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Chapter 1320 Great Gift Package

The two legs of the Ironwood God Tree are formed by the root system that stretches thousands of miles.

With one leg kicked out, the strength reached an appalling level.

The sixth strongest person in the sky must be astonished.

At this point kicked to Cheng Feng, if hit, the consequences are unthinkable!

"Cheng Feng, get out of here!"

Feeling the overbearing power, Nalan Changsheng immediately reminded.

In fact, before Nalan Changsheng reminded, Cheng Feng was dodging.

The time of breathing, Cheng Feng made a shadow of the shadow of the way.

Huh! The whole person suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the huge leg that blasted from the sky just hit the ground.

Rumbling ~~~

The deafening sound rang through the clouds instantly.

In the loud noise, the mountains and rivers collapsed and collapsed in the place hit by the tree legs.

In the blink of an eye, a giant pit two or three hundred miles away appeared.

And around this huge pit, there were long and deep cracks, dense and dense, spreading everywhere.

Along the way, mountains fell, rivers diverted, and thousands of miles of earthquakes hit the area.

A super catastrophe has been formed, and I don't know how many people have suffered!

Even many martial arts people were shocked to death, and the scene was extremely tragic.

"Damn, the attack of the Ironwood God Tree is really fierce!"

A thousand miles away, Cheng Feng drilled out of the void and just saw the picture of the earth breaking.

At the same time as the waves of my heart were tossing, I mourned for the tragic death of the innocent.

However, in such situations, Cheng Feng was unable to change at all.

The best way is to entangle the iron tree **** tree and defeat the blood **** conspiracy.

In this way, the entire disaster can be completely quelled.

Therefore, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and put away all the messy thoughts in his heart.

And at this time, Boom ~~~

The other leg of the Tiemu Shenshu has collapsed the void and blasted towards Cheng Feng again.

And this time, the roots of the ironwood **** tree shook, creating a strong force.

Actually, the void in which Cheng Feng was located was imprisoned abruptly.

"Damn! Damn it!"

Cheng Feng's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help exploding.

Because once the void is imprisoned, the void channel in between will no longer be available.

As a result, Cheng Feng's thousands of miles have nowhere to be used.

It can be said that Cheng Feng's retreat was blocked.

"Is there no escape route?"

Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply, but he couldn't find a feasible solution.

The main reason is that the 'legs' of the Ironwood God Tree is too huge and the attack power is too fierce.

Without thousands of miles, Cheng Fengguang dodging with martial arts skills was almost useless.

"Since you can't hide it, fight it!"

There was no retreat, Cheng Feng's fierce strength came up, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll try it, can you kick me to death with one leg!"

During his speech, Cheng Feng exerted his God-Controlling Skills to procure the Armor of War to the extreme, and the golden light was flourishing.

At the same time, the purple thunder refining method is applied to make your body purple thunder roll.

Then he performed mad sword and body power, and condensed the eighth-level and sixty-level sword intentions into a layer of sword intention protective film and stuck it on the skin.

Then he performed the fifth turn of the Tianlong Golden Body to make his skin produce five kinds of dragon patterns: gold, white gold, blue gold, green gold, and purple gold. The physical body was so scary.

In the end, Cheng Feng also urged all the power, and kicked the super tree leg kicked, and cut the strongest sword ever.

Stabbing ~~~

The dreaded sword came first.

Cut on the leg of that super tree, you won't know how many ironwood **** trees' roots must be cut off.

The kick force of the super tree leg was greatly weakened.

After that, the super giant tree continued to explode, hitting heavy void, and hit Cheng Feng who flew backward.

Suddenly, unparalleled force flocked to Cheng Feng.

The bright golden light of the War God armor was compressed to the minimum in an instant, and finally shrank completely into the armor.

Subsequently, the force of persecution penetrated the armor of War God, poured into Cheng Feng's body, and crushed the knife-shaped protective film attached to Cheng Feng's surface into powder.

Then, the remaining power officially poured into Cheng Feng's body.

啵啵 啵啵 啵 ~~~

At that moment, Cheng Feng's body sounded a series of crackling sounds.

Immediately the whole person flew up, like a humanoid arrow, blasted away into the distance.

"My God! Cheng Feng was hit by the Ironwood God Tree!"

"The ironwood **** tree is really too strong. It is estimated that the bearing limit of the earth dome is about to be reached, and it can be said to be the strongest on the entire continent."

"Cheng Feng was hit by his sturdy body, I am afraid it is more ferocious!"

In the distance, some warriors saw this scene through the pupil light, and they were all frightened.

One after another felt that Cheng Feng was afraid of danger this time.

However, just then.

Cheng Feng, who was kicked and kicked by Tiemu Shenshu, stopped for a few hundred miles after flying horizontally.

Then he stood in the air, seemingly unscathed!

"what's the situation?"

"Why is Cheng Feng not only not injured, but not even vomiting blood?"

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Under such a fierce attack from the iron tree **** tree, the sixth-highest peerless figure on the sky must vomit blood.

But Cheng Feng was unharmed, which was contrary to common sense!

However, although Cheng Feng did not vomit blood at this moment, it was almost the same.

Under the horrible attack power of Tiemu Shenshu, Cheng Feng was traumatized even if he tried his best to defend.

Numerous meridians in the body were directly broken, and the internal organs of the five internal organs also shifted.

Even the whole body of 206 bones had cracks.

If Tianlong Jinshen had completed the fifth turn, he would definitely die!

"Khekeke ~~~"

Parked in the air, Cheng Feng coughed for a while.

And each cough will bring a burst of stinging: "The attacking power of the iron tree **** tree is really powerful!"

"Maybe one more leg, I will not be able to carry it."

"But don't worry about it."

Cheng Feng said coldly: "The‘ big gift bag ’I gave it should be very ecstatic!”

Talking, hum ~~~

A black and white flame suddenly rose on the leg of the iron wood **** tree kicking Cheng Feng.

The next moment, the flames exploded, spreading quickly on that tree leg at a scary speed!

This black and white flame is extraordinary.

The roots of the ironwood **** tree are much harder than the **** pattern steel, and it is no exaggeration to call it steel.

The flame fell on it, let alone burn it, even if it could be lit.

But that black-and-white flame can not only burn on it, but also the flames are super scary.

As soon as the fire exploded, the fire was like a flood from a dyke, it couldn't be stopped at all, and it spread quickly to the whole tree leg.

Followed by the other 'leg' of Tiemu Shenshu, also passed.

Even the flame rushed to the tree of the ironwood **** tree.

Will ignite and burn a giant tree that is thousands of miles away!

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