Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1359: Heart of Space

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Chapter 1359 The Heart of Space

The peaks soaked by the blood of true dragons are indeed extremely hard.

However, there are also grades.

The first is the material that forms the mountain peaks, and the second is the degree of being impregnated with the blood of true dragons.

If the material of the mountain peak is abnormally strong, it is watered again by the blood of the true dragon.

Then even if the old antiques are out, they may not be broken!

The black Da Yue carried by Ao Xuan Tuo is of average material.

Also located on the edge of Qianlong Mountain, the blood of the true dragon is very limited.

Under this condition, its hardness is naturally greatly reduced.

Under the attack of Cheng Feng's strongest sword, he was directly detonated, which is completely normal!

"Little beast, you forced me."

With full firepower, Cheng Feng couldn't be hurt.

This made Ao Xuan Tuo extremely angry.

He heard a sigh of anger, and then took out a heart-shaped stone from his own storage space.

This heart-shaped stone is about the size of a baby's fist.

Grabbed in the hands of Ao Xuantuo, even beating.

"That is……"

Seeing the heart-shaped stone, Cheng Feng felt a thick threat.

"Cheng Feng, that seems to be a heart of space that has not yet taken shape."

Nalan's long life sounded.

"Heart of space?"

Cheng Feng's eyes glared: "Uncle Nalan, but that space is higher than the space heart?

"Yes, this is it!"

After getting a positive answer, Cheng Feng couldn't help moving.

Because the heart of space is extraordinary.

Even the power to create a realm is quite envious.

Cheng Feng himself also really wanted to get one.

Practicing it into the body will advance the shadow puppet method to the unprecedented seventh layer.

By then, Cheng Feng will be able to teleport thousands of miles.

"It's a heart of space."

Cheng Feng took a deep breath: "Ao Xuantuo has some luck, even such treasures can be obtained."

"If I kill Ao Xuan Tuo and bring that space heart over ..."

"Cheng Feng, this is very difficult."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Ao Xuantuo is proficient in space martial arts, and the heart of space is in his hands, and he will exert terrifying power."

"You better not think about it at this moment, wait until you block Ao Xuantuo's attack!"

Nalan's long-lived voice just fell, hum ~~~

The heart of space in Ao Xuantuo's hand dazzled.

Then, thousands of miles away.

Qianlong Mountain, the core.

A dark brown mountain suddenly shakes violently.

This dark brown mountain is very huge, with many giant trees growing on it, and many birds and beasts dormant.

With the violent shaking, countless birds and beasts were alarmed and scattered.

But don't wait for them to escape completely.

Wow! !!

The hundred-mile-long Dayue actually stood up.

Then he disappeared into the void and disappeared.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's head was over, 嘭 ~~~

The void suddenly broke!

Then, the dark brown Dayue disappearing from the core of Qianlong Mountain, Huo Ran drilled out.

Covered the entire sky, pressed straight towards Cheng Feng.

At that moment, the unparalleled pressure of the mountain came like a tsunami.

It made Cheng Feng's scalp numb, and breathing seemed to be extremely difficult.

"Cheng Feng, hurry back."

A hundred miles away, Long Aotian shouted, "This mountain that Aoxuan Tuo moved was almost soaked in the blood of the true dragon."

"Even if he is the seventh strongest man in the sky, I am afraid he cannot break it."

"If you fight against it, the consequences are unthinkable!"

The dark brown Da Yue who suppresses Cheng Feng is indeed no small matter.

It was as if a real dragon was resurrected and it was scary.

If Cheng Feng is hit hard and hard, even if he is wearing the armor of war, he will be hit hard!

However, Cheng Feng did not seem to hear Long Aotian's reminder.

Grasp the Slayer with both hands.

After taking a deep breath, the third style of Emperor Cang's sword burst out in anger.

"Huh, dying!"

Dozens of miles away, Ao Xuantuo sneered at seeing this.

In his opinion, the third form of Cheng Feng's Emperor Cangshu was terrifying.

But it is impossible to cut off the dark brown Da Yue who has been soaked by the blood of the true dragon.

The result of forcible death is only a dead end!

In fact, it turned out to be the case.

When Cheng Feng chopped out the strongest monster star in troubled times, he bombarded the dark brown Da Yue.

Just cut that dark brown Da Yue into a knife mark.

The next moment, the dark brown Da Yue burst suddenly.

Put Cheng Feng on the whole person and directly fall to the ground.

Dozens of mountains were smashed along the way, crushing them into sand and dust, and then continued to squeeze, compact, and sink into the ground.

When the brown Da Yue stopped, the whole mountain was already a mess.

The central part sinks inward into a large pit that is hundreds of miles deep, and the terror forces extend to the four sides, forming large cracks several kilometers wide.

It seems that it is necessary to sink the entire Qianlong County!

"What happened? What happened at the junction of Qianlong County and Heishui County?"

"Is there a peerless powerhouse? Is there a fierce battle there?"

The scene of the dark brown Da Yue bombardment was really scary.

When the aftermath spread, countless righteous warriors were shocked and moved.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

Long Aotian looked at the dark-brown Da Yue who had flattened hundreds of miles of mountains, but his eyes turned red.

The dark brown Da Yue's suppressive force is too strong, even if he is the sixth strongest person in the sky, he may not be able to hold it.

Cheng Feng was hit by his sturdy, I'm afraid ... there is more evil than good!

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?"

"Cheng Feng, answer me!"

With a slight trembling all over, Long Aotian shouted loudly, hoping to get Cheng Feng's answer.

However, there was no sound at all.

It seems that Cheng Feng has been killed by the dark brown Dayue lively town, and Long Aotian's heart has shrunk.

"Hahahaha ~~~"

Dozens of miles away, Ao Xuantuo laughed excitedly: "Dead, Cheng Feng, this little beast, finally died!"

For Cheng Feng, the entire blood **** religion is extremely jealous.

Up to the imitation of the four great **** kings, down to ordinary blood **** disciples, all want to kill and then quickly.

But always failed.

Today, Cheng Feng is suppressed by Ao Xuantuo with dark brown Dayue, and life and death are unknown.

Ao Xuantuo, how can we not be excited and proud?

Just, don't wait for Ao Xuan Tuo to be too proud.

A star suddenly lights up in the cloudless sky.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Why do stars suddenly appear during the day?"

Feathered God Dynasty, Sanzhou Qijun.

When countless people saw the inexplicable stars in the sky, all their heads became dim.

Because of this scene, it is really incredible.

Under normal circumstances, stars do not appear until night.

But at this moment, a star appeared during the day, and the scorching sun could not be suppressed!

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