Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1307: All parties moving

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Chapter 1307 All Parties Move

"By reckoning, the ironwood **** tree is the most primitive life form on the earth dome continent."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "It is also because of the special nature of the iron wood **** tree that it was used by the iron wood family.

"The plot is bigger than you think!"

"Earth dome, sky, ironwood **** tree ..."

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's words, Cheng Feng linked these keywords together.

Suddenly there was a stormy sea in my heart, making it difficult to calm down.

At this time, the rift in the Shenmu world.

All the root systems of the ironwood **** tree have fully stretched out of it.

From a distance, it looks like a black ocean hanging upside down from the sky.

The Black Rock Ridge, or the entire Black Rock Mountains where the Ironwood family is located, are all enveloped.

"My God, what is that?"

"It seems like a tree, but this tree is too big, right?"

"And it looks like the tree is upside down, with the roots on top and the crown on the bottom."

"As the sky is the soil where the tree takes root, it goes against the normal truth, it is incredible!"

As the root of the ironwood **** tree protrudes out of the world of godwood, it hangs on the sky.

The iron wood family has a range of thousands of miles, and countless masters of martial arts are alarmed.

Many warriors who were closer were stunned when they saw the Ironwood God Tree on the sky.

Especially a few hundred miles away from the Tiemu family, the old man who runs a tea shop.

It was the boss with his eyes widened and his face paled.

"Is this ... Iron Tree?"

The old tea shop shivered: "This must be the rumor that the ironwood **** tree transformed by a dead branch of the sky **** tree."

"It seems that the Ironwood family is far from simple on the surface!"

"I must pass the news back to the college immediately."

The old man at the tea shop flatly said, "Mr. Jean Shu, please come out of the Confucian School of the Academy and come to see for yourself!"

After speaking, the tea shop elder took out a piece of jade paper again.

I was able to write by hand and wrote a line of text.

A thousand miles away, the same line of text appeared suddenly in front of Mr. Qianlong College.

"Tiemu family, Temu **** tree?"

When Mr. Shu finished reading the text, Huo Ran stared at the position where the Tiemu family was.

"It seems that Long Aotian's words are not false."

Mr. Shu whispered: "In my Qianlong County, there really is a super thief stealing underground dragon veins and the true dragon origin of my Qianlong Academy."

"And this super thief is probably the ironwood **** tree!"

"Under the eyelids of Qianlong College, making such a big move, an iron-wood family is absolutely impossible."

Mr. Shu speculated: "Behind it, there must be a super power in remote control."

"If nothing happens, it must be the blood god."

"And before the Ironwood God Tree appeared, there was great movement in the blood gods all over the direction of the Feather God."

"Especially in my Qianlong Academy, the action is frequent. Even the third, second and first methods of protection, which have not appeared for many years, have appeared together."

Mr. Shu said: "This is most likely the other party's intentional act, attracting my attention and covering up their conspiracy."

"So, I should invite a few great Confucians to visit the Tiemu Villa in person!"

When Mr. Shu had a decision, hum ~~ hum ~~

At Qianlong College Shushan, a large pen flew into the void.

The big pen's nib shines as if he could use the sky as paper and the void as ink to write the world in spring and autumn.

At the same time, there is a Guqin flying from the sea of ​​art.

That guqin has a simple shape, and after flying out of the sea of ​​art, a sound of harp was heard.

People are fascinated and unable to extricate themselves.

At the same time, in Jianlin, a sword rose to the sky.

In the turret, there is a huge knife that has fallen into the night sky!


All of these items are not trivial.

It is the treasure of the town peak of Jiufeng of Qianlong Academy. Each piece is a semi-holy artifact, or a holy artifact.

Apparently, they sensed the breath of the iron tree **** tree and awakened spontaneously from the dormant state.

Seeing this, Mr. Shu confirmed his speculation even more.

Immediately flew into the bottom of Shushan to invite the great Confucianist of Qianlong College in Shushan.

At this moment, not only Qianlong Academy noticed the breath of the Timber Tree God Tree.

The second-class ancestral gate of Qianlong County heard Xueshanzhuang, Moyulou ... and they all noticed.

The Zongzong treasures in the Zongmen all changed.

Even when the breath of the ironwood **** tree spread out of Qianlong County, the top gates of other counties in the feathered **** dynasty also caused huge fluctuations.

Especially the blood **** religion, when the iron tree **** tree rushed out of the black iron tree space, it shook the whole religion.

"Damn, the ironwood family released the ironwood **** tree from the world of godwood!"

In the blood god's headquarters, the blood of the elder blood demon's eyes swelled: "Under this, the 'that thing' must never be hidden."

"Abominable, abominable!"

"Elder Blood Demon, now that this is the end, we must remedy immediately."

Chen Taicang, the fourth guardian of the blood gods, said: "It is best to wake up the sleeping elders and guardians."

"Try to get back the Ironwood God Tree before Qianlong Academy."

"Otherwise, the plan that our holy religion has planned for many years will be ruined!"

"The Third Law, Second Law, and First Law of the Holy Ghost have all been awakened."

The blood demon elder said: "Next, I will wake up the sixth elder, the fifth elder, the second elder, and the eight blood gods."

"In addition, I will invite the three judges at Hell's Gate and the four kings to kill the temple to help."

"My holy religion has been planning for many years. Whether we can have an advantage in the final game depends on this!"


At the same time, Tiemu Villa.

"Cheng Feng, all the way out is covered by that **** tree root."

Long Aotian grasped Jiang Xue, intending to escape from Tiemu Villa.

But the entire night sky has been covered by the roots of the Ironwood God Tree.

Layer by layer, not even a fly can fly out.

"Use Void Teleportation!" Cheng Feng suggested.

"Can not do it."

Long Aotian shook his head: "The root and beard of the ironwood **** tree not only blocked the retreat, but also penetrated into the void and blocked all the void channels."

"Space teleportation simply won't work."

"Not in heaven, what about underground?"

Cheng Feng looked to the ground: "Let's drive a tunnel out of the ground and go out."

The roots of the ironwood **** tree are rooted in the void.

The ground is not covered by roots, it should be a path of life.

However, when Cheng Feng cut a knife to the ground.

It was as if it had been chopped on an iron plate, sparks radiated, and a harsh iron stone strike sounded.

"Cheng Feng, the root beard of the ironwood **** tree, it should be heaven and earth, all covered."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "You want to go out from here, only by cutting the roots of the ironwood **** tree hard and rough.

"is it?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's face sank: "Since this is the case, I will cut it through!"

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