Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1309: Tiemu Chaoge tremor

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Chapter 1309 Tiemu Chaoge's Heart Trembling

And, the most troublesome is.

Cheng Feng found that the attack power of the ironwood **** tree roots and whiskers is still increasing.

At the same time, more of the roots of the **** tree have to be trunked, protruding from the Quartet.

If all the root whiskers shrink together, trap Cheng Feng in the center.

After being fierce and strangling, even if the defense of the Warlord armor increased tenfold, I'm afraid Cheng Feng cannot be saved.

"Cheng Feng, you may be able to borrow the power of Hell.

At a critical moment, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "Between heaven and earth, the five elements counteract each other."

"Although the Ironwood God Tree is strong, if you encounter the black flames of Wang Pin Hell, I am afraid that I will also be afraid."

"With the power of Hell's Black Flame, you should be able to easily escape from the threat of the Ironwood God Tree!"

"Hell's melanitis? Right."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "When the wood hits the flame, it definitely meets the nemesis."

"No matter how many cows in the Ironwood God Tree, under the flames of **** and black flames, you must kneel!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng quickly took out the sealed fire bottle.

Chuan Yin asked: "Hell inferno, have you swallowed the immortal true spirit of the earth spirit flame?"

"How can it be so fast?"

Hell's Heiyan's voice came out: "I've only swallowed it a little bit, I want to swallow it completely, I don't know the year of the monkey!"

At this point, Hell's Heiyan asked: "You kid, you are usually too lazy to ask me about my situation."

"Suddenly asked me this time, did you want me to help again?"

"Cough ~~~"

Cheng Feng coughed a few times: "The reason why I didn't come to ask you about it, wasn't I afraid to disturb you to devour the earth spirit flame!"


Heiyanyan said: "I have seen your current situation, and I'm still blindfolded."

"Haha, you still know me."

Penetrated by Hell's Hei Yan, Cheng Fenggan laughed.

"Say, how can I help you?"

Hell Heiyan went straight to the topic: "But tell you in advance, I need to keep at least half of the source of fire to suppress the immortal true spirit of the earth's flame."

"So, I can only help you by half of the source of fire."

"Is half the source of fire?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "I think it should be enough!"

After exchanging with the spirit flame of the earth, Hell Black Flame has advanced to Wang Pin.

Even half of the source of fire is very powerful.

Cheng Feng's repair was temporarily elevated to the third place on the sky, and it was as easy as drinking water.

"That being the case, let me first instill a source of fire into your body."

The words fall, hum ~~~

A black and white fire wave suddenly burst into the sealed fire bottle.

Then he penetrated the armor of the war **** and poured it into Cheng Feng's body.

Let Cheng Feng's repairs soar like a volcanic eruption.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the half-step ascent to heaven, the first ascent, the second ... and then the third.

By this time, there are still many sources of fire in Hell.

The physical strength of Cheng Feng, also assisted by the fifth turn of Tianlong Jinshen, is much stronger than before.

In this case, it is estimated that Cheng Feng's repair was raised to the third limit of ascending the sky, and even the fourth level of ascent.

However, at this time.

咻咻 咻咻 ~~~

Dozens of main roots of the ironwood **** tree are drawn from all sides.

When hitting Cheng Feng's body, he hit Cheng Feng backwards.

The process of Hell's black flames perfusing the origin of fire was interrupted stiffly.

"Fuck, is it over?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face became cold: "Hell, Hei Yan, come here first."

"When my practice is not enough, it is not too late to refill."

"Okay." Hei Heiyan responded.

Take back the rest of the source of fire.

As for Cheng Feng, it was a closed fire bottle.

With a pair of murderous eyes, Huo Ran stared at Tiemu Chaoge.

"Dead to me!"

At this time, Tiemu Chaoge did not notice the abnormality of Cheng Feng.

Standing in spirit, he stood on the roots of an iron-tree **** tree with a thickness of a few hundred meters, hand-printed the method and waved to Cheng Feng.

Suddenly, the countless roots of the ironwood **** tree began to shrink like a black dragon.

There are dozens of trunk roots, which rushed towards Cheng Feng from the sky, underground, front and back.

Before changing, facing such a fierce attack, Cheng Feng flew and fled.

But this time, Cheng Feng stood up like Dayue.

Wait until the main roots of the ironwood **** tree are about to hit him.

Cheng Feng just arrogantly evoked the dragon power in the body, hum ~~~

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's body burst into billowing black and white fire waves.

The temperature of the fire wave was so high that, as soon as it appeared, the temperature around it soared.

In the air, water vapor evaporates instantly.

It became extremely dry and hot, and seemed to burn.

Especially when the horror heat spreads, the main roots of the ironwood **** tree that struck Cheng Feng came.

The tiny roots on it, the water quickly evaporates.

It ’s estimated that it did n’t even reach one thousandth of a second, wow ~~~

Large pieces of flames spawned on the root roots of an ironwood **** tree.

Then, the second, third, fourth ... all ignited a flame.

From a distance, it seems that all the trunk roots of Cheng Feng have entered a forbidden area of ​​flames and caught fire instantly.

That scene was a bit shocking!

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this scary scene, the head of Tiemu Chaoge suddenly short-circuited, and said in a horror: "How can Cheng Feng, a little beast, emit such a terrible flame?"

"You can even light the roots of the **** tree?"

The flame ignited the trees, which was normal.

However, it is not applicable at all on the ironwood **** tree.

Because the iron wood **** tree, although also called a tree.

However, the tree has undergone qualitative changes, which is a thousand times harder or even ten thousand times harder than Shenwen Steel.

In the understanding of Tiemu Chaoge, I have never heard that God-grain steel can be ignited.

However, at this moment, this incredible scene was staged under his nose.

"Homeowner, it is rumored that Cheng Feng Xiaoxu Sheng took away the fusion of Earth Spirit Flame and Hell's Black Flame."

At this moment, Tie Muhuang endured the surging waves in his heart, and said, "Is it the flame blasting from Cheng Feng at this moment, but the fusion of the earth spirit flame and the **** black flame?"

"What? The fusion of Earth Spirit Flame and Hellfire?"

Upon hearing that, Tiemu Chaoge's face turned pale: "It is rumored that the Earth Spirit Flame is the seventh super strange fire in the Ancient Different Fire List."

"Hell melanoma is the ninth super different fire."

"When these two super different fires merge, it's almost ..."

Thinking of this, Tiemu Chaoge suddenly understood the cause of the main roots of the Tiemu **** tree, which suddenly caught fire.

The whole body couldn't help shaking violently, and a cold air suddenly rose from the soles of the feet to the top of the head!

And this is not over.

When the dozens of the roots of the ironwood **** tree on fire were fiercely beaten on Cheng Feng's body.

Cheng Feng actually looks like the same ten thousand-year-old reef, without even stepping back.

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