Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 46: Beheaded

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Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Six

The reason why the iron wood **** tree collapsed was because the essence of the body was drained by the seven powerful imitation bodies.

Of course, if you calculate it, it is mainly due to Cheng Feng.

If Cheng Feng had not pierced the conspiracy, the Ironwood God Tree would not have been destroyed.

"Fuck, those powerful imitations are really cruel."

Long Aotian vomited: "The mother who gave birth to her was sucked alive."

"It is a pity that those life origins, if the Ironwood God Tree instilled those life origins into me."

"Then I am ..."

"Long Aotian, dream less of Spring and Autumn."

Cheng Feng shook his head and interrupted Long Aotian's words, pointing at Temu invincible and others: "Choose, pick an opponent you like."

"The rest, I'll fix it!"

"Do you have to choose against these people?"

Hearing that, Long Aotian proudly said: "One person is enough to settle all!"

The words stopped, Long Aotian issued a roar of dragons.

The next moment, a golden light shot straight and flew at dozens of evil warriors led by Tiemu Invincible.

These dozens of evil warriors are not weak.

All have Zulong-level strength!

But to Shanglong Aotian, it's like carved from rotten wood.

With the wave of Long Aotian's claws, ~~~~

On the spot, there were two or three ancestors of the Zulong class, who were arrested and turned into blood caves.

Without screaming too late, it turned into a corpse!

"A dragon? A five-pronged golden dragon?"

"Haha, we have been saved, we are saved!"

Seeing Long Aotian who suddenly appeared and launched a war on evil warriors, countless righteous warriors exclaimed.

While cheering, someone loudly reminded Long Aotian to let him pay attention to the invincibility of Tiemu.

But Long Aotian didn't care and shouted.

"A guy with a broken arm, Ben could get down in minutes."

"Where did the little bug come from?"

Hearing Long Aotian's shout, Tiemu's invincible expression calmed, and he scolded, "Isn't it tiring to live?

However, Temu invincible just said this.

Cheng Feng, wearing the armor of war, suddenly stepped out.

"What? Cheng Feng?"

When Tiemu Invincible saw Cheng Feng, a face instantly became pale as paper.

Even the entire body trembled directly.

This is caused by being scared!

Because he knew deeply how terrible Cheng Feng was.

Lian Dengtian's seventh-largest imitation body cannot be killed.

This time I met Cheng Feng, it was a dead end!

As a result, Tiemu Invincible suddenly evoked all the divine power in the body while his heart was beating.

Dedicated to display a martial arts skill, 唰 ~~~

Immediately turned around and fled!

"What's happening here?"

"Why did the fourth strong evil ascend to heaven just glance at the man in gold armor and fled?"

"Isn't this golden armored man stronger than the fourth strongest man in the sky?"

Seeing the picture of Cheng Feng scaring away the invincible Tiemu, the righteous warriors present were all covered.

Many people even think that they have hallucinations.

However, with Cheng Feng's shot, those people suddenly had no doubt at all.

Eyes were staring straight, and the sea was billowing.

When Cheng Feng evoked ten dragon powers, he exhibited the hand of Emperor-level martial arts that had not been used for a long time.


Actually, a super big hand condensed in the sky, covering the potential of heaven and earth, grabbed the invincible iron and wood.

The ironwood was invincible, and it had already escaped dozens of miles.

But under the grasp of this super big hand, he couldn't escape at all.

Like a chicken, he was caught in the palm of his hand.

Then, he was dragged back into place!

"My God, what does this mean?"

"Someone who ascended the sky to the fourth strongest was caught like a chicken!"

"Isn't that golden armored man a peerless master who ascended to the fifth and even sixth?"

This time, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Even the evil ancestor Zulong-level warrior who was killed by Long Aotian was only a little embarrassed.

As a result, Long Aotian seized the opportunity and cut it off like a vegetable!

However, the shock in everyone's hearts was far less than that of Temu.

At this time, Tiemu was invincible, and his heart was shaking.

The smell of death has never been stronger like this!

However, just to die like this, Tiemu is invincible.

Then he summoned his strength and struck out a large handprint of the iron dome, which he broke free from the hands of his God.

"Tiemu is invincible, don't struggle, you can't escape it anyway!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said coldly, "You still obediently die!"

"Cheng Feng, trying to kill me is not so easy."

However, Temu Invincible did not give up, and shouted, "You know, I'm just a bait."

"It's time to stay proud and protect Xuan Ting, who doesn't have to live?"


Cheng Feng's brow raised, "It turned out that you were just a bait to seduce me. No wonder I happened to meet you this way."

"But what about it?"

"I want to kill you, no one can stop it!"

In speaking, Cheng Feng no longer wastes time.

I saw him raise the Devil Sword, and waited for ten dragon powers to pour in, 唰 ~~~

The first style of Emperor Cang Sword was immediately cut off to Tiemu Invincible.

"Iron Dome fingerprints, stop me!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's incomparable sword light, Temu's invincible face changed dramatically.

Not dare to be indifferent, and hurriedly display his master martial arts to defend.

However, Temu Invincible was first severely injured by Cheng Feng, and then cut off by Zhu Qingshan.

A strength, less than 30% of the heyday.

It seems that although it is the fourth rebuilding of Dengtian, the combat power is worse than the third.

In contrast, Cheng Feng has not only recovered to the peak under the nourishment of the water of life.

And ten dragon powers even broke through the 100,000-meter mark.

At this moment, the power of Emperor Cangdao is much stronger than before.

Over time, Cheng Feng's sword immediately split the invincible iron dome fingerprints into two halves.

And the remaining sword strength continued to slash, and went straight to Tiemu's invincible head.

If the head is chopped by the sword, without the ironwood **** tree, the invincible ironwood will surely die!

"Cheng Feng, eat me a halberd."

Just then, a cold drink suddenly came.

Then, a dark iron halberd penetrated the void and swept towards Cheng Feng.

The power is very aggressive, and the third strongest person in the sky is estimated to be blown alive!

"Xuanting protects the law, you finally arrived in time."

Seeing the black halberd, the ironwood invincible was immediately overjoyed, and saw the hope of life.

Because this halberd of the Xuanting Law is no small matter.

Cheng Feng must dodge.

And when he dodged, Cheng Feng's slashing of his sword energy would naturally dissipate with it.

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