Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1306: Contrary to common sense

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Chapter 1306 Things That Violate Common Sense

Inside the black iron tree, with the clamor of the iron wood Chaoge.


The rift in the Shenmu world is getting bigger and bigger.

Immediately afterwards, a root-beard branch that was tens of meters thick and did not know how long it was, protruded from the rift in the Shenmu world.

And longer and longer, thicker and thicker, as if never ending.

Not only that, the second, the third, the fourth ... The roots and branches of the ironwood **** tree stick out from the world of Shenmu.

Then along the black iron tree wall, they approached Cheng Feng and the three.

Like dozens of super pythons, it is necessary to roll Cheng Feng together and hang them alive!

"Cheng Feng, the big secret hidden behind the Tiemu family, is finally about to surface."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "But this secret seems to be a little bigger than imagined."

"You'd better send your mother and Long Aotian away before accidents happen."

The secret hidden behind the Ironwood family is now very obvious.

The blood gods are stealing the spirit of the dragon veins at the bottom of Qianlong County, and the true dragon origin of Qianlong Academy.

Combine the spirits of a lot of innocent creatures and the spirit of the earth to cultivate the source of life.

However, its purpose of cultivating the origin of life is still hidden under water.

Cheng Feng's preliminary estimate is to promote the cultivation of blood gods.

Whether this is the case requires further confirmation.

And to make the final confirmation, there must be a fierce battle.

With Cheng Feng's full firepower, there is no problem.

However, Long Aotian and Jiang Xue must leave immediately, otherwise, there will be huge life danger.

Regarding the current situation, Cheng Feng knew clearly.

So when Nalan Changsheng reminded, Cheng Feng turned his head and looked at Long Aotian.

"Long Aotian, speed took my mother out of here."

Cheng Feng shouted, and at the same time, the sword in his hand was fiercely cut out.

铿铿 铿 ~~~

Dao Guang chopped down the smashed black iron tree wall, escorting Long Aotian and Jiang Xue.

"Well, Ben wanted to leave early!"

When the smell of the iron wood **** tree came out, Long Aotian already wanted to drive away.

At this time, hearing Cheng Feng's words, he immediately tore his own camouflage and became a ten-meter-long five-claw golden dragon.

Then the dragon claws grabbed Jiang Xue and flew wildly in the direction of Daoguang's slash.

"Hey ~~"

Not far away, the Tiemu Chaoge saw this, and his eyes shot a cold luster: "I want to escape now, don't you think it's too late?"

In the cold voice, Temu made a move towards the singer, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Several iron-tree **** tree roots of several tens of meters were blasted towards Long Aotian who fled.

"Emperor Cangshu, Canglong every month!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes became cold.

Without saying a word, the first style of Emperor Cang Sword was immediately chopped down to the roots of the several ironwood **** trees.


Cheng Feng displayed the Emperor's Cang Sword technique, and even the ascendants of the heavens could easily kill.

However, chopped on the roots of those ironwood **** trees, they were not able to chop them.

The sound of a metal impact was made, and it was only cut open less than half.

However, although the roots were not cut off.

However, under the force of strong slashing, the attempt to sweep the root of the tree over Long Aotian was cut off.

Under this condition, Long Aotian grabbed Jiang Xue and successfully flew away from the black iron tree.

"Hum, can't escape!"

Not far away, Tiemu Chaoge was holding the ticket: "Since I was forced to release the Tiemu God Tree from the Shenmu world completely."

"Then all of you will die!"

The words ended, Boom ~~ Boom ~~ Boom ~~

In the center of the black iron tree, a violent explosion suddenly occurred.

The next moment, the gap in the Shenmu world was expanded several times.

There were more, thicker and longer ironwood **** tree roots and whiskers.

Even because the gap was too large, the entire black iron tree was actually cut off directly.

Rumbling ~~~

The giant tree like that of Heishan collapsed and fell down towards Tiemu Shanzhuang.

Let the ironwood family warriors stay behind in the villa, horrified, and scrambled.

Even if the formation of the black dragon against the scales of the protection of Tiemushanzhuang is triggered to the extreme, it cannot prevent the giant tree from falling.

After the black iron tree was completely crushed, the whole iron wood villa was crushed and broken by the tree body.

Many ironwood family warriors have been pressed into meat pie!

Even the black dragon inverse array that can block the bombardment of the ascendant power is crushed and completely destroyed!

However, regarding the tragic situation of the Tiemu family, that Tiemu Chaoge did not pay attention.

I saw that in the dust of the sky, Tiemu Chaoge stepped on the root of the black tree-like ironwood **** tree.

Stepping out of the cracked black iron tree, it looks like a spirit, like the Supreme Master who controls the world.

As for Cheng Feng, he also flew from the black iron tree.

He glanced at the void and saw that Long Aotian and his mother were safe, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But with his eyes on Tiemu Chaoge, especially when he saw the horror crack that had expanded to several thousand meters and kept expanding.

A face suddenly became dignified.

"The aura of the ironwood **** tree has been strengthened several times."

Cheng Feng frowned: "I'm afraid this tree is about to be drilled out of the so-called Shenmu world?"

"Cheng Feng, far from it."

However, Nalan Changsheng said, "I estimate that at most one-tenth of the Ironwood God Tree has been drilled."

"Wait until it comes out completely, I'm afraid it will cover thousands of miles!"

"What? Only less than a tenth of the ironwood **** tree has been drilled?"

Hearing the words, Cheng Feng was shocked: "Calculated in this way, wouldn't the arrogance of the Tiemu Shenshu surpass the seventh highest in the sky?"

The atmosphere of the Ironwood God Tree at this time has reached the seventh weight.

If we increase it tenfold, we would not dare to imagine it, which is contrary to normal principles.

Because of normal theory, the earth dome continent can only accommodate the seventh strongest ascendant.

Once Xiuwei surpasses the seventh ascent to the sky, he will be rejected by the earth dome continent.

"Cheng Feng, the bearing limit of the dome continent, although it is the seventh highest peak in the sky."

Nalan Changsheng said: "However, there are special cases."

"If it was a native dome continent, even if it was repaired beyond the seventh peak of the sky, it barely reached the eighth."

"As long as you don't use this power in the dome continent, you will be able to stay briefly."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Especially for the" plants "and other living organisms, the earth dome continent is more tolerant."

"Perhaps it is for this reason that the ironwood **** tree can stay in the dome continent with the condition of 'overrun'."

"Fuck, is there such a thing?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help turning his face dark: "But the problem is that the iron tree **** tree is not the original thing in the earth dome."

"It is rumored that the ironwood **** tree is a dead branch of the sky **** tree."

"Cheng Feng, the sky **** tree is rooted in the sky."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The earth dome continent is a small piece of the collapsed sky."

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