Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1348: Jedi Counterattack

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Chapter 138: The Jedi Counterattack

"Summon the sword, kill the waves!"

Facing the crit of Ebony Euphorbia, Cheng Feng took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, the demon sword was thrown, and the demon sword was defeated in the first style, and it was severely cut on the spear.

Fold waves to kill, you can stack the knife strength dozens of times.

Cheng Feng's repair now is that the ten dragon powers have reached 100,000 meters.

Every blade of power cut out can be called terror.

When this kind of knife power is superimposed dozens of times, the power is so powerful that it is scary.

铿 ~~~

So, as the Devil Sword hits the Ebony Spear.

Suddenly, the black halberd was chopped inward.

Even the part cut by the Demon Sword appeared a knife mark that was two or three inches deep.

If the Ebony Euphorbia is more generous, I am afraid it will be cut off on the spot!

"Damn, Cheng Feng's little beast's power is so scary."

Grasp the dark black halberd with his hands, and the hands of Xuan Ting's guardian trembled violently.

The tiger's mouth was shaken open, the blood was flowing wildly.

However, he didn't have time to bother with them, and with shock of heart, the black halberd was picked up again by him.

In order to sweep the thousands of troops, he beat back to Cheng Feng.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's cold eyes swept away.

God walked out and let Cheng Feng rush into the black halberd in front of him.

Before the halberd sweeps itself, 铿铿 铿 ~~~

According to the knife mark of the black halberd, just seven or eight swords were drawn in one breath.

These seven or eight swords cut by Cheng Feng are extremely powerful.

All slashing forces burst in the same direction, click ~~~

He actually cut the black halberd of Xuan Ting's law protection into pieces.

This horrified the Xuanting protector, his eyes were locked together.

"How can it be?"

Xuan Ting's law-protection yelled, "My Qianling Euphorbia is a masterpiece of Qianling Master."

"Although it has not reached the level of top Taoist soldiers, it is almost the same."

"Now, forcibly cut off by Cheng Feng's little beast?"

"How strong is this little beast?"

At this time, the entire Xuanting Law was a little embarrassed.

It only feels that Cheng Feng is a non-human fruit of red fruit, far beyond his own understanding.

However, Xuan Ting's law enforcement was crippled, but Cheng Feng was sober.

Taking advantage of the disordered mind of Xuan Ting's law-protection, Cheng Feng's black sword lifted up, and according to the key points of Xuan Ting's law-protection, he severely cut it off.

"Little beasts, die for this seat!"

Just then, a cold voice sounded loudly.

Then, an iron cone-like punch quietly penetrated the void.

Strike from behind Cheng Feng, go straight to the back heart of Cheng Feng.

It was that who performed space martial arts and hid in the shadows to peek at many blood gods, the eighth guardian of Ao Xuantuo!

"Oh, someone is hiding in the sneak attack."

However, just when Ao Xuantuo's punch was about to hit Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's face flickered, and then he slammed the black sword to protect Xuan Ting.

Huh! The blade suddenly fell on the punch of Ao Xuan Tuo.

The Ao Xuan Tuo was dormant for a long time, and the fatal blow that had just been brewed was resolved immediately.

"Little beast, you already knew the existence of this seat?"

His painstakingly planned killing was broken, and Ao Xuantuo's face was somewhat iron-blue.

"Oh, I didn't know it before, now I know it."

Cheng Feng sneered: "In fact, this is thanks to the dead Temu invincible 'good intentions' reminder."

"Otherwise, I would be really dangerous."

"Little beast, do you really think the attack on this seat is over?"

Suddenly, Aoxuan Tieqing's face improved.

Become calm and proud, the win is in hand.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing the change of Aoxuan Tuo's look, Cheng Feng raised a bad feeling in his heart: "Is it ..."

Cheng Feng just reacted, 咻 ~~ 咻 ~~

Two hooked styluses have appeared silently.

One after the other, nailed it to Cheng Feng's heart.

Huh! At that moment, the armor of warlord spontaneously operated.

But also when the stylus was clicked, it suddenly sunken inward.

The horrible puncture force blasted Cheng Feng through the armor of war.

Even if Cheng Feng reluctantly exhibited the fifth turn of Tianlong's golden body, his heart was greatly squeezed.

The rupture of small blood vessels traumad Cheng Feng's heart.

Can't help it, oh ~~~

A bite of blood spurted out of Cheng Feng's mouth and stained the corners of his mouth.

"What? The assassination is hidden in the assassination?"

"This blood **** is trying hard to deal with Cheng Feng."

"They first killed Cheng Feng with the invincibility of Tiemu as the bait, and then the eighth guardian of the blood gods hid in secret and carried out a sneak attack."

"Finally, there are two more super killers with stylus pens, giving a fatal blow!"

"This time, I'm afraid Cheng Feng is dangerous!"

All around, those righteous martial artists saw this scene, and all of them were shocked.

Regarding Cheng Feng's fate, he was full of worries.

In particular, Long Aotian, he just killed those ancestral warriors of the Blood Gods and was about to come to help Cheng Feng.

Unexpectedly, the situation changed suddenly.

This keeps his eyes open, his anger heading straight up.

"Cheng Feng, hold on!"

Long Aotian yelled, "I'm here to help you."

The sound did not fall, Long Aotian's 100-meter dragon fluttered and killed Aoxuan Tuo and others.

"Little Golden Dragon, look for death!"

However, for Long Aotian, the four of Ao Xuantuo didn't care.

Only Xuan Ting, who was snored by Cheng Feng, grasped the broken black halberd, and stepped forward violently.

Long Aotian was blocked directly by kilometers.

"Damn guy, get out of Ben!"

Cheng Feng was in a critical situation, Long Aotian didn't talk nonsense.

As soon as he rushed up, he pointed out the sharp claws of a sword and fought with Xuan Ting's protection.

Meanwhile, kilometers away.

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, was attacked by the two heirs of Hellgate without any precaution. Must be dead?"

Ao Xuan Tuo looked at Cheng Feng who had vomited blood, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "For the sake of insurance, I will help you again."

"Fight to send you to **** as soon as possible!"

In jokes, Ao Xuantuo's palms were raised, his fingers turned into fists.

Next, make up the knife for Cheng Feng.

However, at this time.

Guru ~~ Guru ~~

Cheng Feng, who should have burst his heart, suddenly heard a strong and powerful heartbeat.

Even the sound was much stronger than Cheng Feng's heyday.

It was as if a cowhide drum was smashed, and it shook everyone's head.

Not only that, with this strong heartbeat, Cheng Feng looked a little dim, and instantly brightened.

At the same time, there was a majestic force bursting out of Cheng Feng's body.

Bang ~

Actually, the two heirs of Hell Gate were forcibly shaken.

The next moment, Cheng Feng lifted the demon sword in his hand, and cut the three Emperor Cangdao to the two judges, plus Ao Xuantuo.

The three of them were forced to retreat!

"What? Cheng Feng is innocent?"

"Unscathed by the two super killers of Hellgate, how did he do it?"

"Is it impossible for his body to be forged by **** iron?"

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