Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1314: Divine tree fruit

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Chapter 1314 God Tree Fruit

As a result, Cheng Feng's eyes turned, and Huo had a decision in his heart.

That is to leave the roots of the ironwood **** tree covering the area, wait for the Qianlong Academy to arrive, and then solve the ironwood Chaoge!

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng immediately put into action.

I saw him grabbing the Demon Sword, opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and identified a position.

咻咻 咻咻 咻 ~~~

The black knife in his hand waved at high speed, chopping the thick roots in front of him.

The whole person was like a large lasing golden arrow, flying away from the area covered by the roots of the ironwood **** tree.

"Well, Cheng Feng fled?"

Escaping deep into the roots of the **** tree, Tiemu Chaoge looked back.

Just looking at the picture of Cheng Feng flying away, he felt relieved for a moment: "Haha, it seems that this little beast is also feeling the power of the **** tree!"

"But you killed so many people in my Ironwood clan. Don't want to escape easily!"

Tiemu Chaoge was scared by Cheng Feng just now.

He kept sulking his head and fled to the roots of the ironwood **** tree. At this moment, he suddenly awakened, and immediately found that more than 80% of the tree body of the ironwood **** tree had left the world of Shenmu.

Therefore, not only did he not escape, but he was ready to fight back against Cheng Feng.

I saw Tiemu Chaoge holding both hands, casting an esoteric fingerprint.

The next moment, wow ~~~

Around Cheng Feng, the roots of the ironwood **** tree suddenly flew.

Cheng Feng pursued and intercepted and blocked Cheng Feng from leaving.

However, Cheng Feng's repair reached the third point of ascending the sky, and then he left again.

The main roots of some of the ironwood **** trees are impossible to stop.

At most it acts as a harassment and slows down the speed of Cheng Feng.

After a few minutes, the roots of the ironwood **** tree covering the sky were somewhere.

嘭 ~~~

A crackle spread.

A big hole immediately appeared around the roots.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a two-meter-long knife in his hand and wearing gold armor shot out from the big hole.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

At this moment, it had been several minutes before the release of the Tiemu God Tree by Tiemu Chaoge.

So around the roots of the huge ironwood **** tree, there are already full of people, all of them are masters of martial arts above the broken realm.

They looked at the iron-wood **** tree that covered the sky and were shocked to be unable to themselves.

At this time, Cheng Feng suddenly blew out from inside the Ironwood God Tree.

Suddenly, like a thunder blast, shocked everyone.

"Who is that? How did it fly out of the roots of the super giant tree?"

"Is this the person who made this super tree?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's moment, the argument sounded like boiling water in a cauldron, and quickly evaporated.

Various speculations have followed.

However, Cheng Feng who flew out of the roots of the ironwood **** tree shrouded the area, but ignored this.

"Hoo ~~~"

After flying out, Cheng Feng exhaled: "Finally, I got out of the shrouded area of ​​the Ironwood God Tree in time."

During the period when Cheng Feng flew away from the area covered by the roots of the Ironwood God Tree, the roots of the Ironwood God Tree became harder.

In the end, Cheng Feng took the third rebuilding of Dengtian as a sword and struck a 100-meter-thick trunk root whisker.

Can't cut it all!

This shows that the tree body of the ironwood **** tree is far away from the Shenmu world, and it is already in sight.

Once completely out of trouble, Cheng Feng will be very troublesome.

"How much of the ironwood **** tree's body has not left the world of Shenmu?"

Slightly stabilized his emotions, Cheng Feng looked up at the sky hundreds of miles away.

Suddenly I saw that there was a straight black mountain peak there, moving from an unknown world to the earth dome continent.

That black mountain peak, I do n’t know how big it is, let alone how long it is.

There are branch mountains on it, which are also extremely huge.

From a distance, the scalp tingles for a while!

Because the black mountain peak is not the mountain peak at all, but the body of the iron tree **** tree!

"The branches of the ironwood **** tree don't seem to be too many."

Looking at the scary black giant tree, Cheng Feng exhaled and whispered: "And there is no leaf above the branches, all bare!

As Cheng Feng said, there are no half leaves on the branches of the ironwood **** tree.

As if just through the cold winter, all the leaves on the tree are gone!

This is very abnormal, because the iron tree **** tree is strong and cold in winter, how can it let its leaves fall?

"Cheng Feng, the reason why Tiemu Shenshu is so is probably due to the large amount of nutrients in the tree."

At this point, Nalan Changsheng Road broke mystery.

"What, the reason why the ironwood **** tree has no leaves, is it caused by a lot of nutrients?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng was greatly shocked: "The super-living organisms such as Tiemu Shenshu have a lot of nutrients in them."

"What kind of reason can actually make him lose even a leaf because of nutrient loss?"

Tiemu Shenshu's tree is huge, and its vitality is so scary.

I am afraid that the hundreds of ascendants who are ascending to heaven cannot add up to an ironwood **** tree.

But now, the branches are dried up due to the large consumption of nutrients, which is horrifying!

"Cheng Feng, there are many factors that cause this situation in the Ironwood God Tree."

Nalan Changsheng said: "But I guess that the fruit of the sacred tree is the most likely!"

"Growing the fruits of the sacred tree?"

Cheng Feng was surprised: "Uncle Nalan, you mean, the iron tree **** tree can still bear fruit?"

"It is rumored that the sky can produce fruit."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Since the ironwood **** tree is a dead branch of the sky **** tree, it should also bear fruit."

"Is the tree fruit?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "What kind of existence would it be?"

Just when Cheng Feng was curious.

In the sky, the sloping ironwood **** tree began to stand upright slowly.

At the same time, the rift in the god-wood world in the void began to close.

And there is a strong breath of life, suddenly uploaded from the crown of the ironwood **** tree inserted into the cloud.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng knew immediately that the ironwood **** tree finally broke away from the Shenmu world!

Discovering this, Cheng Feng took a deep breath.

Then he looked up and looked at the crown of the ironwood **** tree.

Want to see what the fruits of the ironwood **** tree look like.

However, the crown of the Ironwood God Tree is not only far away, but also a heavy cloud.

Even if Cheng Feng opened his eyes to see, he could not see the situation inside.

It can only be dimly sensed that there is a strong breath hidden in the cloud-covered tree crown.

Much stronger than Dengtianjing!

"The fruit of the iron wood **** tree is so strong and powerful."

Cheng Feng frowned, guessing: "I'm afraid that the Blood Gods and the Tiemu family are digging for thoughts, is it for the fruit of this **** tree?"

However, Nalan Changsheng suddenly spoke, and spoke amazingly!

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