Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1315: Resurrection of the dead

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Chapter 1315 The Resurrection Of The Dead

"Cheng Feng, what the ironwood **** tree produces is not the fruit!"

Nalan's life began, and his words were amazing.

"What? Isn't the fruit of the ironwood **** tree?"

Cheng Feng's eyes stared, and he couldn't understand: "If it wasn't the fruit, what would it be?"

"I'm not so sure either."

Nalan Changsheng said: "But I guess it should be some kind of life."

"Because I felt a strong breath of life from the crown of the Ironwood God Tree."

"Ironwood **** tree, bearing some kind of life?"

Cheng Feng's head was faint and felt a little incredible.

Just when Cheng Feng was startled and stunned.

In all directions, countless warriors who have sensed the breath of the iron tree **** tree have the same head.

All kinds of discussions rang out.

"My God, it is such a huge tree!"

"Is this tree the ironwood **** tree of the ironwood family?"

"No, this tree is much more horrible than the 'Iron God Tree' of the Ironwood family."

"I'm afraid this tree is the true ironwood **** tree!"

"Really? If that's the case, then the Ironwood family can hide too deeply!"

The crowd was so eloquent that they guessed the truth of the matter.

Subsequently, the eyes of everyone looked at the crown of the Tiemu God Tree.

"What a strong breath of life!"

Someone in the heavens said: "Is there a strong master of martial art hidden in the crown of the Timber God Tree?

"Isn't it possible?"

Another strong ascendant to the heavens said: "The breath of life emanating from the crown of the ironwood **** tree, although it is like a martial art master."

"But the number is too much, it cannot be a martial arts person."

The breath of life emanating from the top of the ironwood **** tree is very powerful and a lot.

If it is a warrior, all of them are above heaven.

And this is simply impossible!

However, it was at the point of rejection.

The iron-wood Chaoge, dressed in gold, was lifted from the ground to the sky under the support of a strong **** tree root beard.

At this time, Tiemu Chaoge seemed to be full of vigor and power.

Standing in the void, his gaze was high.

"Cheng Feng, you have killed countless members of the Ironwood family and forced me to release the Shenshu from the Shenmu world in advance."

Tiemu Chaoge's face was full of resentment, and he yelled, "Little beast, your end is here!"

Wow ~~~

With the appearance of Tiemu Chaoge, the pan fry at the scene.

"Tiemu Chaoge, that's the owner of the Tiemu family."

"It looks like this super huge black tree is really the ironwood **** tree of the ironwood family!"

"And listen to what the Tiemu Chaoge means, this Tiemu **** tree is hidden in a place called the Shenmu world."

"Under the pressure of Cheng Feng, it was only revealed!"

If just now, everyone is just a speculation on the iron tree **** tree.

At this time, he was completely confirmed.

At the same time, I also learned a big thing, that is, the killing of the first true disciple of the blood gods Yu Cangfei, and a large number of blood **** masters Cheng Feng, not only were not killed by the blood gods.

Instead, after fleeing the birth day, he savagely killed the Tiemu family.

"It turned out that the man with the gold armor holding the black knife was Cheng Feng!"

"Awesome, really amazing!"

"Cheng Feng unexpectedly rushed out of the complex root system of the Tiemu Shenshu."

"The strength is the first person in the young generation!"

The eyes of everyone looked at Cheng Feng wearing the armor of war.

For Cheng Feng, full of curiosity.

And some old-fashioned people frown.

Because they all felt the arrogance of the Timber Tree God Tree, although Cheng Feng was also very strong.

However, under the pressure of the Ironwood God Tree, I am afraid that the odds of winning are few.

However, Cheng Feng himself didn't care, and clenched his sword with his hands.

Looking up, he stared at Tiemu Chaoge in the sky.

I saw that Tiemu Chaoge stood on the trunk of a black dragon-like **** tree root.

With their hands together, a deep and incomprehensible knot was formed.

Immediately, wow ~~~

A strong wind rose from the crown of the ironwood **** tree, blowing thick clouds of mist through a fine slit.

The next moment, a tall, middle-aged man with long hair and a shawl stepped out of the thin seam blown away!

"Master, this is a master."

"It's a rough estimate, and it's the third most important thing!"

Seeing the middle-aged people coming out of the crown of the iron tree **** tree, everyone talked.

Some older warriors recognized middle-aged men with long shawls.

"Ironwood is invincible? This person seems to be the top pillar of the Ironwood family. Ironwood is invincible!"

"It is rumored that the invincible blood of Tiemu has dried up, and with the help of a robber, he just barely entered the heaven.

"How come Xiuwei is soaring all the way now, reaching the third most important thing ... No, it is the fourth most important thing?"

Everyone was very surprised. Only a few months later, Tiemu's invincible cultivation has actually increased so much.

It's simply contrary to normal principles, incredible!

However, compared to the crowd, Cheng Feng had a scalp tingling, like a ghost.

"What's the situation? What's the situation?"

Cheng Feng's head fainted: "Just now, I clearly killed Ironwood Invincible, and my head was broken!"

"But at this moment ... actually a Temu invincible came out?"

"Is it impossible to have two ironwoods in the ironwood family?"

At this time, Cheng Feng, in his heart was tumbling waves.

A dead man stood in front of his eyes alive.

This kind of thing, anyone who encounters it will feel hairy.

"Cheng Feng, the Tiemu family, there should be only one Tiemu invincible."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded.

"What? Only one ironwood is invincible?"

Cheng Feng took a sigh of relief: "According to this, Tiemu Invincible is actually dead and resurrected?"

"Hahahaha ~~~"

Just when Cheng Feng was scared.

In the sky, Tiemu's crazy laugh came: "Cheng Feng, are you surprised?"

"My grandfather was killed by you, but now he is standing alive in front of you?"

"It was a little unexpected."

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Feng calmed down the tumbling waves in his heart, and said loudly, "I guess, the reason why this is the Iron Tree God Tree is playing a role?"

After calming down, Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly thought of the key to the problem.

It was the fact that Tiemu was killed invincibly.

Now the bizarre resurrection, those who can do such scary things, except for the iron tree **** tree, Cheng Feng can never think of anything else.

"Yes, it's the **** tree."

Tiemu Chaoge admitted frankly, cruelly saying: "And this is just the most insignificant ability of the tree of God."

"The next time, I will let you taste one by one, the" very powerful "of other means of God tree!"

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