Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1360: Seven Stars Convergence

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Chapter One Thousand and Sixty Seven Stars Converge

Just as countless people were shocked by the vision of the sky.

At the junction of Qianlong County and Heishui County, the proud smile on Ao Xuantuo's face froze.

He looked at the splendid star in the sky, only felt extremely dazzling, which made him feel a throbbing heart.

However, this is just the beginning.

When the sky was shining to the extreme.

Om ~~~

The second star, next to the first star, burst into a flash.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth ...

By the end, seven bright stars actually appeared.

These seven stars are connected together in an orderly manner to form a super huge spoon, which is much more eye-catching than the scorching sun over the sky.

It is truly the Big Dipper in the rumor!

"Big Dipper?"

Looking at the dazzling seven big stars, Ao Xuantuo's eyelids jumped wildly: "Why did the Big Dipper suddenly become so strong? The brightness is almost over the sun!"

Aoxuan Tuo was so confused that he couldn't understand the scene at hand.

However, with an intuition, Ao Xuantuo felt that the vision that occurred in the sky was definitely related to Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng ..."

Ao Xuantuo's eyes, Huo Ran stared at the dark brown Dayue: "Is Cheng Feng, a small animal, not dead?"

I was thinking so, bang ~~

The dark brown Dayue who was standing in the big pit trembled.

As if under Da Yue, a super monster was suppressed.

To overturn Dayue and get out of it!

"Grass, Cheng Feng, it must be Cheng Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Ao Xuantuo turned pale and couldn't help rudely saying, "What makes Cheng Feng, a little beast?"

"Even the mountain watered by the blood of the true dragon cannot be killed !?"

At this moment, Ao Xuantuo was in a state of confusion.

A warrior at the top of a broken realm was actually immortalized by the death of Dragon Blood Dayue, just like a joke.

He wouldn't believe it if he hadn't killed him without his own experience!

Compared to the horror of Ao Xuantuo, Long Aotian was a ecstasy.

"I knew that Cheng Feng would be fine."

Looking at the vibrating dark brown daylight, Long Aotian's voice was a little hoarse: "Even the imitation body that created the powerful realm failed to keep you."

"A prideful Xuantuo will never hurt you!"

However, Long Aotian said so on his mouth, but a pair of eyes stared at the dark brown Da Yue.

If Cheng Feng is found to be in danger, he will rush forward immediately.

However, Cheng Feng does not seem to need external help.

I saw that as the seven stars in the sky became brighter and brighter, Cheng Feng, who was suppressed under the dark brown Dayue, struggled more and more.

Actually, there is a kind of taste that will overturn the entire Dayue!

"Transposition, Dayue coming again!"

Seeing this, Aoxuan was panicked.

The space martial art ‘transformation transposition’ was performed again. I never knew where it was, and once again brought a Dayue.

Bang! Overlapping the Da Yue on the dark brown Da Yue.

In this way, the tremor of the dark brown Da Yue was only reluctantly suppressed.

"Little beast, although you were not killed directly by Dragon Blood Dayue, it is estimated that you have also been hit hard."

After stabilizing the trembling black-brown daybreaker, Ao Xuan Takuma breathed a sigh of relief, and said secretly, "At this moment, I am afraid that it is just the struggle before death."

"I only need to maintain the state of repression for a period of time, and the small animal will definitely die!"

However, Ao Xuan Tuo just thought of it here.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Nine days, the seven stars shined brightly.

Then, each shot a starlight, and went straight from the sky to the continent.

"My God, what happened?"

"Not only did the Big Dipper appear during the day, but it also shot seven stars?"

"Where did those seven stars shine? What are some amazing secrets?"

The dipper's picture of starlight is too eye-catching.

I do n’t know how many billions of people have seen the entire Feathered God.

Each one showed a horrible look, speculating wildly.

However, even if they wanted to break their heads, they could not think of the vision in the sky, which was caused by Cheng Feng.

Even the main blade of Dota Peak was a bit shocked.

Because although he practiced the fourth style of Emperor Cangdao, he could not summon the Big Dipper in the daytime.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

Ao Xuantuo's eyelids burst, his heart almost exploded.

"Damn, Cheng Feng, the little beast, actually borrowed the power of the Big Dipper!"

Ao Xuantuo was shocked: "In the rumor, Qianlong Academy's sword tower is the only one, and it has been passed down by the ancient sword path strong emperor Cang.

"The core inherits the Emperor Cangdao technique, which can borrow the power of the stars."

"Is the starlight shot by the Big Dipper, the result of the beast's use of Emperor Cangdao?"

Ao Xuantuo's guess is very accurate.

At this time, the reason why the Beidou Seven Stars appeared in the sky was indeed caused by Cheng Feng's fourth style of Emperor Cangdao.

The fourth style of Emperor Cang Sword, called Qixing Convergence.

After training, you will be able to use the power of the Big Dipper to kill the enemy.

Cheng Feng didn't practice this kind of knife technique originally.

However, when Ao Xuantuo performed the ‘shifting transposition’, he took the dark brown Dayue from the core of Qianlong Mountain and came to kill Cheng Feng.

A strong sense of crisis made Cheng Feng suddenly fall into a state of emptiness.

It was almost a matter of course, and this pattern was practiced.

In this way, not only did Cheng Feng save his life under the bombardment of dark brown Dayue.

I also added a hole card out of thin air, which is a blessing for disaster!

Om ~~ The speed of starlight flying is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the seven starlights from the Big Dipper are already in sight.


A starlight first hit the daylight above the dark brown daylight.

The Dayue was instantly transformed into a dust of sky, and hurled away to the four sides.

Then, the second starlight, the third starlight ... the seventh starlight, all arrived.

Incidentally, they blasted on the dark brown Da Yue.

The dark-brown Da Yue trembled in the mountains.

The flowers and trees on it were instantly smashed, and large blocks of rocks were splashing around!

However, this dark-brown daydream was indeed poured by the blood of the true dragon.

Under such a fierce bombardment, there was no sign of blasting.

There were only a few big pits, and a little crack!

"Hahaha ~~~"

Seeing this, Ao Xuantuo's tense mood relaxed and Zhang laughed wildly: "Little beast, you can't escape the palm of this seat!"

However, Ao Xuantuo's laughter has not yet settled.

Hum! !!

On that dark brown daylight, the seven stars suddenly condensed, and then merged into one.

At that moment, the starlight was so brilliant that it exploded on the dark brown Da Yue.

Huh! !!

The entire Dayue suddenly jumped from the ground.

I do n’t know how many tens of kilograms of mountains have actually jumped a few kilometers into the sky and fell into the clouds!

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