Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1345: The final battle is staged

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Chapter 135th Final Battle Staged

"Oh, right?"

Cheng Feng laughed: "Next, you may be able to experience this feeling of being admired a few more times."

"Because on this way, there will be no shortage of scenes of fighting between the righteous and evil warriors."

Cheng Feng's words were true.

Because after Cheng Feng pierced through the blood gods' conspiracy to create a powerful imitation body.

Both the righteous and the evil, no longer stand still, and started a real fight.

The battle was sweeping fast and spreading across a wide range.

In just a few hours of work, it has spread throughout the feathered dynasty.

Let the feathered gods toward the three continents and seven counties raging in smoke, fighting the sky.

What is particularly scary is that the people who participated in the battle are no longer as petty as before, and almost all the experts are out.

It can be said that the decisive battle between the Yuhua God's righteous camp and the blood **** religion directly started.

The reason for this is simple.

The blood gods felt that suddenly there were eight peerless masters on their side, and their strength soared.

Rushing may be able to defeat the right path camp in one fell swoop.

The right way camp thinks that the eight powerful imitations of the blood gods have not yet fully grown to the peak.

The sooner the decisive battle takes place, the greater the odds!

As a result, wars between the righteous and the evil almost coincided.

Soon, the war engulfed the entire feathered dynasty.

For example, around Qianlong County, Cheng Feng flew one person and one dragon for a few steps, and once again met the fierce and righteous warriors.

In this regard, Cheng Feng naturally relentlessly, killing those evil warriors.

However, Cheng Feng had just settled the battle, and the next wave of assassination came into view.

As a result, Cheng Feng had only one person and one dragon fighting while he was on his way.

When he arrived at the place where Ao Xuantuo was encountered, Long Aotian actually experienced a full seven or eight battles.

There were more than two hundred evil fighters who died in Cheng Feng's hands.

"Fuck, you martial arts and blood gods, this is really going crazy!"

When he came to a mountain, Long Aotian sighed: "If I continue to fight like this, I feel that the entire feathered dynasty will be destroyed, and everyone must die!"

"Yeah, the right and the evil are indeed a little crazy."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But there is no way but to fight."

"Perhaps only if there is a real victory and defeat, this disaster caused by the invasion of the blood gods will be completely subsided."

"Cheng Feng, I think the decisive factor in this battle is the peerless powerhouses who are seventh or above."

Long Aotian suddenly looked at it and analyzed: "As for the battles of the seventh-level warriors below Dengtian, although important, they may not affect the overall situation.

"So don't think too much about it right now, just be yourself."

"Furthermore, you have pierced the blood-shaking conspiracy, and you have done what you can to the extreme."

"Even if the end result is not satisfactory, you are worthy!"

"Ok, I know."

Cheng Feng nodded: "With regard to the battle of the seventh strongest man on the sky, I will not participate indiscriminately."

"But if the situation is critical and someone needs to go up, I will never shirk."

"After all, some things have to be done!"

"Cheng Feng, Ben Shao admired your personality."

Long Ao looked to Cheng Feng: "In the world, someone must stand up and stand up."

"In my opinion, this kind of talent is a real **** man, and it is a real 'human'!"

"Okay, I say these are useless."

At this point, Cheng Feng opened the topic: "Long Aotian, you said that Ao Xuan Tuo is nearby, what about people now?"

"That guy was here just now."

Long Aotian's gaze swept around, and he replied, "I guess, I've left now!"


Cheng Feng frowned: "According to this, shall we not run for nothing?"

"That may not be so."

Long Aotian grinned: "I secretly laid on Aoxuan Tuo at that time and arranged a miniature tracking array."

"Although the formation is small, it can vaguely indicate the approximate position of Ao Xuantuo."

"Oh, really?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Then you have a quick look, where is Aoxuan Tuo?"

"Orient, Ao Xuan Tuo should be somewhere in the East."

Long Aotian took out a compass-like disc and gave a slight glance, affirmatively.

"In the East? Are you sure?"

Cheng Feng had some doubts: "It's important to know that we have just come from the east and haven't encountered Aoxuan Tuo."

"It just happened to be bypassed."

Long Aotian said with confidence: "The tracking method of Ben Shao will definitely not go wrong, follow me."

As soon as the words came to an end, Long Aotian flew towards the east as soon as he shook the tail.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and followed up.

All the way to the east, Cheng Feng flew more than a hundred miles, and encountered another wave of killing by the righteous warriors.

This wave of killers has a large number of people, about one hundred.

On the other hand, there are only a few dozen people.

However, the smaller group is slaughtering the larger group.

Because the side with a small number has a fourth ascendant.

This man was wearing a robe, and although he lacked an arm, he was unmatched.

Each palm shot with one arm can kill at least four or five people.

And this person, Cheng Feng is very familiar.

Just one glance recognized it, it was the iron beam of the iron wood family that was invincible!

"It's a coincidence. I met Tiemu Invincible?"

Seeing the invincible moment of Tiemu, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

I never expected that it would be an unexpected delight to encounter Tiemu Invincible here.

"Ironwood is invincible? What the hell?"

As for Long Aotian, when he saw Tiemu invincible, his eyes almost stared out.

Shocked: "Cheng Feng, isn't the old thing Temu invincible, hasn't it been killed by you?"

"Why now ..."

In the Tiemu family, Long Aotian saw Cheng Feng's invincibility of Tiemu in his own hands, and cut it in half.

In the end, he added a knife and blasted his entire head.

But at this moment, it saw another invincible iron and wood, which is contrary to common sense!

"Long Aotian, be calm and restless."

Glancing at the shocked Long Aotian, Cheng Feng briefly said that the invincible Iron Tree was resurrected by the Iron Tree God Tree.

"Fuck, how could you do that?"

After listening to Long Aotian, he was even more shocked: "No wonder the heaven and earth dragon veins at the bottom of Qianlong County will be stolen in large numbers. It turned out to be the Iron Tree God Tree, used to resurrect the fallen evil masters!

"By the way, what is the current situation of the Ironwood God Tree?"

"It has collapsed."


Long Aotian's eyes widened: "Is the tree given to you ..."

"It has something to do with me."

Cheng Feng said: "But the people who eventually destroyed the Ironwood God Tree are those who can imitate them."

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