Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1177: Yue Qingying

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Chapter 1177 Yueqing Ying

Mr. Dan is very straightforward.

After having made the decision, immediately take Tailong and Wang Wanben to fly to Qilong College Yuanqihe.

After Mr. Dan left, Cheng Feng looked at Cheng Wutian.

"Grandpa, I'll go out later."

Cheng Feng said: "The return time is uncertain, if there is something important, go directly to Longcheng Yaowang Pavilion to find me."

Cheng Wutian nodded and urged: "Be careful when you go out. I heard that it's been very unsettled recently."

"I know." Cheng Feng agreed with a smile.

Then he swept away the deacon of Yaowangge, preparing to go to Yaowangge.

"Cheng Feng, I'll go too."

Just then, Long Aotian suddenly came together.

"I'm going to Yaowangge, what are you going to do?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "You still stay here and refine Longyuan."

"It's boring to stay here alone."

Long Aotian said: "Also, refining Longyuan can be anytime, anywhere, just to go to Longcheng."

"Did you go to Longcheng for another purpose?"

Cheng Feng is somewhat skeptical: "I look at you recently, it seems a bit wrong."


Long Aotian vetoed: "I just followed you to visit Longcheng and see the local customs."

However, Long Aotian's denial made Cheng Feng more skeptical.

Because this is not Long Aotian's style. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Maybe Long Aotian has a problem.

"Long Aotian, you can go with me."

Cheng Feng knocked out: "After you don't pass, you mustn't come along. All actions are subject to command."

"Know, know."

Long Aotian swayed his claws and said with a grin: "Let's go, the same as the old lady."

"If it weren't for you, you wouldn't worry, would I be so embarrassed?"

Cheng Feng's face turned black and gave Long Aotian a severe look.

Then led by the middle-aged man, he flew to Longcheng Yaowang Pavilion.

Located in the center of Longcheng, Yaowang Pavilion covers an area of ​​thousands of acres and has thousands of disciples. It is a second-class gate.

When Cheng Feng and Long Aotian, led by the middle-aged deacon, arrived at the center of Longcheng.

After a long time, they smelled a refreshing medicine.

"Scent of medicine?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Presumably Yaowang Pavilion is coming."

"My son is right."

The middle-aged deacon said: "The attic in front is the headquarters of my Yaowang Pavilion."

Cheng Feng looked up and found that there really was an antique loft in front of him.

This attic has about five floors and is built in layers, giving it a unique flavor.

On the highest level of the attic, there is a huge plaque.

On the plaque, the three hot stamping characters of Yaowang Pavilion are dazzling.

Soon, Cheng Feng and they came to Yaowang Pavilion.

However, Cheng Feng found an abnormal situation. The medicine king's court was empty, not even a guest.

"What's the situation?" Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

The majestic medicine king's pavilion is a second-class Dan Daozong gate, and a large number of warriors come to buy medicine.

There is not a single guest today, which is a bit abnormal.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, that's it."

The middle-aged deacon laughed: "The old man heard that Cheng Gongzi was coming, so he directly announced that he would be closed for three days and would entertain you exclusively."

Speaking, in the cabinet of Yaowang Pavilion, a white-haired old man strode forward.

Seeing Cheng Feng from a distance, he laughed and said, "Cheng Feng, you kid are here."

"My husband, I have been waiting for you for so long!"

"Grandpa Le, I have kept you waiting."

Seeing the white-haired old man, Cheng Feng immediately bowed to salute.

This is because the comer is the master of the Medicine King Pavilion, Le Canghai.

"Old man, I have nothing to wait for. The key is my family's surplus."

Le Canghai came to Cheng Feng and smiled and cursed, "Since your boy left, that girl has been waiting for you for nearly a year."

"If you don't give her an explanation this time, my husband will not agree."

"Le Grandpa can rest assured."

Cheng Feng laughed: "Although I haven't refined the Purple Thunder to perfection, the masculinity in my body has been strong several times."

"It should be enough to completely clear the Yin Yin from Qingying Girl."

At this point, Cheng Feng turned his voice and asked, "Yes, how is Qingying girl?"

"Yingying is doing fine."

Le Cang said: "Since you have crossed into some masculine spirits, Yingying is still very sleepy and tired."

"But it's much better than before."

"It would be better if the root cause could be removed directly."

Said, Le Canghai waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go in and talk."

"It happens to be Yingying, you young people tell the old together."

Under the leadership of Le Canghai, the three Cheng Feng entered Yaowang Pavilion.

When he arrived in a small and exquisite courtyard, an enticing scent of wine and food poured into his nose.

Cheng Feng looked up and saw that on the west side of the courtyard, a table of delicious dishes had been set.

At the table, there is a shadow of a shadow, finishing work.

This Qian Ying, wearing a goose-yellow dress, is of slender figure, and has a quiet temperament, which gives people a sense of beauty.

When he heard the sound of footsteps, he turned to look at it, and a beautiful face immediately reflected into Cheng Feng's eyes.

This face may not have the exquisiteness of Fang Fenfei, the beauty of Gu Qingcheng, or the charming fox of business shirts ... but it is very beautiful.

When people are silent, their hearts will calm down and a warm feeling will be produced.

It is Yue Qingying who is suffering from chronic illness.

"Mr. Cheng Feng ... you are here."

Seeing Cheng Feng, Yue Qingying's eyes flashed with joy, whispered softly.

"Ahem ~~"

After hearing Yue Qingying's words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized that he was staring at Yue Qingying for a while.

Can't help but cough awkwardly: "Girl Qingying, long time no see."

"I haven't seen it in days."

Yueqing Ying nodded: "Calculate carefully, almost a year, right?"

"Oh, yes!"

I do n’t know what happened. When facing Yueqing Ying, Cheng Feng was actually a little nervous.

After saying a sentence, I didn't know how to answer.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing? Why is your brain suddenly short-circuited?"

Long Aotian leaned his head out of Cheng Feng's sleeve, his eyes flickered and said, "Wouldn't it be that you have some feeling about that sick girl?"

"It is rumored that when you humans meet someone you like, you will be at a loss, and your head will become cyanotic."

"And your symptoms are very similar to rumors."

"Get out, don't talk nonsense!"

Cheng Feng scolded Long Aotian, but involuntarily had some strange thoughts in his heart.

Regarding Yue Qingying, Cheng Feng actually has some good feelings.

Because Yueqingying may not be as beautiful as Fen Fei, Gu Qingcheng, Yulinglong ...

But her tenderness, kindness, purity ... but more charm.

At least in Cheng Feng's eyes, Yueqing Ying was no worse than Fang Fenfei, or even better.

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