Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1432: Make up a wedding

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Chapter 142: Making Up for a Wedding

"Hoo ~~~"

After a long time, Cheng Feng's upset heart calmed down.

With a long breath, he said, "Grandpa, you're right, things in the world, everyone in the world should contribute."

"If everyone flinches, everyone will look after themselves."

"Even if there is no foreign enemy invasion, it will fall apart, there is no cure!"

"Xiao Feng, you can understand this, Grandpa is very pleased."

A bright smile appeared on Cheng Wutian's face: "Although the strength of my Cheng family is too weak and weak compared to the blood gods who teach the martial arts."

"But if there are one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand ... Cheng family together, it will form a huge wave."

"Even if the blood gods teach martial arts, they can drown a large number of them!"

"Well, water gathers into the sea, and land fills into the mountains."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Together with the strength of hundreds of millions of people, we can move mountains and reclaim sea!"

"However, when we do this, we must also pay attention to strategy."

"If the method is wrong, it may have the opposite effect!"

"Xiao Feng, you can rest assured."

Cheng Wutian laughed: "I know deeply that the strength gap between my Cheng family and the blood gods who teach the martial arts will not cause my mind to get hot."

"This time when the family goes out, I will discuss with the eldest brother and the third brother carefully."

"Choose only those members of the family who have good strength and are fighting with passion."

"And, after going out, follow all instructions and never drag anyone back!"

"Grandpa, it seems you have a plan."

Hearing here, Cheng Feng's tight nerves relaxed.

"Of course."

Cheng Wutian laughed: "It's the so-called plan and then move. I won't take the lives of the people as a joke."

"Even if you die, you must die well!"

"Well." Cheng Feng focused his head.

"Well, don't take care of this, I will do it properly."

At this point, Cheng Wutian's tone turned and said, "Next, let's talk about another thing."

"Another thing? What's the matter?"

"This matter is also a wrong thing I did that year."

Cheng Wutian's voice sank, and he sighed, "About 18 years ago, I stopped your father from marrying your mother."

"It turned out that they were separated for more than ten years."

"To this day, the two are reunited."

"Fortunately, this can be remedied."

"So Grandpa wants to make up a wedding for your parents while you are at home!"

"Compensating for a wedding?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"Xiao Feng, if you don't think it's appropriate, it doesn't matter if you don't do it."

Seeing Cheng Feng's face, Jiang Xue thought Cheng Feng was reluctant, so he said, "Anyway, I ..."

However, after waiting for Jiang Xue to finish his speech, Cheng Feng said firmly: "We must do this wedding!"

"But some people can gossip ..." Jiang Xue was hesitant.

"Mother, what about those who are ignorant?"

Cheng Feng said flatly: "The children feel that we must not only do this wedding, but also everyone knows."

"Those who have broken their mouths have nothing to say!"

"Xiaofeng ..."

After hearing this, Cheng Xinghe and Jiang Xue both had a sore nose.

Deeply felt Cheng Feng's love for them.

"Xiao Feng, you are a good boy."

Cheng Wutian patted Cheng Feng's shoulder, and his face was reassuring.

"Father, mother, when are you planning to hold this wedding?"

When Cheng Xinghe and Jiang Xue were calmer, Cheng Feng asked.

"We don't care."

Jiang Xuedao: "The key is Xiaofeng, you may have to leave soon."

"So, as soon as possible."

"Well, that's fine!" Cheng Feng did not object.

Because to be honest, Cheng Feng's time is very urgent.

After all, Qianding Peak of Heishui County, thousands of miles away, still blocked the imitation body of the King of Chiyan.

Cheng Feng left for too long, in case of an accident, the consequences are unthinkable!

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng's family of four acted immediately.

Cheng Wutian went to the family council hall and announced the wedding of Cheng Xinghe and Jiang Xue, and then started all kinds of busyness.

Cheng Xinghe, the groom officer, was also too busy to touch the ground.

Only Jiang Xue was relatively free, surrounded by several family daughters and daughters, doing makeup and changing dresses.

As for Cheng Feng, because he didn't know anything about the wedding, he couldn't help.

Standing at the corner of the hot Cheng's compound, watching this tender picture, my heart warmed up.

"Cousin Cheng Feng, Uncle Xinghe is so busy that his feet are off the ground, but you are hiding here for your leisure."

Just then, a voice came suddenly.

Cheng Feng raised his eyes and found that it was an 18-year-old or young man who looked at him with a smile.

"You ... Brother Cheng Zhang?"

This young man is the grandson of Cheng Qingtian, the third master of the Cheng family.

When he was young, he never bullied Cheng Feng.

Even more than a year ago, Cheng Feng had learned from each other and forged Liangzi.

But now the two met each other, and then the little buzz made a sudden disappear.

"Yes, it's me."

Cheng Zhang looked at Cheng Feng and laughed: "Time flies so fast, it is more than a year."

"And more than a year ago, I vowed to overtake you in martial arts."

"It seems so naive now!"

"Brother Cheng Zhang, your cultivation has actually improved a lot."

Cheng Feng's gaze turned, and he instantly saw through the revision of Cheng Zhang: "Half-step broken territory, if you change it, you are already the first master of my Cheng family."

"Half-step broken territory, this is not worth mentioning compared to you."

Cheng Zhang shook his head and smiled: "It's even worse than Makihara."

The "Muyuan brother" mentioned by Cheng Zhang is called Cheng Muyuan. It is the first day of the Cheng family except Cheng Feng.

After Cheng Feng went to Qianlong College to study, Cheng Muyuan also went out to study.

And joined a sect gate, hard practice, cultivation seems to have reached the third realm of broken realm.

Not long ago, the ancestral gate where Cheng Muyuan was located was destroyed by the blood gods.

Cheng Muyuan returned to the Cheng family through various clues.

But when Cheng Muyuan returned home, he didn't stay much.

After accompany his parents, he left Star City again. At this moment, it is estimated that Qianlong Academy is resisting the invasion of the blood gods.

Called the entire Cheng family, second only to Cheng Feng's master!

"Brother Cheng Zhang, don't be arrogant."

After learning the news of Cheng Muyuan, Cheng Feng exclaimed: "As long as you continue to work hard, you will catch up with Makihara one day."

"Well, I will."

Cheng Zhang nodded: "I have already applied to the owner, and after a while I will walk out of the Star City and fight with the blood gods."

"Blood gods teach warriors, one by one, they can be very fierce and poisonous."

Cheng Feng said solemnly: "After you go, you must be more careful."

"These are the weapons I killed and captured, and you pick one to bring yourself in."

Said, Cheng Feng took out several top-level magic soldiers and gave them to Cheng Zhang.

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