Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1318: Fortune, fortune!

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Chapter 1318 Fortune, Fortune!

Just when Cheng Feng was moving.

In the sky, the majestic roots of the iron-wood **** tree are agglomerated and gathered.

After all the roots have been twisted together, they have actually formed two branches.

From a distance, it looks like two legs of a person.

Immediately, booming ~~~

Horrible sounds blew.

The next moment, the iron-tree **** tree with the ‘legs’ condensed turned out to be like a human, and lifted up the ‘legs’ and ran away towards the sky!

"Grasp, what's the situation?"

"Iron-tree **** tree condensed, actually ... escaped?"

Seeing this scene, everyone looked incredible, thinking that their eyes had hallucinations.

As for Cheng Feng, his head was also a little shaky.

"Escape? Ironwood God Tree actually escaped?"

Cheng Feng was shocked: "Grass, what's going on?"

In Cheng Feng's view, after the Ironwood Shenshu broke away from the Shenmu world, it will definitely launch a killing ring and set off a **** storm.

I never thought it would be stunned to run away without a single move.

"Cheng Feng, the reason why Tiemu Shenshu ran away should be aware of some kind of threat."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "In all likelihood, it is the arrival of Qianlong Academy martial arts."

"School martial arts?"

Cheng Feng thought: "It is reasonable to say that such a great event happened in Qianlong County, and the strong in the academy should have arrived early."

"Why is it still missing now?"

"Is it ... was intercepted in the middle of the blood gods?"

Cheng Feng's guess was very accurate.

Mr. Shu of Qianlong Academy, as early as Tiemu Shenshu had not yet left the world of Shenmu, invited two Qianlong Academy masters sitting in Shushan to rush to Tiemu Villa.

However, I did not expect that the blood gods immediately flew into the wind.

Awakened the sixth elder and fifth elder of the blood gods, and united Mr. Sniper and two great Confucians.

Give Timo Chaoge them time.

With the appearance of the sixth and fifth elders of the Blood Gods, Mr. Shu suddenly knew that something was wrong.

Therefore, he immediately sent a message to Qianlong Academy, and asked the strong ones who stayed at the Academy to enter the bottom of Shushan to invite other great Confucians.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Yuhua God Chaotianmingji, and asked the royal family to send strong men to help.

Especially afterwards, when the Ironwood God Tree completely separated from the Shenmu world.

Mr. Shu's thoughts turned sharply. Through careful calculations, he quickly guessed the plan of the blood gods to a seven hundred seventy-eight.

Under the dramatic changes, he sent a message to all the first-class ancestors of Yuhua God.

Let him send the strongest presence in the sect, and quickly came to Qianlong County.

However, the blood gods have long planned.

Not only will all the strong men in the teaching be sent out to snip the helpers of all parties.

Also awakened the second elder of the blood gods, and eight blood beasts.

He also invited the three judges of Hell Gate to kill the temple and the four emperors to help.

Under this condition, all the righteous camps who came to help the strong were all stopped on their way.

To really reach Qianlong County, the fastest time is half a column.

"Cheng Feng, Qianlong Academy's strong man, must have been stopped halfway by the blood gods."

Nalan Changsheng said: "So, your task is very difficult, you must forcibly drag the ironwood **** tree."

"Until, the moment the other righteous strongmen arrived!"

"Huh!" Cheng Feng nodded.

He knew very well that there was a huge secret hidden in the ironwood **** tree.

It must not be allowed to escape to the blood gods, otherwise huge troubles will be formed.

Therefore, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and waited to infuse the ten dragon powers in his body, plus all the source of fire of Hell's black flame into the sword of slayer.

Then, Emperor Cang Sword's third type of demon star went into trouble, and Huo Ran cast out.

Om ~~~

At this time, Cheng Feng was fully fired.

With a single cut, Guang Daoman flew out the invincible Temu directly.

Later, the sword rushed into the night sky, blending with the starlight shot by a large star in the sky.

Suddenly, an unmatched blade of light fell from the sky and headed for the ironwood **** tree.

The ironwood **** tree has a huge body, with thousands of miles of roots condensing into two 'legs'. One step is hundreds of miles.

Three or five steps have reached two or three thousand miles away.

However, he was still caught up by Daoguang, who was cut by Cheng Feng, and chopped it into a tree.

Even the canopy hidden in the clouds was chopped to reveal a gap.

Cheng Feng turned the vision of God of God to the extreme. He actually faintly saw the inside of the gap, and several human bodies hung upside down from the tree crown.

Those human bodies looked like babies.

But the breath is very powerful, like a sea of ​​oceans, giving people a sense of unpredictability.

When Cheng Feng's eyes saw each other, those human bodies actually had induction.

One of them suddenly opened his closed eyes and looked back at Cheng Feng.

"Those eyes are so deep!"

The moment he saw those eyes, Cheng Feng seemed to see a deep bottom.

The whole person is almost going to get lost in it.

"Cheng Feng, wake up!"

Just then, a burst of drink suddenly exploded in Cheng Feng's ear.

It was like a bang, and Cheng Feng was instantly awakened.

"Uncle Naland, I just ..."

After waking up, Cheng Feng was shocked with cold sweat.

"Cheng Feng, you were almost hurt by a super existence just now, you will never wake up!"

Nalan Changsheng spoke, shocking Cheng Feng.

"Super existence?"

Cheng Feng was shocked: "Uncle Nalan, was the master of the eyes I just saw, a peerless power?"

"Yes, that man is a‘ peerless power ’!”

Nalan Changsheng said: "Even if the person has not yet grown up, it is easy to kill you."

"Who is that person? What level does Xiuwei reach?"

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's heart was full of questions: "Why is that person in the crown of the Ironwood God Tree?"

"Is this man, but a fallen strong who was resurrected by the iron tree **** tree?"

"Cheng Feng, although I was just a glimpse of that person, but I can conclude that the ontology should have reached the fortune."

Nalan's long-lived words are astonishing: "Since it appeared in the crown of the ironwood **** tree, there are probably ninety-nine times, and it is a master who was resurrected by the ironwood **** tree."

"What? Creation ?!"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng was shocked: "Uncle Nalan, are you sure you read right?"

"The owner of those eyes is really a powerful creature?"

"Should not be wrong!"

Nalan Changsheng affirmed: "The man's eyes have a taste of seeing through all things and seeing through life."

"This taste cannot be possessed by anyone other than the power of nature!"

"Fortune? It is really fortune!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng's heart was beating wildly: "I did not expect that the Iron Tree God Tree could even be resurrected by the super existence of the creation."

"This time, it's really troublesome!"

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