Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1349: Frightened

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Chapter 139: Scared

Seeing the picture of Cheng Feng's Jedi counterattack, everyone present was stunned.

Even Long Aotian and Xuan Ting in the fierce battle are no exception.

As for the two judges of Ao Xuan Tuo and Hell Gate, the shock in his heart was even more prosperous.

As hell, his face is incredible!

"What is it? What the **** is this?"

Ao Xuan Tuo was puzzled, and yelled, "Even the sixth strongest man who ascended to the sky was suddenly attacked by the two judges of Hell Gate, and he would definitely die!"

"But Cheng Feng, not only didn't die, but became stronger by one point?"

"Hell, hell, hell!"

In fact, the reason why Cheng Feng will do this is entirely because of his powerful blood power.

You know, just now Cheng Feng was suddenly assassinated and was hit hard.

If Ao Xuantuo makes up for the sword again, it is not impossible to die on the spot.

However, at the critical moment, Cheng Feng's sealed blood vein acupoint suddenly opened a gap.


A force of blood transpired from it.

The power of this bloodline is no small matter.

When it was poured into Cheng Feng's wounded heart, in a short time, the broken blood around the heart was repaired one by one.

At the same time, all kinds of hidden dangers caused by a severe blow to the heart are completely eliminated.

Moreover, Cheng Feng's heart was stronger and stronger by 30% than before the injury.

Under this, Cheng Feng countered strongly.

Suddenly the two Judges of Hell Gate and Ao Xuantuo pulled back together.

Then, leave nothing in hand.

The Devil Sword was raised above his head, and the third style of Emperor Cang Sword was in troubled times.

This kind of knife technique of the monster star troubled time needs the power of the stars.

But now is the daytime, the thousands of stars on the sky are all blocked by the sun's rays.

Cheng Feng seems to have some difficulties trying to borrow the starlight.

However, starlight could not be borrowed, and Cheng Feng borrowed other energy.

Om ~~~

When Cheng Feng exhibited the demon star in troubled times, first of all, a blade of swords flew into the sky.

Immediately after that, the scorching sun on that day suddenly burst into full bloom.

The next moment, wow ~~~

A fiery daylight suddenly broke away from the shackles of the sun.

From above nine days, flying down.

From a distance, it looks like a small sun is falling from the sky, and the scene is particularly horrifying!

The righteous warrior who had been hiding a hundred miles away saw this scene, his eyes widened.

With her mouth wide open, she couldn't close.

As for Ao Xuan Tuo, the scalp was numb and howled.

"What the **** is this sword skill? Can you actually use the power of the sun?"

In Ao Xuantuo's understanding, Cheng Feng's strongest sword skill Emperor Cangshu can only rely on the power of the stars.

I never thought, but at this moment it violates common sense and borrows the power of the sun.

However, Cheng Feng did not have time to answer Ao Xuantuo's question.

Wait until the rough light from the sun merges with the sword-mang that rises up into the sky, turning into a brilliant knife-light.

Cheng Feng waved his long sword, and it was so loud ~~~

That cold and bright sword light cut the sky and went straight to the three of Ao Xuantuo.

"Escape, speed escape!"

Facing this slash, Aoxuan Tuo's face changed greatly.

I feel that if I am cut by this sword, I will at least be seriously injured.

Therefore, Ao Xuantuo directly exhibited space martial arts.

The whole person turned into a flash of lightning, and it was about to melt into the void, and quickly flew away.

But at this time, the unmatched sword light had cut through the sky and arrived.

Although Ao Xuantuo penetrated into the void, but under the slash of that blade of light, he was cut directly from the void channel.

Subsequently, Daoguang crushed Ao Xuantuo's body.

"Block it, block it!"

In a critical moment, Ao Xuantuo grabbed a crystal clear stone from her arms.

This stone looks inconspicuous.

But as Ao Xuan Tuo infused a divine power into it, hum ~~~

The whole stone rose in the wind, but it suddenly turned into a vast world.

Cheng Feng's unmatched knife light cut into this vast world. The knife light was thousands of miles long and wide, but he couldn't cut it through.

So that Ao Xuantuo escaped from danger!

"Space stone?"

The peak did not kill Aoxuan Tuo, and Cheng Feng frowned.

However, he saw what the stone Ao Xuantuo used to resist his slashing.

That is a space stone, which is several times larger than the space stone obtained before Cheng Feng.

This space stone has become a space treasure under the sacrifice of Ao Xuantuo.

A small stone is actually a vast void.

No wonder it was able to forcibly isolate Cheng Feng's unmatched blade of light!

"The world formed by space stones is not so strong."

Cheng Feng clutched the Devil Blade and said coldly, "I'll try it. You can stop me from a few troubled times."

After Ao Xuantuo's space stone just blocked Cheng Feng's knife, many cracks have appeared.

If there are several more knives in succession, in all likelihood, they will be cut directly.

At this time, Cheng Feng Huo Ran threw up the sword.

Emperor Cang Sword's third type of demon star troubled times, has begun brewing again.

"Not good, Cheng Feng Xiaozhao is going to chop out the waiting knife just now!"

Seeing this, Nao Xuantuo's face changed dramatically.

The heart was beating wildly, hurrying to place the space stone in front of him.

Then he performed space martial arts, and the whole person merged into the void channel and fled quickly.

"This messy, first-class means of escape!"

With the space stone defense and Ao Xuantuo's escape, Cheng Feng couldn't stop it.

So frown, let the other side run away.

Then his eyes turned, looking for the two judges at Hells Gate.

The two heirs of Hell Gate have already attacked Cheng Feng several times and hit them twice.

Especially this time, Cheng Feng was almost hit hard, which made Cheng Feng's anger accumulate to the peak.

If it is possible, Cheng Feng must give him a memory that he will never forget.

However, Cheng Feng's gaze flew around, but found no trace of the two judges.

Amazingly a chicken thief, after a miss, he drove early!

"These two pieces are even more slippery than loach."

Cheng Feng's face was gloomy, and he whispered, "The means of escape is much better than Aoxuan Tuo."

"However, you have attacked me several times, and it will never be the case."

"Wait next time, I want you to save your life!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng's gaze turned arrogantly to the guardianship of the Xuanting who was fighting Long Aotian.

"Damn it, **** it!"

At this time, Xuanting's protection method, his face was completely pale.

He did not expect that the eighth guardian of the divine blood gods, Ao Xuantuo, and the two judges in Hell's Gate jointly attacked and killed, but they failed to kill Cheng Feng.

And they fled one by one.

Now, he is the only one left. How can there be a way out for Cheng Feng, who is angry?

Immediately exhibited his own martial arts, hum ~~~

In the breath, he turned his body into a giant of hundreds of meters.

Waiting for the palm of the hand to open Long Aotian, he intends to run away!

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