Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1326: Eight Peerless Powerhouses

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Chapter 1326 Eight Peerless Powerful

"No, I'm afraid that Tiemu Chaoge will release the peerless strongman born of Tiemu Shenshu again!"

Thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng saw this scene through the eyes of God, and his eyes tightened.

"Cheng Feng, this may be a good thing."

However, Nalan Changsheng said: "None of the strongmen born from the iron tree **** tree has grown up yet."

"At this time, it was released by Tiemu Chaoge in a large amount, which will only greatly reduce the number of top masters of Blood God!"

The masters bred by Tiemu Shenshu should not be released casually.

Once released, I am afraid that it cannot be replaced again.

Therefore, Tiemu Chaoge was intercepted many times by Cheng Feng, and he also released only an invincibility of Tiemu and the avatar of King Chiyan.

And this is his concern.

At this moment, Tiemu Chaoge was pushed to an extreme by Cheng Feng, and he simply let go of such concerns.

For the overall situation, this is only good, not bad.

Of course, if it is a bad thing for Cheng Feng, you need to be ready to leave at any time.

During the conversation, Cheng Feng stared at Tiemu Chaoge.

After seeing the ironwood chanting song, facing the crown of the ironwood **** tree, he used a profound Indian seal method.


With the use of this seal, a gust of wind suddenly blew near the crown of the Ironwood God Tree.

The wind was so strong that it blew on the clouds around the canopy.

It was the cloud and mist that suddenly flew away.

The canopy of the ironwood **** tree that covered the clouds with fog was completely exposed to Cheng Feng's vision.

"That's ... a lot of fakes!"

After the clouds were blown away by the wind, Cheng Feng took a look and suddenly took a breath.

It turned out to be a super huge black flower in the crown of the iron tree **** tree.

This flower is made up of super-large petals of one leaf. Almost every petal produces dozens of black tubes, and it hangs a peaceful sleeping child.

Cheng Feng made a rough estimate, at least a hundred or more.

"More than a hundred imitations of the strong?"

Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng shuddered: "If these counterfeits are all clones of the top blood gods, it would be ..."

The matter was indeed alarming.

It should be noted that the sole adoration of the King of the Red Flame God will make the Wang Pin Hell Heiyan roaring.

If there are more than one hundred lords of the Chiyan god, then the blood gods will be able to flatten the feathered gods easily.

Even the other eight dynasties in the earth dome are not immune!

"Cheng Feng, don't be nervous."

When Cheng Feng was shocked, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "These warriors on the petals of black flowers are not as scary as you think."

"The person with the greatest potential seems to be only able to reach the fourth highest ascent."

"Take a closer look. Among these people, maybe your old acquaintances!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng looked up and took a closer look.

Sure enough, these warriors located on the petals of black flowers were not high in repair.

Among them are those who were killed by him, such as the blood hand protection of the blood gods, the law of criminal protection, the master of the female lady ... and so on.

"I see. Not all warriors bred by the Iron Tree God Tree are powerful avatars."

Cheng Feng exhaled: "Most people are dead masters of ascending to heaven."

"Only a few people are the avatars of the power of good fortune!"

Said, Cheng Feng looked at the center of Heihua.

I saw this huge black flower, divided into three grades.

Petals, lace, hearts.

The lace is located between the petals and the heart, and is a black and red plush area.

In this area, there are also about 30 children hanging upside down by black pipes.

But Xiuwei is much stronger than the warrior in the petal area. According to Nalan's longevity estimates, the strongest can grow up to the sixth weight.

Behind the lace area is the flower heart.

This flower heart is just a thick black filament, which makes people feel hairy at first glance.

In the center of the flower heart, there are eight large beds covered with black filaments.

At this time, seven children were wandering on the eight beds.

When Cheng Feng looked up, the seven children opened their eyes and looked back at Cheng Feng.

The eyes of these seven children were terrifying.

Looking at each other, they smashed into Cheng Feng's heart like a heavy hammer.

It actually made Cheng Feng feel almost suffocating!

"Super masters, these people are all super masters!"

Suddenly, Cheng Feng had a cognition in his heart, and Shen said: "Seven people, each of them is at the same level as the King of Chiyan!

Cheng Feng's words are not bad at all.

The growth potential of these seven children goes hand in hand with King Chiyan.

In fact, the eighth bed on Heihuahuaxin is the exclusive possession of the King of Chiyan.

However, the avatar of King Chiyan was awakened in advance by Tiemu Chaoge, so there was a vacancy!

"Cheng Feng, ready to drive away."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Of the seven children on the flower heart, five are imitations of the great power of creation, and the other two are half-step creatures.

"These existences, if all are awakened by Tiemu Chaoge, then you must die!"

"What? Five imitations of the powerful creatures, and two half-step creatures?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's face turned black: "Grass, if the ironwood **** tree has these existences, all cultivate to the peak level!"

"Absolutely can flatten the entire feathered god!"

At the moment of Cheng Feng's ups and downs.

Thousands of miles away, the iron-wood Chaoge has already shown a crazy look.

I saw him tying his hands on his knees, and shouting to the giant black flower with a strange voice.

"King of the Dark God, King of the Promise, Yan Jun, soul killer ..."

"Please adults, wake up quickly!"

The sound of Tiemu Chaoge seemed to have a magic sound.

As the sound passed into the giant black flower, the seven children lying on the bed, a pair of eyes, suddenly appeared a look of joy.

As if the person in a daze heard the cry, wake up from a daze!

"Cheng Feng, ready to run."

Seeing this, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded.

"OK." Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately after that, the sixth layer of the shadow puppet form has begun to perform.

However, just then.

A cold, violent drinking suddenly came from the sky in the distance.

"Tiemu Chaoge, hurry up!"

With this shout, a middle-aged man tore the void and got out of it.

"Chen Hufa?"

Seeing the person coming, Tiemu Chaoge's eyes were fixed.

"Tiemu Chaoge, who wants you to wake up the Holy Ghost?"

The middle-aged man, dubbed 'Chen Hufa' by Tiemu Chaoge, is wearing a rune robe.

It is Chen Taicang, the fourth guardian of the blood gods.

As soon as he got out of the void, he scolded at Tiemu Chaoge: "Did you know that these strong men have not been bred to the highest level by the **** tree?"

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