Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1350: Bloodline irrigation

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Chapter 1350 Bloodline Watering

However, at this moment of Cheng Feng, the third style of Emperor Cang Sword has reached its peak.

Seeing that Xuan Ting Hu Fa intends to escape, he said nothing, hey ~~~

With a wave of the Devil Sword, the knife light suddenly burst down!

"Stop me!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's fierce sword light, Xuan Ting's law protection shouted.

Immediately, the body that had risen to a thousand meters actually grew again.

After rising to seven or eight kilometers, the entire body bent sharply, squatting down with his arms folded in his chest, preparing to resist Cheng Feng.

Xuan Ting's law-enhancing trick was his famous defense tactics.

With this move, he has passed through the desperate situation several times.

However, when Xuan Ting's law was cut by Cheng Feng.

Stabbing ~~~

It's like cutting a dead tree with a knife.

The terrible sword light immediately cut off from the head of Xuan Ting Hu Fa.

Wow! Wait until the knife light dissipates.

The huge body of Xuan Ting Hu Fa is directly along the top of the head, one and two halves!

"What? That blood god's Xuanting guardianship was actually cut into two pieces by Cheng Feng?"

"Oh my God, the guardianship of Xuan Ting is the fifth strongest man to ascend to heaven!"

"Did Cheng Feng's strength have reached the point where he could easily kill the fifth strongest man in the sky?"

Around the world, everyone saw Cheng Feng cut off the body of Xuan Ting's body protection, and they all caught on the spot.

One by one, his head was covered, and he couldn't believe his eyes!

Not far away, Long Aotian was even more shocked.

The golden claw gripped the dragon's mouth, almost tearing it apart.

However, Cheng Feng was not much surprised.

Because he knew in his heart that he was able to slay the guardian of the Xuan Ting so easily, there were many factors.

First of all, Xuan Ting Hu Fa repeatedly ate crickets in Cheng Feng's hands, which created a strong jealousy for Cheng Feng.

In terms of strength, he only played 70% to 80%.

Secondly, with the assistance of the blood power, Cheng Feng reached the highest peak in history.

At the same time when he performed the third form of Emperor Cangshu, he borrowed the power of the sun.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng's one-stop beheading of Xuanting's law protection is also reasonable.

However, just when everyone thought Xuanting's law had fallen.

咻 ~~~

In that broken body of the Xuan Ting Fa, a figure burst out.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune to take a closer look, his brows froze instantly.

"Xuan Ting? Not dead yet?"

It turned out that the figure emerging from the body of Xuan Ting was actually a normal size Xuan Ting.

As soon as he escaped from the body of the giant Xuanting protector, he intended to run away.

"What, Xuanting protects the law?"

"Isn't Xuanting's Law Protection dead? What's going on?"

At this moment, everyone saw this scene, their heads were sullen and their faces were shocked.

In fact, the guardianship of Xuanting did not die.

Cheng Feng's huge body cut off just now is just the body of the magic power of the Xuan Ting.

Its body is hidden in the body of the divine power, and when the sword is cut, the danger is avoided.

"Did you die?"

Cheng Feng glanced around, knowing everything in his heart, and said coldly, "Since so, I will kill you again!"

The words came to an end, and the cutting devil sword in Cheng Feng's hand fluttered, humming ~~~

Emperor Cangshu's third type of demon star is in troubled times, and Huo Ran once again uses it.

"Do not!!"

During the flight, the guardian of Xuanting looked pale as paper.

Although he escaped a moment ago, he was also seriously injured.

At this moment, he was attacked by Cheng Feng's Emperor Cangdao again, and immediately had no resistance.

Bang ~~~

Wait until the dreaded sword light descends from the sky and slash on the fled Xuanting Guardian.

Suddenly, Xuan Ting's entire law protection instantly turned into fly ash.

You're completely dead, you can never come back to life!

"Did the Xuanting Guardian die?"

"Dead, it must be dead this time!"

"It's terrific, it's terrific. The existence of rumors such as Xuan Ting's law is inevitable.

Seeing the scene where Cheng Feng slashed Xuanting's protection method, everyone in the room was as dead as a chicken.

After a long while, there was talk.

For Cheng Feng, he simply admired it to the point where it could not be added.

As for Long Aotian, he was also stunned.

It took a long while to stumble and said, "Wow, Cheng Feng, you are a pervert!"

"Even the fifth strongest man in the sky can easily kill."

Long Aotian, as the top character of the Tianlong tribe, has seen countless genius figures.

But compared to Cheng Feng, they are far worse than that.

You know, Cheng Feng is full of calculations, and it has only been more than a year since he entered the martial arts road.

So far, he is only in his early seventies.

However, when it comes to martial arts cultivation, I don't know how many billion people have been left behind.

Such talents are rare in the world.

Tens of thousands of years, it is difficult to encounter one!

"Long Aotian, help me protect the law."

For everyone's marvel, Cheng Feng didn't take his eyes.

After beheading Xuan Ting, he glanced at Long Aotian and said, "In the previous battle, I realized a little, and I need to cultivate one or two immediately."

When Cheng Feng was attacked by the two judges in Hellgate, he stimulated the blood in his body.

That blood power still left Cheng Feng after repairing Cheng Feng's heart trauma and helping Cheng Feng Jedi counterattack.

Therefore, Cheng Feng wants to hurry up and practice.

Turn the power of the remaining blood veins into your own use.

"Cheng Feng, despite your cultivation."

Hearing that, Long Aotian patted his breast and promised: "As for safety, everything has me!"

"Okay." Cheng Feng nodded.

He put his mind into the body and began to refine and absorb the power of the remaining blood.

The power of the blood in Cheng Feng's body is very pure and thick.

Although only a small stock is left at this time, it is not trivial.

With the integration of Cheng Feng's heart and mind, he poured that power into his body.

Immediately, Cheng Feng's five internal organs, six limbs, and hundreds of limbs were re-forged like steel, becoming extremely strong and strong.

Even vaguely, the fifth turn of Cheng Feng's Tianlong Golden Body produced a lot of improvement.

In the past, Cheng Feng used the fifth turn of Tianlong's golden body to barely block the attack of the third heavy martial artist.

But at this moment, even ascending the third extreme martial artist, he was bombarded by Cheng Feng.

It is estimated that Cheng Feng will not hurt half of his hair!

Not only that, the power of the bloodline is also integrated into Cheng Feng's Longli acupoint.

The ten dragon powers of Cheng Feng soared more than 2,000 meters in an instant.

The total length has reached more than 102,000 meters.

Finally, the remaining blood power was poured into Cheng Feng's Wuhun Acupoint.

After being absorbed by the Destiny Wuhun, which is rooted in the Wuhun Acupoint, the Destiny Wuhun has reached the level of complete awakening.

Suddenly, a sense of the vastness of heaven's fortune suddenly hit my heart.

Let Cheng Feng have a vague sense of the fate of heaven and his own destiny.

As if inexplicable, Cheng Feng saw his future.

Maybe one step forward, you can hold it firmly in your hands!

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