Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1308: Fierce

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Chapter 1308 Fierce Prestige

"Little animal, are you dreaming?"

Standing on a black dragon-like ironwood **** tree root whisker trunk, Tiemu Chaoge sneered: "Now, the root of the **** tree has completely extended out of the Shenmu world."

"Even a peerless figure who has reached five or six in the sky, don't want to penetrate it!"

"It's up to you? It's so funny!"

As for the Tiemu Shenshu, Tiemu Chaoge is full of confidence.

I felt that Cheng Feng and the three were trapped in the Tiemu Villa by the roots of the Tiemu Shenshu.

Like three ants trapped in a cage, they will be at his mercy!

However, Cheng Feng did not pay any attention to the words of Tiemu Chaoge.

I saw him stride forward and came to Long Aotian.

"Long Aotian, mother."

Cheng Feng said: "I will use the killing trick next, and rush out from here."

"To avoid an accident, the two of you should first enter one of my storage treasures and temporarily hide."

"When I rush out of here, let you out."

"Cheng Feng, can you do it?"

Long Aotian worries: "This iron-wood **** tree is extraordinary."

"Although your strength is strong, I am afraid that it is too much!"

"Rest assured that the appearance of the Iron Tree God Tree must have alarmed Qianlong Academy."

Cheng Fengdao: "When the academy strongman arrives, it will not be a problem to pierce it both inside and outside."

"Hurry up into the Nether Pot!"

Cheng Feng comforted him and immediately took out the Nether Pot.

After waiting to open the pot stopper, Jiang Xue stepped in without saying a word.

Seeing this, Long Aotian no longer hesitated and followed closely.

"This void pot, ordinary people can't live long."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But with Long Aotian's protection and helping his mother adjust her breathing, life should not be a problem for three or five days."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng put away the Nether Pot.

Then he turned his eyes to the black dragon, which tightened rapidly.

Without saying a word, seize the demon sword, the third style of the imperial clan sword is out of order, and show it out.

Cheng Feng's chaos in this troubled world is full of firepower.

Power is even more fierce three-pointers than that.

However, such a forceful attack fell to the roots of the Temujin tree.

But it just chopped up a large piece of small roots, as for the roots of the roots, as strong as Dayue.

Forcibly absorbed and resolved the attack of the evil star.

Moreover, Cheng Feng's wave of attacks not only had no effect, but also angered the Ironwood God Tree.

As Temu waved towards the singer, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

From the sky, there are more than a dozen hundreds of meters thick, thick roots like black dragons, coming fiercely.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng hurriedly displayed his dodge steps.

It was also accidentally rubbed gently by the end of a root of the roots.

Suddenly, an unmatched force poured into Cheng Feng's body.

Even when Cheng Feng was running the fifth turn of Tianlong Jinshen, his back was stinging.

On the purple-gold skin, a blood-red mark appeared immediately, and bloodshot blood quickly leaked out.

"It's strong. The attacking power of this ironwood **** tree is stronger than expected."

Cheng Feng's face changed: "I am afraid that the fifth strongest person from Dengtian will make a full blow and it will not be any different."

"On the fifth turn of Tianlong's golden body, I can't carry it!"

Cheng Feng could barely block the attack of the fourth strongest man in the sky with the fifth turn of Tianlong's golden body.

Once this limit is exceeded, you will be injured immediately.

The main root of the ironwood **** tree must be attacked, and the fifth ascent to the sky can be reached casually.

This level of attack is nothing if one or two hits. If ten or eight hits, Cheng Feng will be seriously injured if he does not die!

As a result, Cheng Feng was stunned, and the armor of war **** flew out of the ring.

Next, click!

God of War armor spontaneously disintegrates and is neatly worn on Cheng Feng.

Let Cheng Feng instantly become a person, who was wrapped in gold armor.

Defensive power, soared several times in an instant!

"Cheng Feng, let me die!"

At this moment, Tiemu Chaoge gave a cold drink.

Immediately, wow ~~~

Suddenly the ground cracked, and thick roots grew from it.

Its tip is like a gun, fiercely poking at the main points of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's response was extremely quick, and he felt the danger coming. He grabbed the sword and slashed it in front of him.


Cut off all incoming black roots.

However, the tip of that beard was cut off by Cheng Feng.

But the rest, with brute force, hit Cheng Feng fiercely.

The power was like a mountain, and in a moment, Cheng Feng flew out.

However, Cheng Feng looked a little embarrassed.

But in fact, it was not hurt.

The black roots had more than 80% of their attack power, and all were dispelled by the armor of war.

The remaining 20% ​​of the force hit Cheng Feng through the armor of war.

It was the fifth turn of Tianlong Jinshen, who carried it all down.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng was flying horizontally, his body fluttered suddenly and flashed out from the entanglement of a lot of roots.

"Little beast, wasn't hurt?"

Seeing this picture, Tiemu stared at Song of Ge, shocked: "Why is this set of gold armor at work?"

In Tiemu Chaoge's estimation, Cheng Feng was hit by more than a dozen root-bearing trunks of the Tiemu Shenshu.

Worst to spit blood!

Never thought that Cheng Feng not only did not vomit blood, but even his hair was lost.

I knew immediately that this must be the role of the armor of war.

"What kind of armor is that? Can actually solve the five or six levels of attacks on Dengtian?"

Tiemu Chaoge didn't know the origin of the God of War armor, so he was very surprised.

However, after a moment of surprise, he flashed his face, admitting: "No matter how strong this armor is, it will be difficult to stop the attack of the Ironwood God Tree."

"Cheng Feng was born, you are waiting to die!"

The words stopped, and Tiemu waved towards the singer, continually waving.

The next moment, the roots of the black dragon-like roots were either pulled down from the sky or flew from the ground.

Overwhelming, attacked Cheng Feng.

"Go for a walk, dodge me!"

Faced with the root and beard siege of the ironwood **** tree, Cheng Feng stretched his moves to the extreme.

The whole person turned into a golden lightning, shuttled back and forth between the dense black dragons.

Most of the attacks were forcibly avoided.

However, the roots of the ironwood **** tree are too many and too dense.

After avoiding most of the roots, Cheng Feng resolved a small part with a knife, and there were still two pairs of roots, which hit Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng beat his body out of balance and flew around.

Even if there is the fifth turn protection of the God of War armor + Tianlong gold body, there are still some dizziness.

Not to mention rushing out of Tiemu Shanzhuang, even self-protection seems a bit difficult!

"Grass, going on like this is not a solution at all."

While trying to dodge, Cheng Feng thought, "If I don't want a solution, I'm afraid I will die here."

Cheng Feng did not exaggerate in this regard.

Under the attack of the ironwood **** tree's trunk roots, Cheng Feng had no resistance.

Even if you can temporarily protect yourself for a long time, it will definitely cause problems.

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