Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1311: Iron kill

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Chapter 1311 Iron Blood Killing

Therefore, with Cheng Feng's full firepower.

Ah ~~~~

The screams of the warriors of the Tiemu family continued to sound!

In about one or two minutes, more than 90% of the warriors of the Tiemu family died in the sword of Cheng Feng.

Only Tiemu Chaoge, Tiemu Huang, Tiemu Walker, Tiemu Yugang, Tiemu Kui ...

A total of a dozen people are still struggling!

"Eleven, and eleven, the core members of the Ironwood family are dead!"

Cheng Feng silently counted the number while killing.

As of now, there are only eleven core members of the Tiemu family.

These eleven people can be called the enemies of Cheng Feng.

Everyone has committed numerous crimes.

For example, the elder Tie Muhuang was the culprit who led the team to capture Cheng Feng's mother Jiang Xue.

Another example is the Seven Elders Tiemu Walker and the Nine Elders Tiemu Zhengxiong, who humiliated Cheng Feng's grandfather in previous lives and caused the entire Cheng family to fall apart.

Unfortunately, Nine Elders Tiemu Zhengxiong, Cheng Feng has never been able to find.

Ten out of ten, sneaked out of the Tiemu family and hid, intending to hide the revenge of the process peak.

"Temu Masao, you can't escape!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "When I'm done with the matter here, I will go to you and get you the punishment I deserve."

"As for now, the iron wooden walker ... you have been away for many years, it's time to pay!"

The words come to an end, 咻 ~~~

Cheng Feng combined the sword and man to cut off the numerous root roots of the ironwood **** tree, and picked out the ironwood family's seven elder ironwood travellers under the protection of the roots.


This knife of Cheng Feng has left a measure.

The blade stabbed in from the thigh root of the iron wood walker, and strung the iron wood walker on the devil sword like a barbecue.

As the sword was retracted, he brought it to himself and screamed in horror.

However, Cheng Feng turned a blind eye to this.

The hand holding the handle twisted sharply, and the blade agitated on the legs of the iron-wood walker.

The entire thigh was cut open, blood splattered, and the iron-wood walker screamed again and again, like killing a pig.

"Oh, isn't it painful?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "You know, this pain is far worse than the pain you put on others!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng pulled out the slayer, 刀 ~~~

It was pierced into the other thigh of the iron-wood walker, and then stirred vigorously.


It made Tiemuxing pain so terrible that tears and snot fell down.

"Cheng Feng, don't go too far!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's iron blood means, Tiemu Chaoge and others felt cold: "Although you and my Tiemu family have some resentment."

"But you have killed many people in my Ironwood family, even my son Dengke died in your hands."

"Even if there is any great hatred, it should be cleared up!"

"Cleared? Hehe ~~"

Hearing the words, Cheng Feng sneered: "If this is a fake, you still have to lie to three-year-olds."

"I'm afraid that when you take it easy, you will not count me as Cheng Feng's broken body, but you will be kind to Tiemu Chaoge!"

After that, Cheng Feng picked up the iron-wood walker with one stroke.

After he had to take out the Nether Pot and sealed its nine points, he dropped it into the Nether Pot.

Then he turned his eyes and stared at the three elders of the Tiemu family, Tiemu Yugang.

"Damn! Cheng Feng is eyeing me!"

As soon as Cheng Feng stared, the ironwood jade was cold.

As if stared at death, the feeling of death rushed forward.

Hissing shouted, "Homeowner, save me, save me!"

However, Tiemu Chaoge can hardly protect himself, how can he spare time to save him?

Therefore, Tiemu Yugang's cry for help has not come to an end, and Cheng Feng has already come near.

Nothing softened, his hand fell from the knife, and a human head immediately fell to the ground.

"Nine are left."

After killing the iron wooden line, Cheng Feng said a meditation.

The next moment, he stared at the next person in the Tiemu family.

"Cheng Feng, why did you kill the rest of the Ironwood family neatly?"

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded, "But the iron wooden walker, but saved a life, and put it into the void pot?"

"Uncle Nalan, these seven elders Tiemu walker, and those nine elders Tiemu Zhengxiong, are the culprits who have personally killed my Cheng family.

Cheng Feng replied: "I want to save his life and let my grandfather avenge himself!"

"So it is!"

Elder Nalan suddenly said, "The elder of the Ironwood family has once captured your mother."

"Presumably this person, are you going to capture it, too?"


Cheng Feng nodded: "The members of the Tiemu family, except for Tiemu Huang, Tiemu Xingqi, and Tiemu Zhengxiong."

"Everyone else can kill!"

The voice stopped, Cheng Feng had lifted the Devil Sword and killed the next Ironwood family member.

In order to reach the third point of ascending to heaven, Cheng Feng is simply a **** of killing.

The ironwood **** tree's roots with staggered roots were like furnishings in front of him, without any effect.

"Oh, run away, run away, Cheng Feng is here!"

Under the killing of Cheng Feng, the ironwood family warriors hiding in the rootwood of the ironwood **** tree, crying father and mother.

Desperately drilled deep into the roots of the **** tree, intending to avoid death!

However, it is impossible to escape.

One sinful soul after another was harvested by Cheng Feng.

Within about half a minute, there were only five people remaining in the Tiemu family, including Tiemu Chaoge.

At this moment, Cheng Feng is killing the fifth person!

The person Cheng Feng pursued this time was a female stream.

It is the wife of Tiemu Kui, the eldest son of Tiemu Chaoge, named Yu Qin.

This Yuqin, don't look at it as a woman, but the poison of her heart is more severe and spicy than the man.

After Cheng Feng's mother Jiang Xue was taken away by the Tiemu family, she was not tortured by the woman.

Therefore, Cheng Feng is surging, but it doesn't matter whether the other party is male or female.

In Cheng Feng's dictionary, as long as sin is committed, all men and women will pay the price!

"Kui, save me!"

"Father, save me!"

Cheng Feng's pursuit speed is very fast. Like the same iron and steel machine, the roots of a large number of ironwood **** trees are flattened, reaching Yu Qin.

Just then, Yu Qin desperate for help.

"Cheng Feng, stop, stop me!"

With Yu Qin's cry for help, a thin, pale-faced man hissed.

However, the man shouted fiercely, but did not move under his feet.

Obviously, I was timid, so I didn't dare to rescue Yu Qin.

The man is Tiemu Kui, the eldest son of Tiemu Chaoge, and Yu Qin's husband.

"Tie Mukui, you have committed many sins."

After hearing Tie Mukui's words, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and said coldly, "Don't worry, wait for me to kill Yu Qin, the next one is you!"

After all, Cheng Feng has no love for women.

With his sword in his hand, Yu Qin was beheaded and killed on the spot.

"Cheng Feng, you ..."

Seeing Cheng Feng's decisive killing of Yu Qin, Tie Mukui was cold.

Especially when Cheng Feng's cold eyes came over and stared at him.

My heart was so cold, the breath of death shrouded him instantly!

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