Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1356: Origin of the Dome

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Chapter 135: The Origin of the Earth Dome

The plume smoke filled the feathered gods and the fighting was fierce.

I don't know how many masters of martial arts died in the rally.

In particular, the second guardianship of the blood gods is more like killing gods with the same respect.

Not only killed a large number of right martial arts, but also four or five ascendants of the heavens fell into their hands.

The Jiupin worship of the former Royalized Royal Family was persecuted by her helplessness before she exploded her body.

But the second guardian pharaoh was sly, and when he found that the situation was not good, he immediately hid dozens of miles away.

Suffering only minor injuries, he only killed two other blood gods on the spot.

After the injury, the second law of protection became even more brutal.

The fire was full, and crazy revenge was launched against the masters.

It was not until the first-generation master of the Zongmen Heishui Palace arrived, that he blocked the second guardianship of the Blood Gods.

In addition to the fierce killing of these famous people.

In the younger generation, the rally was even more intense.

Of the dead warriors, young warriors accounted for most of them.

But at the same time, dazzling wizards have emerged.

These wizards are warlike with little knowledge.

It quickly became a shining star on the entire battlefield!

In particular, the top ten arrogances of the Zhengdao camp, the top ten true stories of the blood gods, and the top ten killing stars of the temple of **** and the killing temple are even more brilliant.

The cultivation of each one is above the pinnacle of broken territory.

As far as combat power is concerned, one or two strong men who have reached the sky can die to death.

For example, at the moment, the masters of Dengtianjing who have fallen at the moment have died in the hands of these peerless wizards.

"Brother Surin, he has also developed ten dragon powers!"

Junction of Qianlong County and Heishui County.

After being awakened by the cry of heaven, Cheng Feng took out Tianyan bracelet and watched it.

Many emperor notices were found, filling up the entire bracelet.

One of the most dazzling news was that Qian Lin Academy Su Lin practiced ten dragon powers.

"Cheng Feng, that Su Lin is not easy!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Nalan Changsheng was also a bit surprised: "It should be noted that the Qiqi continent's air veins were drawn in large numbers to conceive 'fruits'. It is almost impossible for a warrior to practice ten dragon powers."

"The reason why you can break the limit is that the power of blood is at work."

"But that Surin ..."

"Well, Brother Surin is really extraordinary."

Cheng Feng nodded: "It is the most outstanding genius in Qianlong College for thousands of years."

"I'm not too surprised that he can train ten dragons."

"Even I guess that the length of Brother Surin's dragon power will eventually break the record set by the Emperor Tian Burial."

Qianlong Academy Shushan disciple Su Lin, before Cheng Feng did not rise, has been firmly seated on the throne of the first genius of the feathered gods.

Although after the rise of Cheng Feng, Surin was snatched by Cheng Feng.

But this has instead become the motivation for Su Lin's serious cultivation.

So not long after Cheng Feng practiced ten dragon powers, he also practiced ten dragon powers.

It can be said that it is extremely proud to be able to keep pace with Cheng Feng!

Of course, aside from Surin, many young geniuses are also shining.

For example, Tianjian Zongjian VII, the son of Wen Xiang, the only one, Long Yichen of the Long Family in the Northern Territory, and Lei Di of the Shendaoge ...

These geniuses, though, failed to develop ten dragon powers.

But all of them reached nine, even nine and a half.

The strength of the battle force, the masters who are one or two who are ascend to the sky, must avoid three points.

"There are so many geniuses that have emerged recently."

After probably reading all the emperor's briefings, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "It's a lot more than the past hundreds of years."

"Is it possible that there will be a big outbreak of martial arts, and a flourishing era will not happen?"

"Well, totally understandable."

Nalan's eternal life said: "Everything in the world has moments of alternation."

"In order to nurture the 'fruits', the earth-dome continent extracts a large amount of essence, allowing martial arts to enter 'winter.'

"And about six months later, that fruit will mature."

"Buda will inevitably pick up by then, and enter the heyday of spring."

"I guess that these geniuses emerging at this moment are a sign of the recovery of martial arts."

"Uncle Nalan, what is the 'fruit' of the earth dome?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng's brow raised.

More and more curious about the so-called 'fruit'.

"Fruit ... it should be the origin of a 'Sky'!"

Nalan groaned for a while before he said.

"The origin of the 'Sky'?"

However, Cheng Feng was confused when he heard this sentence.

"It is rumored that the hundreds of millions of planes are a whole and run across the vast universe."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The whole plane is called 'Sky'."

"I don't know how many years ago, a super war broke out in the sky, and countless peerless strong men participated."

"As a result, the whole sky was broken apart."

"After the sky was broken, the debris spread to the entire universe and gradually formed billions of planes."

"The earth dome continent evolved from the core of the sky."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Thus, the dome continent is small in area and extremely remote."

"But the value is great, making countless fortunes."

"What? The earth dome continent and the billions of planes are actually formed by the broken 'Sky'?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's heart was full of waves, and it was difficult to calm down.

He didn't even think that the billions of planes came from this way, it was a little scary.

You know, outside the dome continent, I don't know how many small worlds, large worlds, small planes, large planes ...

If Nalan's words were true, how big would the sky be before it broke?

However, this existence has been shattered.

It can be imagined how horrible the war was then!

"Cheng Feng, the sky is too distant and heavy for you."

Seeing the ups and downs in Cheng Feng's heart, Nalan Changsheng said: "Many creations exist, so I dare not think about it."

"So that's all for this topic."

"You just need to know that the continent is a small core of the sky."

"The 'fruits' bred from the earth dome continent can greatly help the creation of the environment."

Nalan Changsheng said: "As of now, you continue to practice Emperor Cangdao."

"Aim for the fourth type of" Seven Stars Convergence "and quickly practice."

"Hoo ~~~"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng exhaled.

"Sky, earth, fruit ..."

Cheng Feng whispered: "These are all things that can be planned with great power of creation."

"As for me, I'm too tender, just a pawn."

"So, I better not think more, and strive to improve Xiuwei is the right path."

"Only if you have enough strength can you save your life when you pick the fruits after half a year!"

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