Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1343: Long Aotian Healed

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Chapter 1343 Long Aotian Healed

After suppressing Tiemuhuang to the ground, Cheng Feng faced Jiang Xue.

"Mother, make your decision now."

Cheng Fengdao: "Without the old thing of Tiemuhuang, you should be able to make the clearest decision."

"Xiao Feng, in fact, I don't have much hatred for this Tiemu Huang."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Xue said, "Since I made up my mind to shed the spirit body and survive as a human being."

"I have been prepared for the sufferings of the future."

"So this Tiemu Huang, let's go with him!"

Jiang Xue is a kind person with a broad mind and no hatred in his heart.

For Tie Muhuang, she was able to let go of the clutter that caused her to be almost scattered.

However, Jiang Xue is pure in heart and can forget hatred.

But Cheng Feng couldn't do it, let alone forget it.

For those who have hurt themselves and their relatives and friends, Cheng Feng has only one coping principle.

That is --- for-tooth!

Therefore, when Jiang Xue said that he had let off Tie Muhuang, Cheng Feng's brow froze.

"Mother, this Tiemuhuang hurt you so badly."

Cheng Feng puzzled: "Why do you have to forgive him?"

"Xiao Feng, my life was born in heaven and earth."

Jiang Xuedao: "So it is difficult for me to hate all things in the world."

"Perhaps this is something I am missing as a person!"

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can do it yourself."

Jiang Xue was transformed from the spirit of the earth. The complex emotions of people are really not perfect.

This is also where Jiang Xue has always been inferior.

Cheng Feng was naturally sensitive, and immediately felt Jiang Xue's mood was a little down.

So he said, "Mother, you let Tie Muhuang go, that's your kindness."

"But Tie Muhuang is so evil and so easy to let go, thinking that everyone in the world is bullying."

"So the baby feels that he should be taught some profound lessons."

"Lest more innocent people suffer from this old thing!"

"Alright, let's do this."

Jiang Xue nodded: "Evil people, indeed deserve some punishment, otherwise they will become more and more evil."

"Mother, wait a moment."

Cheng Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'll take care of this Tiemu Huang, and let's talk again."

After speaking, Cheng Feng lifted up Tiemuhuang, displayed the shape of a hundred miles, and appeared somewhere away.

Huh! Cheng Feng threw Tie Muhuang to the ground.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, forgive me, forgive me!"

After Tie Muhuang landed, he immediately scratched his head and begged for mercy.

"You scum is too forgiving!"

However, Cheng Feng's voice was cold: "For mother's sake, I will save you a life."

"But how long you can live in the end, it depends on God!"

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Feng ignored the misery of Tie Muhuang at all.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Slashing the demon sword and throwing it, smashing the nine points of Tie Muhuang together.

Later, Tie Muhuang's limbs were broken with the back of the knife, and her throat was also broken.

Under this condition, Tie Muhuang was completely destroyed. Although people were not dead, they were not much different from death.

At most, it can only last for three or five days.

If you are lucky, you will be swallowed by foraging beasts!

If you are unlucky, you will starve to death!

"Tie Muhuang, this is your due punishment, wait for your death slowly."

After doing this, Cheng Feng looked back.

There is no burden in my heart, because this is what Tie Muhuang deserves.

The victim will be punished after all!

Then, Cheng Feng made a hundred-mile 遁 shape and returned directly.

唰 ~~~

After a trembling void, Cheng Feng has returned to his place.

Immediately, Jiang Xue sat cross-legged and did not practice any exercises.

However, there was a sense of free energy, along Jiang Xue's body pores, drilled into Jiang Xue's body.

Let the veins in her body become wider.

It even produced a lot of vitality, with a bit of martial arts foundation.

Taking a closer look, this is the first stage of human martial arts.

"Mother, you are a martial artist."

Upon discovering this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "If you practice martial arts, you will certainly be a thousand miles away."

"There is much more potential than the peerless genius in many martial arts sects."

"is it?"

After hearing the words, Jiang Xue smiled slightly: "If this is the case, then I will look for a martial arts practice practice or two."

"So, if someone wants to be against me again, they will be able to protect themselves."

"Since your mother is willing to cultivate, I happen to have a method of absorbing energy here."

Cheng Feng said: "This exercise method, named Hanbing Tianchen, can increase the cultivation speed tenfold."

"If you practice with this method, you can do more with less."

Speaking, Cheng Feng directly filled Jiang Xue's mind with the spirit of Hanbing Tianchen's decision.

Later, he took out some of the best Yuanshi, Longjing and Longyuan and gave them to Jiang Xue for promotion.

Finally, he took out an empty bottle, poured thousands of drops of water of life, and gave it to Jiang Xue.

Let her practice while she can take it back and let Cheng Wutian share them.

After all, thousands of drops of water are not trivial. I am afraid that the entire Cheng family can use them together for hundreds of years.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Cheng Feng handed the jade bottle containing the water of life to Jiang Xue.

Long Aotian's proud laugh came from the sky: "Cheng Feng, Ben Shao's injury recovered by 1%."

"Now even with two or three masters, Ben Shao can easily defeat!"

With Zhang Kuang's voice, a 100-meter-long five-pronged golden dragon flew from the sky with open teeth.

Amazingly Long Aotian!

"Long Aotian, it's interesting."

Hearing the sound, Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and swept away, his eyes narrowed.

I saw that after swallowing hundreds of drops of water of life, Long Aotian did change a lot.

Not only did the dragon's body grow beyond a hundred meters away, but there was also an overwhelming force in the body!

In particular, the five dragon claws have their nails bent like a sharp knife.

Compared to the top Taoist soldiers, nothing is worse!

I'm afraid there is a real fight against Shang Dengtian's third master.

"Haha, that's it!"

Praised by Cheng Feng, Long Aotian's tail lifted up: "You don't have to look at who this is!

"Fuck, you said you were fat?"

Glancing at Long Aotian, Cheng Feng's eyes glared: "Although your combat power has recovered a little, but the real master, you must be beaten down in three or five moves."

"You better not be too arrogant, so as not to be caught by top experts to stew soup!"

"Well, scare less."

Long Aotian pouted: "My current strength, although I can't walk sideways on the earth dome, but no one wants to catch it."

"It's a big deal, Cheng Feng, you can give me a few thousand drops of water of life and repair my injury more."

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