Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1319: One-legged power

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Chapter 1319 The Power of One Leg

Creation, this is the existence of Guangu.

Every statue can change history and influence an era!

Nowadays, such existences have been resurrected by the Ironwood God Tree.

The whole situation changed in one click!

Let the right and the wrong sides of the original strength be instantly imbalanced.

It's no wonder that the Church of the Blood God digs into the air and puts the Tiemu family under the eyelids of Qianlong Academy, struggling for countless years.

All this is really worth it!

"Cheng Feng, you may want to split."

At the moment when Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated, Nalan Changsheng suddenly said, "I said that man was a creation, and he was talking about the other person's body."

"As far as this is concerned, it is far from reaching the good fortune."

"Even if the essence of the entire ironwood **** tree is drained, it cannot reach that level!"

Nalan Changsheng said: "I estimate that the current human body is a clone of the ironwood **** tree based on that person's body."

"Repairing can reach the seventh ascent of the highest ascent, or the eighth ascent of the ascent!"

"A copy of the impersonation of the powerful creature?"

Cheng Feng's eyes glared, and his heart was slightly relieved: "However, it's still scary!"

"This is in the dome continent, but its peak combat power."

"Every statue can influence the situation. If there are three or five statues ..."

Ascending to the seventh limit, it sounds far from being powerful.

But in the dome continent, it is the real peak power.

Although the crack cut out by Cheng Feng was too small, only this imitation clone of the mighty fortune was discovered.

But what is certain is that there is definitely more than one respect for the powerful avatar born of the iron tree **** tree.

If these powerful avatars were all conceived by the ironwood **** tree to the seventh highest level.

At that time, it will be the end of the right path!

"Cheng Feng, this is probably the main reason for the blood gods to plan this conspiracy."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The purpose is to breed the peak strong with the iron tree **** tree."

"Thus in the final game, it has the absolute advantage."

"After the 'fruits' conceived by the earth dome continent mature, they will win the biggest share!"

"So it is, so it is!"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "No wonder the blood gods have been in a disadvantage recently, but they haven't seen any big moves."

"It turns out their 'actions' are all here."

"Once the conspiracy succeeds, you can immediately control the situation and win the game."

"So, Cheng Feng, you have to stop the Ironwood God Tree."

Nalan Changsheng said: "When the righteous strongman arrives, kill those unavailable power avatars early."

"All the layout of the Blood Gods will become empty."


Cheng Feng nodded: "At all costs, I will intercept the Ironwood God Tree."

As soon as the voice came down, Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow-making method for thousands of miles, preparing to chase the escaped ironwood **** tree.

But at this time, the invincible iron wood that was Zhenfei suddenly rushed out.

The purpose is very clear, is to try to entangle Cheng Feng, to buy time for the escape of the iron tree **** tree.

However, after the Iron Tree God Tree ran, he could no longer borrow the power of the Iron Tree God Tree.

Xiu plunged immediately, and fell back to the fourth highest ascent.

This kind of strength against Feng Chengfeng is simply a stone hit!

I saw Cheng Feng's full firepower, fiercely cut out, and stabbed ~~~

Tiemu's invincible two large palms were chopped down on the spot, and blood splashed on the spot!

"It's too fierce to hold the grass!"

"Tianmu, the fourth-heavy ascendant, is not an enemy of Cheng Feng!"

Seeing the scene where Cheng Feng slashed Tiemu invincible, everyone in the room was stunned.

Looking back at Cheng Feng, there was no slightest move.

It was the sword in his hand that was thrown up, and in the hissing scream, Tiemu, who fled quickly, cut again.

Later, without looking at the results at all, he used thousands of miles to make the appearance, 唰 ~~~

The whole person fell into nothingness and disappeared.

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

Hum! The void swung violently.

The next moment, Cheng Feng Huo Ran, wearing the armor of war, got out of it.

Then, wait for your body to stand completely, 唰 ~~~

The second thousand miles have been used!

After several thousands of miles in this way, Cheng Feng appeared thousands of miles away.

The iron tree goddess in flight is already in sight.

"Catch up, Cheng Feng catch up!"

When they saw Cheng Feng chasing the Ironwood God Tree, the crowd immediately stunned.

All were shocked by Cheng Feng's fierce strength.

"Small beasts, Shenshu can give birth to many peerless powerhouses."

As for Tiemu Invincible, it is a cold light shining in his eyes: "When you wake up those peerless powers, you will definitely die!"

After all, Temu invincible stopped the injury.

Torn the void at once and rushed towards the battlefield.

A few thousand miles away, Cheng Feng didn't have any fear.

When he chased near the Ironwood God Tree, he said nothing and raised the Devil Sword.

The third style of Emperor Cang's Sword was fiercely chopped off to the Ironwood God Tree.

"Little animal, get out of me!"

When Cheng Feng was found, a trunk root of the Tiemu Shenshu was attached, and Tiemu burst into a song.

Immediately afterwards, she drew deep mystery and pressed Cheng Feng sharply.


Suddenly, the unimaginable ‘leg’ of the Tiemu Shenshu suddenly swept towards Cheng Feng.

Thousands of beards stirred up, and the void collapsed directly.

Lots of mountains and rivers were flattened instantly and turned into a plain of rolling sand.

Cheng Feng cut off the sword with the third style of Emperor Cang Sword, and even the sixth strongest man on the sky would have to shun three points.

But on this leg, I was ‘absorbed’ stiffly!

Daoguang cut into the 'legs' of the Timber God Tree, and cut only a dozen miles of knife marks.

The 'legs' of the tree, a hundred miles away, did not cause much damage.

Instead, the incomparable power generated by the sweep of the tree legs turned Cheng Feng out.

Even if Cheng Feng urged ten dragon powers, plus all the sources of fire, he couldn't stop the upside-down trend at all.

I flew out thousands of miles in one breath, smashing I don't know how many mountain peaks and boulder, just barely stopped!

If it were not wearing the armor of war, plus the fifth turn of the dragon body.

Even if the whole person does not die, it will be badly hit!

"Grass, is this the power of the Ironwood God Tree?"

Climbing from a pile of rubble, Cheng Feng whispered in a horror: "A casual kick can kick a fifth ascendant ascending to the sky."

"Even the world's sixth-highest peerless figure cannot resist it!"

"In my strength, let alone intercept it, I'm afraid I won't be able to block three or five moves!"

While Cheng Feng whispered, bang ~~~

The sky suddenly turned black.

Then, an incomparable force rushed towards Cheng Feng in a rushing mountain!

"Damn, it's the Ironwood God Tree!"

Feeling the unmatched power, Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and suddenly saw a 'leg' of the Tiemu Shenshu, covering the whole night sky.

Boom at him from top to bottom!

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