Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1325: Deep fried

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Chapter 1325 Deep Fried

"Mad, the ironwood **** tree is too fierce, I can't stop it!"

Watching as the Ironwood God Tree kept going away, Cheng Feng's face was gloomy.

"Cheng Feng, it seems that if you want to stop the Tiemu Shenshu, you must use stronger power."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "In your hand, is there a stronger attack method than the third style of Emperor Cangshu?"

In Cheng Feng's hand, there are still some cards and kills.

But they are all on the level of one or two, or two or three.

Used to deal with the iron tree **** tree, no effect at all.

After careful calculation, the third style of Emperor Cang Sword is already Cheng Feng's strongest attack method!

"The ironwood **** tree is wood, and wood is afraid of fire."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If there is a fire-type killing trick, even if it does not reach the sixth or seventh weight, it can still pose a threat to the ironwood **** tree."


Cheng Feng raised a brow: "On my body, there are dozens of different fires."

"But the rank is too low, it is really embarrassing!"

"As for Emperor Fire, it is still in its infancy and is not very useful."

At this point, Cheng Feng suddenly opened his eyes: "Yes, I still have a lot of flint and flames in my hand."

"If you send it to the Ironwood God Tree, then detonate!"

"That effect must be very impressive."

Diyan Fire Crystal and Fire Crystal are the treasures of fire properties that Cheng Feng has searched from the earth's core world.

If the amount is enough, it will kill the sixth strongest man in the sky.

In Cheng Feng's hands, there are a large number of flames and spar.

"Cheng Feng, this can be tried."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The worst thing is to slow down the escape speed of the Ironwood God Tree."

"Okay, I'll give this gift to the iron tree **** tree."

Cheng Feng nodded, and then spread out in a thousand miles.

唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared.

The next moment, the iron wood **** tree was within dozens of miles.

A void surged, and then Cheng Feng stepped out of it.

"Small beasts, the true ghosts stay together!"

Seeing Cheng Feng drilling out of the void, Tiemu's invincible face was gloomy.

Standing on the ironwood **** tree, two wide palms that had grown back were raised.

Boom boom ~~~

Iron Dome's large handprints called one after another to Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng is not hard-wired, but rather performs a marvelous walk, like a flexible goldfish.

Between the iron dome fingerprints, rush through.

In the blink of an eye, he approached Tiemu Shenshu.

Then, Cheng Feng punched the ironwood **** tree.

This punch looks very fierce, but in fact, the punch is restrained.

When the punch hit the tree body of the iron tree **** tree, he only hit a half-foot deep punch hole.

For the huge body of the iron tree **** tree hundreds of miles, it feels like an itchy boot, without any threat!

However, what others don't know is that in the half-foot deep fist hole, there are four or five soul rings inlaid.

These Soul Rings are filled with fire crystals and earth fire crystals.

After Cheng Feng embedded it into the tree of the ironwood **** tree, he immediately cast a thousand miles of 遁 shape, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared!

"Well? What happened to Cheng Feng?

Seeing Cheng Feng's departure, Tiemu invincible raised his eyebrows: "This time, I did not launch a knife attack on Shenshu, and I just went straight."

"Don't it touch the tree of God several times, desperate?"

"Well, it's quite possible."

Tiemu Chaoge nodded: "Without the help of Super Different Fire, the little beasts are not afraid!"

However, Tiemu Chaoge's voice has just fallen.

Boom ~~ Boom ~~

Several explosions sounded on the tree of the Ironwood God Tree.

Immediately, as if a chain effect was triggered, bang bang bang bang bang ~~~

A horrible explosion suddenly swept up frantically along the tree of the Ironwood God Tree.

"Mad, what happened? What the **** happened?"

With the sound of the explosion, the entire iron-wood **** tree shook violently.

As if being hit by a sledgehammer against the tree in a frantic hammering, the two iron trees Chaoge standing on the iron tree **** tree almost came down.

"Explosion, this is an explosion caused by a fiery red stone!"

Tiemu's invincible repair was advanced, and his glance immediately saw the source of the explosion.

I saw dozens of miles above the roots of the ironwood **** tree, with the size of a human head's fiery red stones constantly exploding.

And each stone exploded will explode dozens of adjacent stones.

Under this condition, a stone connected to a stone directly set off a terror explosion.

Suddenly, the explosion exploded.

The sky full of fire waves and shock waves directly covered the entire ironwood **** tree!

"This gift should be enough for the ironwood **** tree to endure?"

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng was standing in the void watching.

When he saw the billowing fire waves rolled up for hundreds of miles and covered the ironwood **** tree, a smile appeared on his face.

To tell the truth, Cheng Feng's cold and sorrowful inflicted great trauma on the Iron Tree God Tree.

The first was Tiemu Chaoge. Even after the explosion, he used defensive martial arts in time to protect himself in all directions.

He was still hit by the shock wave from the explosion, and flew it away dozens of miles on the spot.

The flesh and blood of the whole body was blurred, and people were still flying horizontally.

As for Tiemu invincible, the situation is worse than Tiemu Chaoge.

This is mainly because the invincibility of Ironwood is relatively close to the explosion point, which can be called the first to bear the brunt.

Therefore, although he is a fourth-highest master who ascended to the sky, his entire body was blown to pieces.

If it is not a warrior who ascends to the sky, that strong vitality will support it.

Tiemu is invincible at this moment, it has absolutely hung up!

But the two who suffered only were so miserable.

The Tiemu God Tree, which was taken care of by countless Yanhuo Jing, couldn't bear to see it.

I saw that the part of the iron wood **** tree that had been bombarded in the front was actually crushed more than a hundred miles.

Even if the tree body of the ironwood **** tree is very large, it has suffered great trauma.

It is especially tragic that after the explosion of the ground flame crystal, terrible high temperature was also generated.

Inflicted secondary damage to the Ironwood God Tree.

All the places that were bombed were set on fire, as if the entire giant tree was to be burned.

"Good, very good."

Thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng will run the God of Fortune to the extreme.

Across the distance, I saw it clearly and whispered: "The iron tree **** tree has been so badly damaged. Now, see where you are going!


At the same time, the ironwood **** tree is near.

The iron wood flew out of the song dozens of miles, with a scream of hysteria in his mouth.

Immediately shouting his throat, he hated the surging curse: "Cheng Feng, I must crush you to death!"

Obviously, Tiemu Chaoge has guessed who just exploded.

The resentment against Cheng Feng has reached a level that cannot be separated.

So, in a hissing curse, Tiemu Chaoge turned to face the crown of the Tiemu **** tree.

A pair of **** hands, Huo Ran lifted up!

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