Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1351: I control my own life

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Chapter 1351 I Let My Life Belong To Me

People who practice martial arts often say a word.

I control my own life!

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious, want to control their own destiny.

But it's hard to do that!

In fact, almost everyone in the world can't help himself.

It is controlled by ‘Heaven’.

God makes you die, you have to die!

Only when martial arts are cultivated to the extreme, the Nine Emperor Heaven Calamity has been won, the good fortune has been won, and the heavens and heavens are completely transcended can be considered as breaking free from the constraints of heaven and earth.

Only then can we control our own destiny.

However, at this moment, as Cheng Feng pours a ray of blood on the soul of Tianming Wuhun, cultivate it to the level of complete awakening.

Suddenly, a future was right in front of me, and the feeling that I could reach out with my hand reached my heart immediately.

"In the future, I see my future!"

Cheng Feng was shocked and his eyes became sharp and transparent.

It seems to see through the void, through the past, and see the unpredictable future.

Can not help, Cheng Feng stepped forward.

A pair of hands wearing the armor of war extended, and one held the nothingness in front of them.

At that moment, Cheng Feng seemed to grab his own future and his own destiny.

However, when Cheng Feng was about to capture that ‘future’ back in front of himself.

But it is like fishing for the moon in the water, and the ‘future’ eyes are open in their own hands, and quickly disappear.

Can't hold it!

Cheng Feng didn't believe in evil, he grabbed his hand again, even filled the rolling dragon power, wrapped the ‘future’ in his hand, and then slowly retracted it.

But still useless.

That 'future' is like water, and as Cheng Feng's hand retracts, it flows away again.

"Damn, come here!"

Cheng Feng didn't catch anything twice and was a little angry.

For the third time, straight out with both hands, infused ten dragons to grab.

However, I still can't catch it!

"What's going on? What's going on?"

After several years of unsuccessful gains, Cheng Feng was extremely frustrated and puzzled: "It is clear that my future is in front of me. I have directly grasped it, but why can't I take it back?"

"Cheng Feng, the future you see is not really the 'future'."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It is a projection of your future destiny, and it can also be called 'shadow'."

"A projection of my future destiny? Shadow?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng immediately said, "It turned out to be the shadow of the 'future'. No wonder I can't catch it."

At this point, Cheng Feng turned his gaze: "Uncle Nalan, now that I see the projection of the future."

"Does that mean that I am very close to the 'future'?"

"Not necessarily."

Nalan grew his head, but shook his head: "Shadows can form both in the distance and near."

"Especially erratic things like" future ", maybe you think you are here."

"But in fact, it is somewhere without knowing how far!"

"Furthermore, the projection of the future you see is just a small fragment projected after your destiny Wuhun has completely awakened."

Nalan Changsheng said: "It is like opening a small hole in a completely sealed world."

"The bright light from the outside came in along the small hole, forming a blurry scene."

"You want to capture the entity outside the small hole by grasping the scene formed by that projection. It is impossible at all."

"Unless, your destiny Wuhun grows strong enough."

"Break through the wall that sealed you, leave the closed world and go outside the small hole."

"By then, we can truly grasp our own future and our own destiny!"

"Break through, go to the world beyond the fence?"

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's remarks, Cheng Feng was so enraged that he had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

"Uncle Naland, I seem to understand!"

Cheng Feng said: "The destiny Wuhun at this time is only equivalent to a pair of eyes that allow me to dimly see the" future. "

"Only by cultivating these eyes into a shovel and piercing the 'wall' that besieged me, can I truly grasp my future."

"Yes, that's what it means."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Actually speaking, in the end, it still depends on strength."

"In the martial arts world, strength is the only way to control your own destiny!"

"Without strength, even survival is a problem, not to mention breaking the shackles and controlling your own destiny!"

"Are you strong?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, in the final analysis, still have the strength to speak!"

"Now, my strength is superior to my peers."

"But looking at the entire dome continent or extending beyond the dome continent is nothing."

"Even in the dome continent, many people can easily kill me."

Cheng Feng whispered: "So, I must not be proud and complacent. I still need to continue to practice hard."

"At the very least, advance the ten dragon forces to more than 12,960 meters!"

The length of the dragon power of 129,600 meters was created more than 100,000 years ago.

Since ancient times, no one has ever broken.

At this point, Cheng Feng's dragon power has reached more than 100,000 meters.

It is just over 20,000 meters away from the historical record of 129,000 meters.

If nothing else, Cheng Feng should be able to impact success.

"Through the pouring of the blood power just now, my Longli acupoint has a little improvement."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "At this moment, taking out a few drops of water of life to absorb, may allow my ten dragon powers to grow again a little."

"As for martial arts skills, Zi Lei's body training skills, Tianlong Jinshen, Thunder Cannon Boxing ... have been practiced to a satisfactory level."

"Only the sword art of the Emperor Cang, the sword of the sword, the step of God, the twelve sutras of the Heart Sutra, and the demon sword ... there is still room for improvement."

"Comprehensively, Emperor Cang's sword moves with God, and it is most worth practicing first."

Cheng Feng's strength is divided into three aspects.

The first is cultivation, the second is martial arts skills, and the third is killing cards.

Since Cheng Feng has been fighting fiercely recently, he has used a lot of hole cards, and his strength is at its weakest.

Therefore, Cheng Feng's next cultivation direction is to promote Longli cultivation.

The second is to practice martial arts skills, and the third is to add new hole cards.

After having a general direction, Cheng Feng ended his cultivation and opened his eyes narrowly.

At this moment, a strange feeling was inexplicably produced in the heart of Cheng Feng.

"Huh? Not quite right."

Cheng Feng frowned, and whispered, "It seems someone is somewhere, secretly staring at me."

The strange feeling in Cheng Feng's heart is a feeling of being peeped.

This feeling is faint, and most people don't even notice it.

Even though Cheng Feng's sixth sense was keen, it was only at the moment he opened his eyes that he accidentally noticed it.

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