Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1303: Shenmu World

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Chapter 1303: The Shenmu World


Nalan nodded his head: "This tree should be a black iron tree that has received some nutrients from the sky."

"Under the nourishment of the sky, the tree grows stronger and harder as it grows."

"So he was transplanted by the Ironwood family and planted in his own family."

Nalan's longevity speculates: "The purpose should be to cover up the true ironwood **** tree."

"Actually ... is that so?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was a little bit dry: "Uncle Nalan, if your inference is correct, then the problem will be serious."

"A black iron tree that absorbed some nutrients from the sky **** tree was so strong."

"How strong will the ironwood **** tree that grows from the dead branches of the heavenly **** tree be?"

Cheng Feng speculated: "I'm afraid that stealing the heaven and earth dragon spirit from the bottom of Qianlong County, and the super thief who stole the true dragon origin from under the Qianlong Academy Mountain, is this true iron wood **** tree!"

"It's no wonder that Tiemu Chaoge has dared to continue jumping at this moment!"

At this time, the black roots of the sky have flooded the entire giant tree space.

These black roots seem to have wisdom.

After spreading, they bypassed Tiemu Chaoge and others directly, and went straight to Cheng Feng and Long Aotian, rolling over.

Like the turbulent black ocean, Cheng Feng and the three of them should be completely submerged.

"Long Aotian, pay attention to protect my mother!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shouted.

Immediately the dragon's power in the body evoked, and the slashing sword in his hand was thrown.

噌 噌 噌 ~~~

A large number of black root whiskers were chopped, and the black wave was cut with a long and narrow knife mark.

However, the black roots have too many and dense roots.

Cheng Fenggang slashed large black root whiskers, and more black roots surged up again.

Fill that long and narrow knife mark quickly!

"Hahaha ~~~"

At this time, the iron wood laughed wildly: "Cheng Feng, your end is here."

"Under the ironwood **** tree of my ironwood family, you have no way to live!"

"That is, the root system of the ironwood **** tree is super developed."

Tiemu Huang echoed: "Deeply thousands of miles underground, nearly covering the entire Qianlong County."

"If it wasn't for the suppression of the Shenmu world, it would be a breeze throughout the feathered gods!"

"Cheng Feng was born, you are waiting to die!"

The ironwood **** tree of the ironwood family is not in the earth dome continent, but is located in a special small space.

This small space is called Shenmu World.

It is the ironwood family, specially prepared for the ironwood **** tree.

At this moment, the ironwood **** tree extends only a small part of the root system from the world of Shenmu.

But even so, it is terrifying, giving a taste that can drown the entire world!

However, Cheng Feng didn't have the slightest fear.

I saw his brow froze, and suddenly the sword in his hand was waving at high speed.

咻咻 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Suddenly, a blast of knife gas shot from the Devil Sword.

Together, they formed a large net of knife air, and the black roots that were rushing to the ground were cut off.

Suddenly, a large amount of black root whiskers were broken up, leaving Cheng Feng's area blank.

"Little beasts, the roots of the **** tree are endless, and your dragon power is very limited."

Tiemu Chaoge didn't care, and sneered, "When your dragon power is exhausted, it's your death."

"Also, you have the ability to protect yourself, but anyone else, hehe ..."

The others mentioned in Tiemu Chaoge's mouth are obviously Long Aotian and Jiang Xue.

Under the sweep of the ironwood **** tree roots, Jiang Xue and Long Aotian hide in Tibet.

After a while, he was blocked in the corner of the space of God Tree by the roots of the sky.

And Jiang Xue shed the spirit body, now it is just a mortal, there is no power to protect himself.

As for Long Aotian, although physical trauma recovered a little.

But in terms of combat power, it is still far behind.

Fortunately, Long Aotian is also proficient in array formation.

Thanks to the power of the formation method, it was barely able to sweep the roots of the Ironwood God tree and blocked it for several meters.

However, this is not a long-term solution.

Because the roots of the ironwood **** tree are endless, wave after wave.

And over time, it continues to strengthen.

Even if Long Aotian's method of formation is superb, he cannot persist for too long.

A few miles away, Cheng Feng also found the situation on Long Aotian's side.

"It seems that I need to use real means to chop the black iron tree and send my mother and Long Aotian out."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng issued more than a dozen knives, and the roots of the sacred tree that came again will be chopped.

Then, the first Canglong of the Emperor Cang Sword was cut out month by month.

Emperor Cang Sword technique, very powerful.

Cheng Feng's use of this trick at the real dragon level can threaten half-step masters of heaven.

Now Cheng Feng's repair reaches the peak of the broken realm, and the length of Longli is 64,000 kilometers.

At this time, this style is performed again. Suddenly, Leng Chan's sword light suddenly condenses into a giant sword light dragon.


Waiting until the sky was up, all the roots of the **** tree blocking the way were chopped into powder.

And when this sword light Canglong hit the side wall of the black iron tree.

Even if the inside and outside of the tree wall were covered with dense roots and beards of the **** tree, they were chopped apart.

In a moonlight, Huo Ran shone in from outside the tree wall.

"Long Aotian, speed takes my mother out of here."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shouted.

At the same time, the second style of Emperor Cangshu was chopped off the cracked tree wall again.

The crack in the tree wall should be cut to make it bigger for Long Aotian to fly away.

"Damn, Cheng Feng's strength as a beast is so horrible."

At the same time, Tiemu Chaoge's face changed drastically: "One sword not only cuts a lot of the roots of the **** tree, but also cuts the black iron tree!"

"It's more than twice as powerful as before."

"Homeowner, this is probably Cheng Feng's real strength."

Tie Muhuang's face paled and said, "Only the slight power of the Shenshu from the Shenmu world, I'm afraid it's not an opponent!"

"What a little beast!"

Tiemu twitched at the corner of Song's mouth, and then said ruthlessly, "Since this is the case, I will open the Shenmu world a little bit more."

"At the same time, I will cooperate again, and I will definitely send this little beast into hell!"

While talking, Tiemu Zhaogong's divine power was triggered.

Dede shows a esoteric handprint, hum ~~~

At the center of the black iron tree, the gap in Shenmu Space suddenly increased by two or three times.

Following this, more ironwood **** tree roots and whiskers spread out from the Shenmu space.

It was also mixed with a thick root of a human beard, a steel cord, and indestructible.

When these roots spread completely, they quickly flew towards the cracks in the tree wall cut by Cheng Feng.

Fill the crack quickly.

At this time, Long Aotian took Jiang Xue and was just about to fly away from the giant tree space.

Seeing this, you can only return again.

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