Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1301: Invincible

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Chapter 1301 The Blade Is Invincible

"Elder, since you can still carry it, quickly send a message to the blood god."

Tiemu Chaoge said in a deep voice: "Tell the Blood Demon Elder that Cheng Feng has returned to Qianlong County and has entered the base camp of my Tiemu family.

"Let him immediately organize all the masters of the Blood Gods to attack the righteous camp."

"In particular, the masters of Qianlong College should be attracted as much as possible."

Tiemu Chaoge said: "Only in this way can we preserve the results of 'that thing' to the greatest extent possible."

"Thus, let the blood gods take advantage in the 'final game'!"

"Homeowner, I'm afraid it's too late."

Tie Muhuang coughed up his blood and said: "Cheng Feng fought fiercely with his ancestors, and the outside world must have noticed abnormal conditions.

"One of the Qianlong Colleges has a special person staring at us."

"At this moment, maybe the clues have been found and the Qianlong Academy has been notified."

"We don't expect the moment when the strong blood gods come to help."

"Hey, wait for it!"

However, Tiemu Chaoge sneered: "I have just opened the world of Shenmu, so that the roots of the **** tree are covered with this dead wood."

"The aftermath of the battle between the ancestors and Cheng Feng cannot be leaked out at all."

"Further, even if Cheng Feng defeated his ancestors, we still have the Ironwood God Tree."

"Big deal, let the real **** tree out of the world of **** trees."

Tiemu Chaoge ruthlessly said: "By then, even if Cheng Feng has ten lives, he will certainly die!"

Boom boom boom ~~~

It was during the dialogue between Tiemu Chaoge and Tiemu Huang.

On the battlefield, Tiemu Invincible was wrapped in the sky's thunder and fist and bombarded wildly.

After all the boxing powers dissipated, Tiemu Invincible was beaten with a shawl, his eyes were dull and his face was yellow!

The whole person fell down from the void and smashed into the tree of the Ironwood God Tree, extremely embarrassed.

This scene directly chills all the warriors of the Ironwood family.

"Are you defeated? The ancestor was defeated?"

"You know, the ancestor is the third strongest person to climb to the sky."

"Fourth from that ascent, just one step behind."

"This practice is not even Cheng Feng's opponent?"

Alas, at this moment, all the warriors of the Ironwood clan are alive!

When she was awake, she sweated through her clothes.

Even the iron and wood invincible who climbed to the third limit of the sky are not Cheng Feng's opponents. Then, how can they have a way of life?

But at this moment, hum ~~~

The ironwood invincible that fell to the ground and smashed the ironwood **** tree out of a deep pit suddenly burst into a bright light all around.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person took off.

Seeing its might, it seems to be three points stronger than just now!

"Undefeated, haha, the ancestors were not defeated!"

"His old man should have made a small mistake just now, so he was given a slight upper hand by Cheng Feng's little beast."

Seeing Tiemu invincible re-flying, those desperate Tiemu family warriors cheered loudly.

Even Tiemu Chaoge, Changsong breathed.

Then ordered the elder Tie Muhuang to quickly spread the news to the blood god.

As for Tiemu Invincible, after flying back to the battlefield, his eyes shot fiercely, and his warfare boiled.

"Little animal, you almost hurt me."

Temu's invincible voice was cold: "Okay, very good!"

"To reward you, the old man is going to use his real strength to kill you a little bit!"

"Use real strength?"

"So, the ancestors didn't use all their energy just now!"

"Haha, this ancestor is serious, and he will definitely kill Cheng Feng alive!"

Hearing the invincible words of Tiemu, the warriors of the Tiemu family all rejoiced.

Some martial arts even jumped up and shouted in unison, "Blast Cheng Feng"!

However, on the battlefield.

Cheng Feng did not move.

He looked at the invincible iron and wood invincible, only snoring.

"Old ironwood dog, do you think that only you retain a little strength?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing that Tiemu's invincible and confident complexion could not help but stiffen.

"I mean it very simply, I just warmed up just now."

Cheng Feng calmly said, "Next, I will send you back to the West!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng raised his hands.

After ten dragon powers were poured into the hands, the sixth floor of the Thunder Cannon Boxing, ‘Nine Thunder Boom’, blasted to Tiemu invincibly.

These nine thunders are extremely powerful.

Can condense the power of nine kinds of thunder and launch deadly bombardment on the enemy.

In this move, two or three masters who have reached the sky must flee.

Tiemu was invincible.

But this time, Ironwood was invincible.

In addition, no more hands are left, and full firepower is used.

Actually made a big handprint of the extremely domineering iron dome, bombed all the thunder, all stopped!

"Haha, blocked!"

"Cheng Feng's strongest boxing attack failed, and he would never hurt his ancestors."

"This time, see how the little beast bounces!"

Seeing the invincible picture of Tiemu blocking the thunder bomber, all the warriors of the Tiemu family shouted loudly.

Even Tiemu's invincible face showed a proud smile.

However, at this moment, 唰 ~~~

A matchless blade of light suddenly slashed from a distance.

As the knife light crossed the top of the space of the Shenshu, the solid tree body was cut open hundreds of meters.

Even those black filaments could not be filled in time.

And when this knife light, cut the iron handprint of the iron dome invincible invincible.

Stabbing ~~~

The big fingerprint was immediately cut in half by a knife.

Not only that, after cutting the iron dome's fingerprints, Daoguang continued to slash down.

Wait until the blade of light flashes across the invincible shoulders of Temu, 嗤 ~~~

Tiemu's invincible half of his body was chopped down by the sword.


With the invincible iron wood being cut, the scene was deadly silent!

After a full half-minute, a loud noise suddenly sounded.

"Holding grass, Tiemu was invincibly chopped? The whole person was chopped into two pieces?"

The voice came from Long Aotian's mouth, and his eyes almost fell out of shock: "My God, is Lao Tzu's eyes dazzled?"

"You know, Temu is invincible, but it's a third-level extreme master."

"Now, was actually chopped by Cheng Feng?"

At this time, not only Long Aotian was shocked, his head was cyanotic.

Cheng Feng's mother Jiang Xue was equally stunned.

She looked at Cheng Feng, except for surprise and joy in her eyes, she couldn't even say a word.

As for the members of the Ironwood family, they are all dumb.

In particular, those martial artists who just clamored for a while just seemed to be so cold as if they were poured with a bucket of cold water.


Until a scream screamed out from the ironwood invincible mouth that split into two pieces.

All the iron-mu family warriors just reacted.

Then shouted: "Quick, save the ancestors."

"The ancestors are still alive and can be restored as before!"

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