Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1312: Master Yuan Xin

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Chapter 1312 Master Yuan Xin

"Father, save me!"

With Cheng Feng's grim eyes staring, Tie Mukui burst out.

Involuntarily, they asked Tiemu Chaoge for help.

For Tiemu Kui, Tiemu Chaoge still pays more attention.

After all, he had only two sons, and the best son Tiemu Denko was dead, leaving only Tiemu Kui.

Although the warrior is full of vitality and vitality, it is no problem to have a child over a hundred years old.

But the taste of the middle-aged bereavement, Tiemu Chaoge still did not want to try again.

So Tiemu Chaoge turned his head and looked at Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, that's enough!"

Tiemu Chaoge said coldly, "You have reached the limit of my patience."

"If you dare to kill my child, I will make you dead without a corpse!"

"Ha ha, dying words even when you are dead?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "I want to see, how do you let me die without a whole body!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng suddenly sprinted.


In the sky flying across the wood, Cheng Feng has reached Tie Mukui.

Then there was no pause, and the devil sword in his hand flew up, 嗤 ~~~

I only heard a crisp sound of the knife.

The next moment, Tie Mukui's head flew up.

A pair of eyeballs stared round, full of unwillingness and nostalgia!

"Okay! Good little animal!"

Seeing this scene, Tiemu Chaoge's eyes were cold, revealing a touch of madness: "This is you forcing me!"

"If I don't break you to death, I will swear that I will not be human!"

In the vicious curse, Tiemu stopped suddenly, the thumbs of his two hands curled with the tail fingers, and suddenly closed together.

The next moment, hum ~~~

The huge root system of the Tiemu Shenshu, which was rooted in the sky, immediately became active.

Like a super octopus, its numerous tentacles are grasped in the void, as if to pull out its huge body from a certain space!

"Cheng Feng, something is wrong!"

Seeing this situation, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "I feel the smell of the iron wood **** tree is more intense."

"Well, I feel it too."

Cheng Feng's expression was condensed: "Nine out of ten, the ironwood chaoge is to get the whole ironwood **** tree out of that godwood world."

"However, I have Hell's melancholy help."

"Even if the entire ironwood **** tree appears, I am fearless!"

At this time, the ironwood **** tree only extended its root from the Shenmu world.

Its power has been greatly suppressed.

If the entire tree of God is detached from the world of Shenmu, then the strength of it will reach horror.

But Cheng Feng had Wang Pin Hell and Hei Yan beside him, not very afraid!

"Cheng Feng, you still don't care."

Nalan Changsheng said: "After all, the iron tree is a dead branch of the sky **** tree."

"No one can predict how amazing the means are."

"The best option at the moment is to kill all three of the Ironwood Chaoge before the Ironwood Shenshu has completely separated from the world of Shenmu."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Because of this, all crises are strangled in the cradle!"

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately his gaze turned, staring at the three remaining members of the Tiemu family, Tiemu Chaoge, Tiemu Huang, and an old man in black.

The old man in black, Cheng Feng can conclude that he is not a member of the Tiemu family.

But since suffocating with the Tiemu family, it is certainly not good.

Cheng Feng met, and just returned to the West!

"Tiemu Chaoge, let's die!"

After the idea was settled in his mind, Cheng Feng grabbed the sword.

Wait until the source of the billowing fire evokes, 咻 ~~~

The whole person was like a bamboo shooter, killing the Tiemu Chaoge directly.

"God tree, protect me!"

Seeing Cheng Feng kill, Tiemu Chaoge shook his hands.


Countless thick roots of the ironwood **** tree were shot from all directions.

Lined up one after another to form a solid wooden wall.

In this case, even if Cheng Feng has a sharp knife, he cannot kill Tiemu Chaoge in a short time and kill him.

As a result, Cheng Feng diverted directly on the way.

The long sword turned in the direction and killed the old man in black.

"Damn, **** it!"

Seeing this, the old man in black felt cold.

Quickly shouted at Cheng Feng: "Master Cheng Feng, my name is Yuan Xin, not a member of the Tiemu family."

"Please be merciful under the sword, merciless under the sword!"

"Yuan Xin?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Although you are not a member of the Tiemu family, they are almost the same.

"I will kill you, I won't have any psychological burden."

"Master Cheng Feng, I was hijacked by the Tiemu family, and I am also a victim."

Yuan Xin shouted, but his hands kept poke in front of him.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and suddenly realized that it was a pattern of Fa Wenluo.

This array of layers is layer upon layer, extremely lethal and very vicious.

The formation is still like this, and its people must not be better.

Cheng Feng's eyes were cold and he rushed towards Yuan Xin.

"Little beast, really shameless!"

Not far away, then Yuan Xin saw Cheng Feng killing his heart.

Immediately removed the fake camouflage and called out: "I want to kill Master Ben, next life!"

In the yelling, Yuan Xin took dozens of small things out of his arms.

When he threw these small things in front of himself in a special way.

Then he stretched out his hands again and pressed forward sharply.

Om ~~~

In front of Yuan Xin, suddenly a bright light lit up.

And when all these bright lights were in a line, Cheng Feng was killed.

The next moment, Boom Boom Boom ~~~

A terrible explosion rang out, very powerful.

It turned out that the trunk roots of a large iron tree **** tree were blown into fly ash.

"Haha ~~~"

Looking at the horror explosion, the old man in black Yuan Xin sneered: "Is Cheng Feng a little beast, may I be dead?"

"Under my ten-star burst, the fifth strongest man in the sky can be killed alive."

"Cheng Feng was completely hit by the burst of light bursts. He must die so much!"

However, this Yuan Xin's voice just came to an end.

A golden light suddenly emerged from the aftermath of the explosion.

When Jinguang walked out, he was a man wearing gold armor.

Not Cheng Feng, who is it?

"What, actually ... Cheng Feng? You are not dead?"

When he saw Cheng Feng, Yuan Xin's proud smile solidified: "How is that possible? How can you block it ..."

However, Cheng Feng was too lazy to listen to Yuan Xin's nonsense.

The slayer in his hand flew up, 嗤 ~~~

When a knife flashed, Yuan Xin's head rolled down.

After beheading Yuan Xin, Cheng Feng kept walking.

Turning his gaze, he penetrated the layers of the ironwood **** tree roots and whiskers and looked at the elder Tiemuhuang.

That Tiemu Huang had already hid deep into the roots of the **** tree.

However, the moment Cheng Feng stared, it was suddenly numb.

It is deeply known that Cheng Feng has solved Yuan Xin and focused on himself.

So I dare not be indifferent, use both hands and feet, and continue to climb deep into the roots of the iron tree **** tree!

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