacon of Yaowangge."

The middle-aged humane said: "I am here to follow the order of the Laoge Lord and come to bring a message to the son of Feng Feng."

"With a word?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"The old man asked me to ask son Cheng Feng on his behalf. Has the son forgot the promise of that year?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng immediately understood the intention of the other party.

About a year ago, Cheng Feng passed by Bingzhou City and just ran into the Yuwen family to propose to Qingyuan, the granddaughter of Yaowangge.

That Yueqingying is a body that is born with Taiyin, and its lifeline is blocked by Taiyin.

If a man without a natural masculinity would break through the blocked lifeline with a masculine spirit, he would not live to be eighteen years old.

But all over the world, only the Yuwen Chaotian of the Yuwen family has a natural masculinity.

As a result, the Yuwen family used this as a bargaining chip to propose to Yuwen Chaotian.

However, Yuwen Chaotian and Yue Qingying have no emotional basis at all.

Even Yuwen Chaotian already had a real wife that Ming Media was marrying and marrying Yueqing Ying just to use Yueqing Ying as an introduction and annex the entire Yaowang Pavilion.

Encountered such a disgusting thing, Cheng Feng directly hesitated to the marriage contract without hesitation.

Because after Cheng Feng practiced the Purple Thunder Refining Technique, a natural masculinity can also be produced in the body.

In particular, the practice of purifying the purple Thunder to the seventh level of perfection is no less than Yuwen Chaotian's natural masculinity.

But at that time Cheng Feng had not yet cultivated the Zilei Refining Technique to the seventh floor, so he promised that within one or two years, the Zilei Refining Technique would be completed.

Then went to Yaowang Pavilion to cure Yue Qingying's ills!

It may be that the old king of Yaowang Pavilion was afraid that Cheng Feng would forget his promise, so he sent someone to explore the tone.

"Rest assured, I promise Cheng Feng will never forget."

Cheng Feng looked at the middle-aged man, calmly.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, really is an honest man."

The middle-aged man's face showed a happy expression: "I don't know when the son has time, can I go to my Yaowang Pavilion to tell me?"

"Lao Gezhu and Miss Qingying are quite worried about the son."

"Let's do this, please wait a moment for me."

Cheng Feng groaned and said, "After I prepare a little, I will go to Yaowang Pavilion with you."

"OK." The middle-aged man nodded.

As for Cheng Feng, he turned to look at Mr. Dan.

"Sir, you next ..."

"I'm going to Qihe."

Mr. Dan said, "The old guys at Qihe seem to have some strange fires that I can't use. I can just collect them."

"By the way, do you lack weapons?"

"If it's missing, I'll help you get a few pieces from the old guy in Qihe."

"A weapon?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "There is no shortage."

Cheng Feng really has no shortage of weapons to use, assault weapons have devil swords, defensive weapons have war armor, acceleration weapons have blast boots.

Of these, only the Slayer may need some help.

It's just that the origin of the Devil Sword is special, and it has a self-healing function.

Therefore, Cheng Feng groaned a little and gave up his plan to send him to Qihe.

Maybe the self-healing of the Devil Sword is better than the repair of Qihe's predecessor.

However, this requires Cheng Feng to get enough top-level weapons to devour the sword.

"Since you don't lack weapons, I won't squeeze the old guys in Qihe."

Hearing what Cheng Feng said, Mr. Dan laughed.

However, Mr. Dan's voice had just fallen, and a loud voice blew loudly in his ear.

"Mr. Dan, Cheng Feng has no shortage of weapons. I lack them."

The voice came from Tailong: "Can you do me a favor, please Qihe's seniors help me forge a weapon at hand?"

Tyrone stared at Mr. Dan with a look of anticipation: "I have my own materials, and I only ask Qihe's predecessors to take action"

Speaking, Tyrone took out a huge axe and a giant sword nearly five meters long.


Mr. Dan froze for a moment and then smiled: "Look at Cheng Feng's face, OK."

"You'll follow me to Qihe later, and keep it to make a weapon for you."

"Mr. Dan, I want it too."

Seeing this, Wang Wanben also chimed in.

"Let's go together."

Mr. Dan waved his hand: "Since you want to trouble the old guy in the river, it will be more troublesome for a while."

"Thank you, Mr." Wang Wanben exulted.

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