Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1302: Mystery of the Dome

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Chapter 1302 The Mystery of the Earth Dome

The life of the warrior ascending the heavens is surprisingly tough.

People are cut into two pieces and they don't die immediately.

The ironwood invincible was cut by Cheng Feng from the left shoulder with a knife, chopping the whole person in half, but not dead.

In the scream of screaming, he actually used his hands to break his broken body together again.

Subsequently, the rebirth of the severed limb was performed, and a large amount of fresh flesh grew rapidly at the wound that was cut by the knife.

Intended to repair the broken body.

But Temu's invincible injuries were too severe.

In addition, the knife light cut by Cheng Feng carries the annihilation force of the demon sword, preventing the growth of fresh flesh and blood.

On the invincible wound of Tiemu, as soon as fresh flesh came out, it was destroyed by the force of annihilation.

So quickly necrosis and fell off!

This made Temu invincible extremely painful, hissing and screaming.

However, the members of the Tiemu family heard the screams and screamed in their mouths to save Tiemu invincible.

But there aren't any real actors.

Because after seeing Cheng Feng's power, all the ironwood family warriors were frightened.

We all know that at this time, I ran up to save Tiemu invincible, and there was no way to survive.

Therefore, even if Tiemu is invincibly screaming again and again, but no one comes forward to rescue, it is extremely chilling!

"Good group of cold-blooded selfish people."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and sneered: "Ironwood is invincible, you are really sad!"

The words came to a halt, and within a few miles, Cheng Feng threw the sword in his hand.

唰 ~~~

A knife light, once again chopped off to Temu invincible.

This time, Dao Guang aimed at Temu's invincible head.

After the sword passed, Tiemu's invincible head was chopped directly, and there was no way out.

"It fell, the ancestors fell completely now!"

"Damn it, **** it!"

"Without the protection of our ancestors, what shall we do?"

The head is the key organ that controls life and death.

Once a person's head is cut off, even the ascendants of the heavens must die.

Unless Xiuwei surpassed the ascension of heaven and reached the realm of creation.

At that time, even if there is only one drop of blood left, it will be able to grow and grow with this blood, and eventually be resurrected.

This method is called 'Blood Rebirth'!

A drop of blood is a life.

However, such methods are obviously not available.

With his head slashed by Cheng Feng, he must die.

However, the members of the Tiemu family did not show much sorrow for the invincible death of Tiemu.

Just panicing about his fate.

Cold blood and selfishness can be seen!

"It's a bunch of cold-blooded beasts."

A glance at the warriors of the Tiemu family, Cheng Feng's killing intent is stronger: "You live in the world, it is an insult to 'people'."

"I'll send you now, all to hell!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's sword in his hand had been raised.

The hob light flickered, and he had to be chopped off to Tiemu Chaoge and others.

But at this moment, the Tiemu Chaoge burst into tears.

"Cheng Feng, Xiu's going crazy!"

"My homeowner lets you see and see, my ironwood family's real means!"

With the loud drinking of Tiemu Chaoge, hum ~~~

In the center of the giant tree space, a crack suddenly appeared.

Then a full of anger burst out from the crack.

Like a large lush jungle, people take a sip, and feel that the entire lungs have been washed again, and they are transparent.

Meanwhile, 唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Massive black filaments gushed out of the crack.

It then rapidly expanded and spread.

It seemed like a black wave, which filled the space of giant tree in an instant.

In particular, the black wave spread to the place where the invincible Iron Wood died, and drowned it.

Bring it, and the head that was chopped!

"What it is?"

Seeing the sudden emergence of black filaments, Long Aotian was numb with scalp: "It looks like human hair, but this is too much, right?"

"That's not hair, but ... the beard!"

When Jiang Xue appeared in the black filament, his face changed suddenly, and he was shocked and said, "This is a dead branch of the heavenly **** tree. The roots that grow out of the dead wood!

"What, the beard of the sky?"

Long Aotian's eyes glared, full of shock: "On the earth dome, how can there be a heavenly tree?"

"Also, is it sprouting?"

Sky **** tree, this is the rumored peerless fetish.

It is said that many years ago, it disappeared with the collapse of the 'Sky'.

"There is a sacred tree on the continent, which is normal."

However, Jiang Xue said surprisingly: "Because the‘ ground dome ’is actually a small piece of the collapsed‘ sky ’!”

"The earth dome ... the earth dome ..."

Upon hearing this, Long Aotian flashed a light in his mind: "So it is, so it is!"

"No wonder the small dome continent, the poor mountains and bad waters, has attracted so many big people to watch."

"That's the reason!"

At this moment, Long Aotian thoroughly understood the reason why the earth is so lively.

At the same time, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

"It turned out that the continent was part of the collapsed" Sky "?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "It is no wonder that countless superpowers are staring at this place. In order to win the" fruit "bred by the earth dome continent, they plan for tens of thousands of years."

"Even waged a war and caused charcoal to be painted!"

"Cheng Feng, the secret of the dome continent, doesn't stop there."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "After your practice reaches a certain height, you will fully understand."

"The word dome, the real meaning!"

"As of now, you are ready to deal with the current threat!"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng's gaze was looking at the black root system that had been filled with almost the entire giant tree space.

"Uncle Nalan, are these roots the roots of the Ironwood God Tree?"

It is said that the ironwood **** tree of the ironwood family is a dead branch of the sky **** tree.

Before that, Cheng Feng saw the huge tree body of the iron tree **** tree.

At this moment, I saw the developed root system of the Tiemu Shenshu.

"Cheng Feng, these black roots must have come from the Ironwood God Tree."

However, Nalan Changsheng said, "However, this ironwood **** tree is not the` `ironwood **** tree '' you saw before."

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Feng was puzzled: "Are there two trees of the Timber Tree?"

"No, there is only one ironwood **** tree."

Nalan Changsheng said: "It is these black roots."

"As for the" Iron God Tree "you saw before, it is just a fake made by the Iron Tree family to hide the real Iron Tree God Tree."

"What? Fake?"

Cheng Feng's eyes glared: "You mean, the" Iron God Tree "I'm stepping on is not the true Iron Tree God Tree?

"But a ... fake?"

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