Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1327: Powerhouses from all walks of life

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Chapter 1327 The Powerhouses of All Paths Appear Together

"Once awakened by you, Xiuwei will completely stagnate at the moment of awakening!"

Chen Tai angered and said, "Because of this, the plan that my holy religion has planned for many years will be buried by you."

"Chen Hufa, I have no choice but to."

After being reprimanded by Chen Taicang, Tiemu Chaoge was poured with a bucket of cold water.

All the anger in my heart disappeared in an instant: "All of this blame Cheng Feng's little beast."

"Not long ago, the little beast suddenly entered my Tiemu family headquarters, not only killing 90% of my Tiemu family."

"It was even more necessary to kill me, I was forced to helplessly, and then released the **** tree of the Shenmu world."

"But that little animal is too strong."

Tiemu Chaoge called Qu: "The power of the **** tree cannot be suppressed at all."

"So, I can only release imitations of adults ..."

"Enough, I'm not here to hear your complaints!"

Chen Taicang interrupted Tiemu Chaoge's words, and commanded: "You immediately soothe the seven peerless existences of the Holy Religion, and let them go back to sleep."

"As for Cheng Feng, someone has come to deal with it!"

"This ... okay!"

I heard that Tiemu Chaoge was very unwilling.

However, in the face of Chen Taicang's cold eyes, he had to nod to promise.

But at this time, tearing ~~ stabbing ~~

Two consecutive torn voices of the void came.

Then a man and a woman emerged from the torn void.

"These are the two peak owners of the Ninth Peak of the Academy. They are handsome after the wind!"

Thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng was planning to run away.

I didn't expect the peak to turn around, so I stopped and watched.

When he saw the two men and a woman coming from the torn void, he immediately recognized them.

"Chen Hufa, here is Qianlong College's follower and electric handsome!"

As the first homeowner of Qianlong County, Tiemu Chaoge was obviously very familiar with the strong men of Qianlong College.

He recognized the electric handsome after the wind, and shouted, "These two are a pair of lovers, and they are all crazy."

"Especially that purple-haired electric handsome, there is even a lunatic!"

"It's hard to fight, very difficult!"

"Oh, right?"

However, Chen Taicang didn't pay much attention, and said indifferently: "Unfortunately, the repair is a little bit worse, and it is the fourth most important thing."

"If I take a shot, they will lose within 100 strokes and die within 1000 strokes!"

"Huh, what a breath!"

Hearing Chen Taicang's words, the purple-haired electric handsome stepped forward violently, "Would we like to play a game?"

"Looking at you, the fourth guardian of the Blood Gods is awesome. It's my guy who is the penultimate Jiufeng from Qianlong College!"

"Oh, what's the point of hitting you alone?"

Chen Taicang said proudly: "If you want to fight, hit both of you!"

While talking, Chen Taicang's head actually flickered with six halos.

Its practice is to reach the sixth ascent to the sky.

"Arrogant guy, look for death!"

After the wind and the electric handsome were violent temper, heard this, immediately angry.

He burst into a drink and killed Chen Taicang.

Chen Taicang, on the other hand, was not panic-stricken.

I saw him while stimulating the divine power in his body, while facing Tiemu Chaoge, yelling, "Tiemu master, what are you still thinking about?"

"Quickly control the Ironwood God Tree and head to the Holy Spirit headquarters."

Obviously, Chen Taicang played against the two after the war, not to show strength.

It was to give Tiemu Chaoge time to flee.

However, due to previous delays, the strong in the righteous camp have quickly arrived.

Just when Tiemu Chaoge returned to God, preparing to control the Tiemu God Tree to run.

嗤 ~~ 嗤 ~~

One sword at a time, Huo Ran pierced the sky and killed Tiemu Chaoge and Tiemu invincibly.

This sword is very powerful.

Dao Mang and Jian Guang are hundreds of miles away, yet they are not close.

"Chaoge, hide in the **** tree."

Tiemu invincible shouted: "The person who came here seems to be the sword and sword master of Qianlong Academy and the sword tower peak sword master!"

"All exist to kill people across the realm. Once they are hit, the consequences are unthinkable!"

In the shout, Tiemu Invincible has already flew to Tiemu God Tree one step ahead.

The intention is to use the power of the **** tree to resolve the immediate crisis.

"Sword Master Sword Master and Turret Sword Master?"

Wen Yan, Tiemu Chaoge's cold sweats came out.

Without saying a word, he ran away and fled to the ironwood **** tree.

During the flight, he also printed the seal.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

The ironwood **** tree's blasted root beard immediately flew in front of Tiemu Chaoge.

A dense and impenetrable tree network was formed to protect Tiemu Chaoge.

boom! boom!

Under these circumstances, Tiemu Chaoge just saved his life.

As for the invincible Temu, there is no such good luck.

Even though he borrowed the power of the Ironwood God Tree, the ironwood God Tree Sutra peaked just a moment ago, and the power delivered to the Ironwood God's invincible power plummeted.

As a result, when hit by a sword light, one arm was smashed into pieces!

"Haha, it is Master and Jianlin Jian who arrived."

A thousand miles away, Cheng Feng saw this scene, with a bright smile on his face.

I knew in my heart that my previous hard work was not wasted.

At this moment, the results are already showing.

At the same time, Tiemu Chaoge was heartbroken and filled with fear.

"How to do how to do?"

Tiemu Chaoge was panicking: "Qianlong Academy is coming in large numbers."

"If all the strong are here, then I am afraid ..."

"What panic?"

Chen Taicang, who was fighting the wind and the electric handsome, had a very calm voice: "You can only control the Ironwood God Tree to leave."

"As for the sword forest sword master and the turret sword master, I will handle it myself."

During the conversation, Chen Taicang roused his divine power, forming two rivers of divine power, and rushed towards the rushing sword forest master and turret sword master.

Actually, they must use their own strength to fight the four masters of Qianlong Academy alone!

"Hahahaha ~~~"

However, waves have just flattened and waves have started again.

After Chen Taicang entangled the wind, the four electric handsomes, a rough laugh, rang out from the sky.

The next moment, a giant man who was not so strong, collapsed into the void with one shoulder.

Like a meteorite, it fell from the sky.

"Chen Taicang, dare to fight alone for four people. I like your style."

While falling, the super strong man has already set up a mountain-like fist and pointed at Chen Taicang: "I think it is best for me to fight you!"

When the words stopped, the fist of the super strong man blasted to Chen Taicang.

I only penetrated the void through a crack, and the coverage area of ​​boxing force reached hundreds of miles.

Including the four handsome guys after the wind, all included!

"Grass, is another Qianlong Academy strong!"

Tiemu Chaoge's face turned blue on the Ironwood God Tree: "Also, this person is still the savage beast Fengfeng who is famous for his mighty combat power."

"This time, it's really troublesome!"

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