Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1442: The palms of heaven and earth

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Chapter 144 The giant palms that flood the world

Outside Qianlong Academy, the evil martial arts team saw the rapid restoration of Qianlong.

Each one's face changed greatly, and the feeling of defeat emerged spontaneously!

Then he did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported the situation here to the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

In fact, they do not need to report it at all, the second elder already knows the situation.

Because although the second elder was fighting with Cheng Feng, he knew the situation on Qianlong's side.

When he saw the rupture of Qianlong's formation, he had been repaired to only fifty miles by Mr. Jing.

His face was slightly condensed, and he knew in his heart that he could no longer fight with Cheng Feng like this.

Otherwise, the plan to siege Qianlong Academy will end in failure!

"Cheng Feng, you are indeed a peerless genius."

In the sky, the second elder who chased Cheng Feng stopped suddenly: "At a young age, he can persist for so long under the fusion of the four avatars in this seat."

"But that's it."

"Next, obediently die to this seat!"

The words stopped and the second elder's hands snapped together.

Along with that, hum ~~~

Lights suddenly came from all over the sky.

After being able to stand up, it turned into a giant palm.

These giant palms, centered on the second elder, form a ring composed of palms.

This palm ring has a row of Optima Palms above and a row of Optima Palms below.

When the two rows of Optimum Palms are folded up and down together, a 'round' is formed.

Include Cheng Feng and others in the circle.

It can be said that there is no way to heaven, no way to enter the ground!

At this time, the blood power of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods was surging.

Hold your hands together and move your palm face clockwise.

On the sky, the ring-shaped giant palm of the sky suddenly closed together.

Once all the Optimum Palms come together, they form a closed space.

Cheng Feng and others are bound to be sealed in it.

May even be crushed to death!

"Oh my God, what is going on in the sky?"

"Somehow, five-finger giant peaks appeared and are closing fast!"

This round of attacks by the Blood Elder Second Elder is too big.

Qianlong Academy, the righteous and evil warriors in battle, were shocked by this appalling picture.

The attack was then suspended in unison, staring at it.

Even Mr. Jing and others who repaired Qianlong's formation were no exception.

In fact, it is not only Qianlong College.

The huge Qianlong County, I don't know how many people, have seen the changes in the sky at this moment.

I saw the **** giant palms moving and closing in the sky, like a giant demon making waves.

Let everyone who saw this scene feel cold all over.

Many ordinary people even knelt down and repeatedly scratched their heads, thinking that God was furious, and they wanted to drop heaven punishment!

"No, the second elder of the Blood Gods has used real means."

"Hurry up, let's run away from here!"

Just as the crowd was attacked by the Second Elder, shocked at the scene.

In the center of Qingtian's giant palm, Cheng Feng and others face changed dramatically.

It feels like the sky is pressing on itself. If you can't escape, you will be dead!

Therefore, Cheng Feng's six people didn't hesitate, Qi Qishi exhibited his fastest speed, flying wildly to the sky.

However, the second elder's huge giant palms are not only large in number, but also huge, and the speed of closing is even faster.

Cheng Feng and the six of them are all called super masters.

Can not rush out of the giant palm before Qingtian giant palm closed.

"How can it be so strong? Why is this wave of attacks by the Second Elder of the Blood Gods so strong?"

"It's beyond his scope, it's against common sense!"

Cheng Feng fled with six people, but one heart fell into the deep valley.

Because of this second elder's attack, it was too strong, too sudden, and unexpected.

Compared to his previous attacks, it is almost a few grades stronger.

"I understand."

Cheng Feng suddenly flashed, shouting: "This wave of attacks by the Second Elder of the Blood Gods has been deliberate for a long time."

"His previous attacks have not been fully effective, and they are charging for this wave of attacks."

"After the power is fully charged, you suddenly attack us and you can solve the battle with one stroke!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is true.

When the second elder of the Blood Gods taught to kill the sky, he knew that it might not be possible to kill Cheng Feng by regular fighting alone.

Therefore, she set up a bureau very treacherously, and fought with Cheng Feng scrupulously.

On the surface, the second elder fought halfway with Cheng Feng. No one could do anything about it.

In fact, every palm that the second elder hits Cheng Feng quietly leaves a force.

When the two men fought for more than an hour, the rupture of Qianlong's formation was mostly repaired.

On the sky, it is also full of the palm left by the second elder.

After the second elder broke out, he connected all the palm strength scattered in the sky, and immediately formed this giant palm ring.

The extent of his treacherousness is evident!

Rumbling ~~~

The giant palms closed and a thunderous roar sounded.

At the center of the ring-shaped giant palm, Cheng Feng's six people in flight flew pale.

Especially the five of Mr. Shu gave birth to a kind of despair, and the breath of death was very close.

"What to do? At our speed, we can't escape before the giant palms close together."

"Furthermore, the Void Channel was also cut off, and it was impossible to escape by tearing the Void!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng's life was blocked.

It seems that there is no other way except death!

"Seniors, don't despair!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng's voice sounded: "Please invite you to ride on the dragon's back, I am ready to inspire all the power of Qianlong's formation."

"The Second Elder of Blood Gods wanted to kill us, but it was not that easy!"

"Inspire all the power of Qianlong?"

After hearing the words, Mr. Shu's five eyes were so bright that they flew to the side of Cheng Feng and asked, "Cheng Feng, how sure are you to escape?"

"do not know!"

Cheng Feng shook his head: "But I believe that I will never die here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Cheng Feng's Zijin banner held in his hand was slammed by him.

Immediately, roar! !!

The blue-and-black dragon holding Cheng Feng's six people suddenly burst into a rolling blue light.

The speed reached an intimidating point in an instant, through the clouds, and went straight to the ring-shaped giant palm that was closing!

"Look, everyone!"

"The ring of Optimum Palms in heaven is closing."

"And in the ring palm, a dragon is flying away, it seems like the dragon summoned by Cheng Feng!"

"Is this ring of giant palms hit by the second elder of the Blood Gods?"

"To kill Cheng Feng by means of heaven?"

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