Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1355: The battle is fierce

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Chapter 135 The Battle Is Fierce

The seven stars converge, and light literally understands that it will be able to borrow the power of the seven big stars.

The power is at least seven times stronger than that of Emperor Cangdao's third-style monster star.

Moreover, these seven stars do not seem to be ordinary stars.

"It is rumored that there are seven superstars over nine days."

Cheng Feng whispered: "These seven big stars are arranged in a spoon shape and are located in the north of the sky, so they are called the Big Dipper!

"The fourth type of seven stars of Emperor Cang Sword gathers, as if using the power of the Big Dipper Seven Stars!"

"If I can practice this knife technique, even if I am the sixth-top peerless figure in the sky, I can be tough one or two!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng's gaze was fixed.

Then he meditated on the cultivation formulas of the Seven Stars and began to cultivate.

"Wipe, practice?"

Seeing that Cheng Feng had just practiced a martial arts skill, he fell into cultivation again.

Long Aotian couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that genius can become a genius, not only because of good talent, but also because of a hardworking heart!"

At the same time, dozens of miles away.

Ao Xuantuo's turbulent sea has not subsided yet, and a larger wave has reappeared.

"Damn, Cheng Feng, the little beast, will continue to cultivate ..."

Aoxuan Tuo Shen said: "No, this time he must destroy his cultivation process."

"Otherwise, this little beast will be more and more difficult to deal with!"

Not long ago, when Cheng Feng was walking in practice, Ao Xuantuo felt a strong threat.

He was preparing to destroy Cheng Feng's practice by himself. He didn't want to, Cheng Feng actually quickly completed the fifth step of walking.

This time, in order to avoid the same situation, Ao Xuantuo intends to start early to eliminate future problems.

However, Ao Xuan Tuo is preparing to start.

噼 Ka ~~~

There was a flash of lightning across the clear sky.

Then a deafening thunder sounded, making people feel cold.

"Is this ... clear sky and thunder?"

Upon hearing this thunder, Ao Xuan Tuo was startled.

When he waited, he looked up to the sky in astonishment, and saw that there were no half clouds above nine days.

But the lightning and the thunder were exploding.

And a few seconds later, blood-red flowers floated down from the sky.

Enveloping the entire sky, rendered into a vast red blood.

This scene is very familiar to Ao Xuantuo.

Amazingly, a heaven and earth vision produced after the fall of the ascendant power.

"A clear sky and thunder + sky and snow!"

At this time, Cheng Feng, who practiced the sword of Emperor Cang, was also shocked.

While learning about the fourth style of Emperor Cangshu, he whispered: "It seems that the true camp and the blood gods have started a real fight!"

"The dead and injured master of ascension to heaven, I am afraid that it exceeds ten digits."

Cheng Feng's remarks were not targeted.

You know, the ascendant martial arts fallen, although it will form a vision of a clear sky, a thunder, and a falling snow.

But the extent is far less than it is now.

The blood and snow swept thousands of miles, almost covering the entire sky.

At least ten of them went to heaven.

Moreover, among the ten ascendants, there are even five or six peerless people who are ascendant!

Oh oh oh ~

When Cheng Feng guessed.

A crying sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

The voice was sobbing and complaining, low and resentful.

Seems to be sad and sad for someone's death!

"Cheng Feng, this seems to be ... crying?"

Hearing this voice, Long Aotian was a little creepy: "As far as I know, the strongest among you humans who climbed to the fifth level or above fell, Cangtian will feel very sorry and sad and cry!"

"It's the so-called crying vision."

"Since the cry of heaven sounds at this time, it means that the fifth and sixth strongest man has ascended to heaven!"

"Well, very likely."

Cheng Feng nodded, deeply convinced: "I just don't know that the fallen sixth ascendant is a person in my righteous camp or a blood god."

The sixth heavy martial art ascended the sky is already standing on the top of the earth dome continent.

Everyone is extremely important, rare and rare.

If these beings fall, that would be a huge loss.

It will have a huge impact on the fighting pattern of both sides.

"Haha, the sixth ascendancy of the fallen sky is a dedicated master of the feathered gods,"

Dozens of miles away, Aoxuan Tuo's face showed a bright smile.

Because he passed the inside information, he knew that just now, a sixth-century feathered dynasty was worshipped and died in the hands of the second guardian of the blood gods.

If the second guardian of the blood gods can continue to work hard, it will kill a few of the sixth strongest people who are right in the sky.

The direction of the whole war of righteousness and evil will be shaken with it.

And at this moment, ohhhhhh ~~~

Another sorrowful cry came from the sky.

When Cheng Feng and Long Aotian heard the cry, they couldn't help but be numb.

As for Ao Xuan Tuo, he laughed in a low voice.

"Haha, another sixth ascendant who died in the sky."

Aoxuan Tuo confidently said: "This fallen man is definitely still the right path!"

However, Ao Xuantuo's voice has just fallen.

The next moment, his entire face froze suddenly.

Because through a special channel, a message came into his ear.

The news was that the sixth-ranked master of the ascent to the sky was a man of the blood gods.

And, not one person, but two full!

"Damn right path!" Ao Xuantuo gritted his teeth.

It turns out that the reason why the blood gods will fall and the two descents in the sky suddenly exist is mainly due to the previous royal dedication.

Not long ago, Blackwater County.

When two of the sixth blood gods who ascended to the sky, forced a feathered deity to imperial imperial worship.

The devotee was ruthless and directly detonated his body.

The two blood gods strong were unprepared and were hit hard by the imperial confession.

As a result, he was directly killed alive at the scene!

For two lives, not only did not lose, but also earned.

And the situation like the above, almost always staged in the feathered gods.

Sometimes the blood gods suffered heavy losses, but sometimes the right path camp was also killed badly.

Almost every minute and every second, some people are being killed and disappear forever.

If you look up, you can see that the entire feathered dynasty is shrouded in death and death.

The smell of gunpowder and iron blood filled the sky, and the blood water permeated every inch of the land!


Junction of Heishui County and Qianlong County.

Although Cheng Feng did not go through these pictures carefully.

But just looking at the **** heaven and earth vision, we can already guess the fierce fighting between the evil and the evil at this time.

Therefore, Cheng Feng's heart is even more eager to practice the fourth level of Emperor Cangdao.

Only by mastering enough strength can this blood **** invasion be quelled!

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