Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1344: Ao Xuan Tuo follows

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Chapter 134: Ao Xuan Tuo Follows Up

"You are Chinese cabbage as the water of life? How many thousand drops?"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng's mouth twitched.

"Cheng Feng, the water of life you searched, I guess it is at least 10,000 drops."

Long Aotian chicken thief said: "I want you a few thousand drops, totally reasonable."

"It should be noted that if it wasn't for Ben Shao to break the early-war formation of the Temu family ..."

"Stop it!"

Cheng Feng said with a black face: "You've done such a trivial matter, but repeatedly mentioned five times, are you sorry?"

"What's so embarrassing about this."

Long Aotian was very thick-skinned and said grinningly, "You know, although I do small things, they play a big role."

"Of course, if you feel that thousands of drops of water are too much, you can give me a few hundred drops."

"Fuck, are you still entangled in me?"

"That wouldn't work. Who told you to be 'big money' now?"

Long Aotian grinned, "Moreover, if you give me a few hundred drops of water of life, I can give back a message."

"Message? What message?"

"You give me the water of life before I tell you."

"Wipe, and play with me."

Cheng Feng was a little speechless, then glanced at Long Aotian and promised, "OK, I'll give you five hundred drops of water of life."

"But I can tell you that this is the last time I gave you the water of life for free."

"If you want to get it later, you must pay accordingly."

Said, Cheng Feng took five hundred drops of water of life and threw it to Long Aotian.

"Cheng Feng, it looks like you have a lot of inventory on hand."

Long Aotian caught five hundred drops of the water of life, but his eyes couldn't help turning around Cheng Feng's soul ring.

"Don't go blind, tell me the so-called news."

Cheng Feng put away his soul ring and urged.

"Actually nothing."

Seeing Cheng Feng put away the soul ring, Long Ao genius reluctantly looked back: "When I refined those hundreds of drops of water of life, I came across someone by accident."

"Meet someone? Who?"

"That man is proficient in the way of space. It should be the eighth guardian of the blood gods, Ao Xuantuo."

Long Aotian said: "Look at him, he seems to be looking for someone."

"Blood God's Eighth Guardian Ao Xuantuo?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "This clutter is sensitive to the sense of smell, but it was found so quickly."

"It's okay, my practice has just broken."

"Just try the portion."

At this point, Cheng Feng's eyes were cold and he asked, "Long Aotian, where is Aoxuan Tuo now?"

"That guy just wandered about three or four hundred miles away."

Long Aotian said: "As for now, it's not easy to say."

"Well, let's take a look? Just check the strength of Ben Shao!"

After the dragon body recovered to a distance of 100 meters, Long Aotian flexed his muscles and burst into confidence.

I want to find a master and try my strength.

"wait a minutes."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and replied: "I will send my mother back to the family first."

Said, Cheng Feng Wang Xiangjiang Xue: "Mother, our Cheng family, has been relocated to Qianlong Academy by my teacher."

"Will I use the gold portal to take you back first?"

Jiang Xue has no martial arts practice and is really not suitable for staying on the battlefield.

Returning it to Cheng's home in advance is a good choice.

However, Jiang Xue was a little hesitant.

After Cheng Feng understood the situation, he suddenly shook his head.

It turned out that Jiang Xue was hesitant because Cheng Wutian was not waiting to see her.

So Cheng Feng said with relief: "Mother, you can rest assured, Grandpa has recognized you for a long time."

"At this moment, I wish you could go back!"


Hearing that Jiang Xue's eyes brightened.

"of course it's true."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I still told my grandfather about you."

Hearing here, Jiang Xue finally relieved.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng took no delay and immediately took out a gold portal.

After being embedded in a medium-space spar, the transmission terminal was locked in the Star City and Cheng's compound.

The next moment, a bright golden light flickered.

Then he wrapped up Jiang Xue and dragged it into the void channel and disappeared.

"Well, my mother has sent it away."

After the golden light wrapped in Jiang Xue disappeared completely, Cheng Feng said, "Long Aotian, lead the way in front of you."

"Before, I was taught by several bloodless gods to the blood gods, and I was forced to death several times.

"Next, it's time to recover some interest."

"Especially the invincible ironwood of the ironwood family, we must end it completely!"

The members of the Tiemu family have been killed by Cheng Feng.

Now counting carefully, there are four important people who have not died.

One is the invincible Temu, the second is Masao Temu, and the third is the Phoenix Temu.

As for the elder Tiemu Huang, there was still a breath.

But Xiu was abolished, his throat was destroyed, and his limbs were disabled.

In this case, Tie Muhuang has no chance of surviving, and can be directly counted as a dead person.

Therefore, Cheng Feng's next primary goal is to be invincible.

To avoid unnecessary hidden dangers after they escape!

"Cheng Feng, come with me."

Long Aotian was very simple. Hearing Cheng Feng's words, he immediately led the way and flew west.

Jo Mo flew more than a hundred miles, and a fierce fighting came suddenly.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the good fortune and swept away.

It was found that there were two groups of men and horses in front of them, and they were fighting fiercely.

These two waves of men and women wore clothes embroidered with the Qianlong Academy logo.

The other group had different clothes, and each of them had a harsh face.

Attacking and killing is even more fierce and vicious. At first glance, you know that it is not a decent person.

"Some academy disciples are fighting the evil warriors."

Glancing casually, Cheng Feng had a panoramic view of the situation on the battlefield.

At the same time, it was found that the situation of the disciples of Qianlong College was not very optimistic.

Several people were wounded after being beaten by the evil martial arts.

If the situation cannot be improved, the annihilation of the entire army is also possible.

As a result, as soon as Cheng Feng's face became cold, he was ready to solve those evil martial arts fighters.

"Cheng Feng, let Ben be less!"

Seeing this, Long Aotian uttered a stop.

Then flinging the 100-meter dragon's body, a flash of light flew directly into the battlefield.

The evil warrior who is fighting the disciples of Qianlong Academy is not very high.

The strongest is no more than a real dragon. Long Aotian got out of the way and just waved three or five dragon claws.

A large number of evil warriors were killed, and the corpses fell.

In a few seconds, all evil fighters were easily resolved by Long Aotian.

Then he flung the dragon's tail, and with the admiration of many Qianlong Academy disciples, he went away.

"How do you feel about killing evil warriors?"

After Long Aotian returned, Cheng Feng asked.

"Nothing, the opponent is too weak."

Long Aotian swayed his claws: "However, the worship of those Qianlong Academy disciples is very good."

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