Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1342: End the grudge

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Chapter One Three Twelve and Twelve Ends Resentment

You can even say so.

If Cheng Feng's mother did not shape the flesh, there would be no conspiracy of blood gods later.

And this may be the unpredictable 'cause and effect' in the deep!

"Cheng Feng, everything in the world is ever-changing, but there is always an invisible 'line' that connects them together."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "And this line is called 'Causality Line'."

"Causal line?"

Cheng Feng didn't quite understand: "Uncle Nalan, what is the cause and effect line and what is the cause and effect?"

"Cause and effect are unpredictable and cannot be described in words."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If you have to say one reason, then it is a rule of heaven and earth movement!"

"As it is said that there is cause and effect, these two are interdependent and indispensable."

"Maybe when your practice is higher, your vision will be broadened, and your experience will be richer ... you will understand what‘ causality ’is!”


After listening to Nalan Changsheng's explanation, Cheng Feng became even more confused.

But in fact, cause and effect are not so mysterious.

To put it bluntly, it is just a kind of textual explanation of martial arts by the martial arts.

It's a rule, a jurisprudence, an order that everything in the world needs to follow!

This order, big and small, is everywhere.

For example, weather changes, leaves falling, and birds shaking their wings may also be a cause and effect cycle.

Maybe the bird shakes its wings once, which causes the weather to change, and the weather changes to cause the leaves to fall.

This situation is very common.

Even one's eating and drinking Lazarus is producing a 'cause' and a certain 'effect'.

It's just that this cause and effect is too small to affect people at all, so they ignored it spontaneously and didn't care.

If you look closely, in fact every person is producing various 'causes' and various 'effects'.

Therefore, cause and effect are not terrible, it is often accompanied by people.

As long as you don't deliberately brew the 'big cause', it won't have much impact on yourself.

Cheng Feng is not stupid. At first, he was shocked by the word 'cause and effect', thinking that cause and effect is so mysterious.

But with careful analysis and deliberation, I gradually realized some enlightenment in my heart.

"Uncle Naland, I seem to understand a bit."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Cause and effect should be a rule, a constant relationship with a beginning and an end."

"It is precisely because my mother has shaped a physical body based on the origin of life that the blood gods have formed a conspiracy to create a powerful imitation body."

"But it was also because my mother had a physical body and gave birth to me, so today, more than a decade later, I broke through this plan of the blood gods."

"In the end, a cause and effect caused by the shaping of the flesh from the source of life finally ended in the hands of my mother."

"Well, you can understand that."

Nalan Changsheng said, "But if we elaborate, it is actually the true essence."

"Perhaps when you have contacted the Buddhists, you will have a deep understanding of the" causality "."

"Because of the Buddhism, he has deep research on causality."

"A Buddhist man?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "Is it the monks who shaved their hair in Ximo Buddhism?"

"Yes, it is them."

"When the iconic **** was facing the moon temple, the **** of war talked to me once with the help of elder Qian Qu."

Cheng Feng suddenly remembered one thing: "In that conversation, God of War asked me to go to the West Desert Buddha Country and get him out of the skull that was suppressed under the Qianfo Temple."

"Is this also a 'cause and effect'?"

"Uh ... you can understand that too."

Nalan Changsheng froze for a moment, then said, "Okay, Cheng Feng, we will discuss the cause and effect here today."

"As of now, let's take care of your trivia!"

"Uh, okay!" Cheng Feng nodded.

In fact, the cause and effect way seems simple, but in fact it contains the truth.

Like a Buddhist teaching Zen, the more you think about it, the more esoteric, the more inexplicable.

In the end, he took himself in instead.

Nalan Changsheng also saw this sign, so he quickly stopped the discussion.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Feng temporarily pressed down the complex thoughts in his heart.

His eyes became clear and he looked at Jiang Xue.

"Mother, you must have suffered a lot since being arrested by the Ironwood family."

Cheng Feng said: "The culprit who arrested you back then, I have already captured it alive."

"Now it's time for him to be punished!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng shook the empty pot.

A dark shadow was thrown from the Nether Pot, and he slammed on the ground.

It was Tiemu Huang, the elder of the Tiemu family.

Not long ago, Cheng Feng killed a large number of core members of the Ironwood family.

At the same time, two culprits were caught alive, one was the Seven Elders Tiemu Xingqi, and the other was the Elder Tiemu Huang.

At that time, he led the team to capture Cheng Feng's mother Jiang Xue, and this was Tiemu Huang.

"Cheng Feng? You are not dead ..."

When Cheng Feng threw out the void pot, Tie Muhuang's eyes stared.

After he thought that Tiemu Chaoge completely released the Tiemu Shenshu from the Shenmu world, Cheng Feng would surely die.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was unscathed, which surprised him.

But when he woke up, he immediately knelt down on his knees and shouted his head at Cheng Feng.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, forgive me, forgive me!"

Tiemu Huang was full of remorse: "The reason why I committed so many sins was that I was persecuted by Tiemu Chaoge. It was not my original intention."

"By the way, I am also a victim."

"Please also ask my son Feng Feng to look at my age and bypass me this time!"

"Give me your life? How dare you say that?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "He committed guilty sins and waited for retribution, but pushed on others."

"You can only be human, more jerk, scum than scum!"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, I really ..."

"Shut up, I'm too lazy to hear you farting!"

Cheng Feng stopped Tie Muhuang's sophistry and faced Jiang Xue: "Mother, the culprit that hurt you for more than ten years is in front of you."

"What do you want to do with him, despite the orders, the baby will do it for you!"

"Jiang Xue, no no ... girl Jiang."

Seeing Cheng Feng hand over his fate to Jiang Xue to handle.

The Tiemuhuang suddenly crawled all the way, hoeing Jiang Xuelian, confessing: "I was so guilty that I had lost my heart and offended you, and I ask your grown-ups to remember the villains and let me go."


After hearing Tie Muhuang's shameless words, Cheng Feng's face was cold.

With a yell, hum ~~~

A strong breath exuded, pressing on Tie Muhuang's body.

All of a sudden, Tie Muhuang was struck by lightning, and the whole person was like a toad, his face lying on the ground against the grass, unable to move at all.

As for the sound, it was interrupted on the spot and the world was quiet.

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