Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1433: Love regardless of age

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Chapter 143: Love Regardless of Age

Bang Bang Bang ~~~

Chatting with Cheng Zhang.

Suddenly, a firework firecracker sounded in the direction of the martial arts performance of Cheng Jia.

"Is the wedding going to start?"

He heard the sound of firecrackers, Cheng Feng frowned.

"Cousin Cheng Feng, let's go and see!"

Cheng Zhang suggested: "If you need help, you can help."

"Well, that's fine." Cheng Feng nodded.

Then the two rushed to Yanwuchang.

The Cheng family's performance martial arts field is large, with a few thousand square meters.

Even so, the huge performance martial arts stadium was full of guests.

When Cheng Feng arrived at Yanwu Stadium, he glanced at all the people in the past, and the scene was lively.

However, when there are too many people, some obscure guys will be mixed in.

Cheng Feng came to the edge of the Yanwu field, and many gossips got into his ears.

In particular, a woman in her thirties was spraying her mouth with a mouth open, and even insulted Cheng Feng's mother.

This made Cheng Feng's face darken, and his eyes stared sharply.

Cheng Feng's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and all the guests who were swept away by the eyes were numb for a while.

After turning back to see Cheng Feng, they all ducked and hid.

A few hundred meters away, the woman in her thirties was still spraying wildly.

Suddenly, all the listeners were hiding away from the snake like a viper.

Eyes were looking at her with strange looks.

Seeing this, the woman immediately noticed that the situation was not good.

When she looked back, to the cold eyes of Cheng Feng, the whole face turned pale.

The dirty words in the mouth got stuck in the throat.

Like a thief who was caught on the spot stealing something, how embarrassing it is!

"Cheng Feng cousin, this woman's name is Yuan Caihua."

At this time, Cheng Zhang's voice sounded: "It is rumored that this woman had pursued Uncle Xinghe 20 years ago, but was rejected by Uncle Xinghe."

"The reason why this mouth is full of rumors and rumors should be that I still hate that."

"Is Yuan Caihua? Some impression."

Cheng Feng faintly remembered that this woman had entangled her father when she was a child.

"Cousin Cheng Feng, should I take a shot and teach this woman for me?"

"No need to."

Cheng Feng rejected Cheng Zhang's proposal and groaned, "The best way to resolve rumors is to keep them from breaking!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng stepped towards Yuan Caihua.

"Cheng ... Cheng Feng!"

Seeing Cheng Feng striding forward, Yuan Caihua shivered.

Thinking that Cheng Feng was going to do it for himself, his face was white with fright, and he trembled, "What do you want to do?"

"Are you Yuan Caihua, Aunt Yuan?"

Cheng Feng approached Yuan Caihua, but the cold face on his face was closed, and he said lightly, "You can rest assured that I will not treat you like that."

"I just want to tell you a word, who do you like in your heart? This is your freedom and no one has the right to interfere."

"But if you like to hate yourself because the person you like doesn't like yourself, it's not right to chew your tongue behind your back."

"I hope you're at a stop!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being a disrespectful elder in the junior class, and try to teach you!"

Cheng Feng's sentence clearly has something in it.

After listening to everyone in the four weeks, one by one began to talk and sound.

After everyone knew that Yuan Caihua pursued Cheng Xinghe, but was flatly rejected.

Suddenly realized, looking at Yuan Caihua's look, became a little weird.

"Cheng Feng, you have to talk nonsense."

Feeling the strange eyes of everyone, Yuan Caihua seemed to be pierced with a little secret in her heart, and a face became red with instant bloodshot.

Jikou denies: "I Yuan Caihua has never liked anyone, I haven't before, and I don't have one now!"

"Ha ha, Aunt Yuan, you are so superb in your ability to talk nonsense with your eyes open."

Cheng Feng sneered: "I'm curious, doesn't your face hurt?"

"You hit your own face, so loud but without changing your face, you are such a strange man!"

"Cheng Feng, don't refer to Sanghuai."

When Cheng Feng slaps his face with sharp words, Yuan Caihua is a bit angry, and yells with a frown, "Isn't it because you said your parents a few gossip?

"Did your parents do something wrong and not let others say that?"

"Freedom of speech is a matter of justice."

Cheng Feng said: "As long as my parents do something wrong, you can discuss it, I will never say anything back."

"But the question is, did my parents do something wrong?"

"If you did something wrong, dare to ask what went wrong?"

"Cheng Feng, what did your parents do wrong, don't you know?"

Yuan Caihua's questioning was fierce.

"Oh, I really don't know, would you please give me some pointers?"

"Well, since you don't feel ashamed of yourself, I'll talk about it in front of the big guy!"

Yuan Caihua thought that she had seized Cheng Feng's shortcomings and exclaimed: "It is well known that the Cheng family today is going to make up a wedding for the Cheng family master Cheng Xinghe."

"I want to ask, what is a 'makeup wedding'?"

"Dignified wedding, but there is still a" make up "? Is this a child's house? What is the marriage?"

"Second, how old is Cheng Xinghe now? His son has reached the age of talking about marriage, but he is about to get married?"

"It's a **** in the world, it's a shame!"

In a small place like Star City, the marriage custom is still very old-fashioned.

As soon as Yuan Caihua's remarks came out, the people present were in agreement and nodded silently.

This made Yuan Caihua's face a proud smile.

However, Cheng Feng sneered.

"It's really robber logic, **** doesn't work!"

Cheng Feng's gaze swept Yuan Caihua, and he exclaimed: "The so-called marriage is the union of love, the highest proof that two people love each other.

"I want to ask the ranks present, is there an age limit for love?"

"Is it possible to have love once you are over 20 or 30 years old?"

"Did the elderly deserve to live alone?"

Cheng Feng's remarks, sharp as a knife, severely cut into the hearts of everyone.

There is no age limit for love.

Love belongs to everyone.

Those who have children, those who are older ... all have the right to love and to be loved.

This right is granted by God, and there is no reason for others to stop it.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng's slogan was answered.

Everyone present shouted loudly and gave Cheng Feng tremendous support.

"Thank you, I already know the answer."

Hearing the shouts of everyone, Cheng Feng showed a smile on his face, and Shen said, "Love, there is no age limit."

"And since love has no age limit, dare to ask Yuan Caihua, my father and my mother, what's wrong with getting married at this time?"

"What do you mean by repeated abuses and rumors?"

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