Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1443: Escape from the dead

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Chapter 144 Escape From The Dead

On the sky, the ring-shaped giant palms are closing.

From a distance, it looks like the same giant with a thousand hands stretched out all his palms, catching a dragon.

That picture is a bit appalling.

The vast Qianlong County was stunned and shocked when people saw this scene.

As for the surroundings of Qianlong Academy, all the righteous and evil warriors saw this scene, and immediately knew the horror picture on the sky, which came from someone's hand.

For a while, the evil warriors were excited and excited.

The righteous martial arts man was gloomy, his nerves were tense, and he was concerned about the situation in the sky.

Silently cheer for Cheng Feng and look forward to the miracle!

However, the miracle did not appear as everyone expected.

I saw the sky, inside the ring-shaped giant palm.

The cyan-black dragon carrying Cheng Feng reached a terrifying speed.

But it couldn't keep up with the closing speed of Optimus Palm.

On the ground, the crowd almost watched the ring-shaped palm close together.

Cheng Feng and others must be completely sealed in the giant palm.

"Can't you escape?"

"It's over, it's all over."

"Cheng Feng and Mr. Shu and others all fell into the hands of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods!"

Seeing this scene, countless righteous warriors showed despair.

However, at a time when everyone is desperate.

In the sky, inside the giant circular palm.

Cheng Feng, standing on the back of the blue and black dragon, screamed angrily, and his whole body burst into golden light, turning it into a golden sun.

Immediately afterwards, the Zijin banner held in his hands was lifted by him, and then he threw it out fiercely and shot out of Optima.

Om ~~~

The banner of Zijin was thrown by Cheng Feng, and actually rose in the wind.

The blink of an eye turned into a purple gold rod of unknown length and kilometer in diameter.

Suddenly, he straddled the closed giant palm.


Put the giant palms that are about to be closed together, and pinch them in the air for a second.

And this is the second, 嗖 ~~~

A blue-black dragon became thin and elongated, and Huo Ran flew out along the gap propped up by the purple gold rod.

Many pupil masters looked away, and suddenly found six people standing on the back of the slender blue-black dragon.

One of them was wearing a gold armor, which was Cheng Feng!

"What? Escaped?"

"Cheng Feng actually escaped from the imprisonment of the giant palm, how could this be possible !?"

Around Qianlong Academy, when the evil warriors saw the scene, their eyes were wider than Tong Ling.

Too shocked, too surprised!

They never thought that under the circumstances of despair, Cheng Feng could still escape the birth?

Cheng Feng ... Are they still human?

Compared with the evil martial arts, the right way martial arts are also shocked.

But after the shock, it was an ecstasy.

Morale, which fell to a trough, soared sharply, and then launched a frantic counterattack against the evil fighters in the hair bun.

"Hoo ~~~"

At the same time, Cheng Feng sighed on the back of the cyan dragon.

A face was full of joy for the rest of the disaster.

Obviously, Cheng Feng had no absolute confidence in escaping the trap of the ring-shaped giant palm.

Fortunately, he finally succeeded!

"Zijin banner, collect it for me!"

Take several deep breaths in a row, and wait to calm down the boiling emotions.

Cheng Feng reached out and beckoned to the sky, 嘭 ~~~

The purple gold stick that lay in the middle of the ring-shaped palm smashed the two giant palms.

Turned into a purple light, flying towards Cheng Feng.

By the time Cheng Feng arrived, he had recovered the original size and was just caught by Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, what a Cheng Feng!"

Cheng Feng had just recovered the Zijin banner, and the figure of the second elder of the Blood Gods appeared above the ring-shaped Optimum Palm.

I saw him looking at Cheng Feng, and his blood-red eyes flashed: "You are such a demon. You couldn't even kill this carefully designed lore!"

"However, the attack on this seat is not completely over."

"Cheng Feng, take the last move of this seat!"

While talking, the second elder raised his hands, and then pushed flatly toward Cheng Feng.

Boom boom boom ~~~

Following that, the circle around the second elder's feet was surrounded by a ring-shaped giant palm, and they broke down one by one.

The next moment, the tempest was violently stormy, and then came to Cheng Feng!

"My God, such an intensive bombardment of the Optimum Palm."

"Cheng Feng, can he ... block it?"

On the ground, everyone originally thought that Cheng Feng was completely safe after escaping from the trap of the ring-shaped giant palm.

Never thought, the second elder of the Blood Gods was very scary.

The attack methods are intertwined, and Cheng Feng is not given a chance to breathe.

The ring giant palm was directly dismantled, and Cheng Feng launched a crit!

"Cheng Feng, this wave of attacks by the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, the number of Optimum Palms is more than one hundred."

On the back of the blue and black dragon, Mr. Shu's face was dignified: "With such a large number of high-powered palm attacks, the seventh strongest man in the sky can't bear it."

"Let's take a step back and retreat to Qianlong."

"At this time, the rupture of Qianlong's formation was repaired by Mr. Jing to only forty miles."

"Even if we return to the battlefield, it will be enough to resist the follow-up attack of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods until it is completely repaired!"

At this time, the burst of Qianlong was indeed reduced to within forty miles.

Compared with the previous one hundred and twenty miles, it has been reduced by two-thirds, and the power of the large array has skyrocketed.

But if at this moment, the second elder is bombarded by this wave of sky-high palms.

I'm afraid the newly repaired mouth will be cracked again.

Cheng Feng has Nalan Changsheng to analyze the situation, so he knows that this is not the best time to return to Qianlong.

Frowning, "Mr. Shu, we can't retreat yet."

"Even if you want to retreat, wait for this wave of attacks on the Second Elder of the Blood Gods!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng threw the purple banner in his hand.

The tip of the flag is like a gun, poking fiercely at the sky.

And with the action of Cheng Feng, roar! !!

The turquoise dragon beneath his feet roared and shook it.

With the dragon's horns on his head, he slammed into the giant palms.


The smashing of the giant palms into pieces shattered into heaven and earth and dissipated.

At the same time, Mr. Shu and Ji Xianli, the five righteous strong men, were not idle either.

Each exhibited his strongest means, and launched an attack on the blasting sky.

For a moment, a loud noise roared on the sky.

Shock waves of terror, like a hurricane, swept across the sky.

The clouds in the sky were shredded and scattered, and turned into invisible.

Even the void was directly knocked down, and the vastness of nothingness poured in, making the sky as dark as ink, and reaching out with five fingers.

On the ground, many pupil martial arts warriors have operated pupil surgery to the extreme. They can only vaguely see the sky, and the terrorist attacks continue.

Make the rolling nothingness thicker, and the sky becomes darker, until you can't see the shadow of people.

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