Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1444: Gravekeeper shot

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Chapter 144 The Gravekeeper Shoots

On the sky, when nothingness drowned everything, 嗤 ~~~

A sharp, like invisible lightning.

Through the heavy nothingness, the range peak came quietly.

This front is very fast and suddenly very high.

Even though Cheng Feng has been alert, he has not noticed at all.

It wasn't until that sharp edge arrived in front of him that his body instinctively trembled, and Cheng Feng was awakened in terror.

Hurry up and cross the purple banner in front of you.

Then procure the War God armor, while running the Tianlong golden body, purple thunder refining formula, mad sword overlord body skills ... for comprehensive defense.

However, that edge was extremely powerful.

Huh! Shot on the flagpole of the Zijin banner.

Actually the Zijin banner flew out of Cheng Feng's hand.

Then shot into the golden light emitted by the War God armor, and nailed it to Cheng Feng's heart.

At that moment, the armor of warlord instantly deformed and sunken inward.

Cheng Feng's knife-shaped protective film condensed by Nine-step knife-like, broke instantly.

Tianlong Jinshen turned to the fifth turn, and the whole body also made a burst of joint noise.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng sprayed blood in his mouth, and the whole person flew backwards!

"No, Cheng Feng was attacked, a deadly attack!"

After Cheng Feng went out, Mr. Na's five talents found anomalies.

Later, while blocking the remaining Great Palms, he flew towards Cheng Feng's direction.

At the same time loudly asked Cheng Feng's injury.

However, Cheng Feng seems to have suffered very serious trauma.

The whole person not only flew all the way, even the strength of speaking was gone.

There was no response to Mr. Shu's inquiry.

"Damn, Cheng Feng shouldn't have been ..."

Seeing this, Mr. Shu's faces changed dramatically.

"Hey hey ~~~"

When Mr. Zheng Shu's five people were feeling bad, a sneer came: "Has been hit by the **** gate gravekeeper, even if Cheng Feng is not dead, he will only have half his life!"

"What, the keeper of the **** gate?"

Hearing that Mr. Shu's five faces turned pale.

They finally knew who Cheng Feng had been hit by just now. That was the hell-gate killer who was in charge of the imitation holy weapon 'Hell'.

This person is a real seventh ascendant who is ascending to the sky. He is better than the second elder of the blood gods fused by the four avatars.

Cheng Feng was attacked by this person.

"Damn, isn't that gravekeeper at Hell Gate entangled by Ji Cang Daru?"


Mr. Book roared with sorrow.

"Mr. Shu, we should be accounted for by the Second Elder of the Blood Gods."

At this time, Qian Qianshu Academy strong man Ji Xianli sighed, "The blood elder second elder's attack just now is just a cover."

"The purpose is to create an opportunity for the gravekeepers of Hell Gate to attack Cheng Feng."

"The second elder just disappeared for a while, and it is estimated that he went to the horizon and temporarily stopped Ji Cang Daru."

"Then let the keeper of the **** gate complete this insidious sneak attack!"

Ji Xianli's analysis is quite accurate.

The second elder of the Blood Gods failed to do anything, and immediately made another.

With the attack of more than one hundred roads as the bait, they attracted Cheng Feng's attention.

Secretly, the gravekeeper colluding with the gate of hell, let him launch a fatal blow to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng did not check for a moment, and immediately hit the trick!

"Hey, you guessed it late."

In the darkness of nothingness, the voice of the second elder of the Blood Gods Church sounded: "Next, let this seat be sent to Cheng Feng, and return to the West!"

During the conversation, the second elder stepped forward and had already approached Cheng Feng.

Then, we must launch a thunder attack on Cheng Feng!

"Asshole, no !!"

"Cheng Feng, dodge, dodge !!!"

Seeing this, Mr. Shu and others shattered his eyes and shouted at Cheng Feng.

However, even in the heyday, Cheng Feng may not be able to escape the attack of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

This time he was assassinated by a **** gate gravekeeper, and was severely wounded, and there was no hope of escape.

However, in Mr. Shu they looked sad.

I thought Cheng Feng would die this time.

Cheng Feng suddenly stopped Hengfei, facing west, making a roar.

"Zijin banner, return home!"

With Cheng Feng's roar, hum ~~~

The purple gold banner that was shot by the **** gate gravekeeper suddenly turned into a purple lightning, bursting out the second elder of the blood god.

At the same time, roar! !!

The position of Qianlong's large array, a turbulent black and black wave rushed into the sky.

Then he formed a blue-black dragon, staying with the previous black-black dragon.

The huge dragon head lifted up, and hit the second elder severely along the trajectory of the Zijin banner.

"What? You still have resistance?"

In the sky, the second elder of the Blood Gods saw this scene, and a pair of blood-red giant eyes were full of astonishment.

Obviously, Cheng Feng, who was hit by the **** gate gravekeeper, was not only dead, but he could even launch such a forceful counterattack.

This is fundamentally contrary to normal truth, incredible!

At this moment, not only the second elder of the Blood Gods is surprised.

The five of Mr. Shu also stared at each other, his face full of surprise.

They were shocked by the sudden outbreak of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng, however, exhibited the fifth step of the walking step. A pair of wide feather wings grew on his back. He fiercely stirred up and flew towards the direction far away from the second elder of Blood God.

The second elder responded extremely quickly, waking up from the shock in an instant.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng was about to attack and attack, but the Zijin banner had arrived, forcing him to punch Cheng Feng into the palm of his hand.

call out! Fly the Zijin banner.

However, the Zijin banner had just been blown away, and a blue-and-black dragon was killed again.

Under this situation, the second elder can only give up resentingly killing Cheng Feng and killing with the black and black dragon.

Looking back at Cheng Feng, the fifth floor of the walking step was performed, and he was far away from the second elder.

When it was almost safe, he lifted the Ares helmet and gasped for breath.

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

During a fierce gasp, Cheng Feng's face turned pale, blood was smeared on the corners of his mouth, and blood stained in the helmet.

Obviously, Cheng Feng suffered a wound after being hit by the **** gate gravekeeper.

In fact, Cheng Feng was only one line away from death.

The blow from the **** gate gravekeeper looked inconspicuous, but the killing power was surprisingly great.

If it was not the last moment, Cheng Feng had used the fourth layer of the chapter of the magic sword decisive method to demonize the body and trunk.

Cheng Feng must die!

Even so, Cheng Feng's heart was hit hard, and he paused for a few seconds.

There are several dislocations in the whole body's bones, and the internal organs are broken.

Fortunately, these are minor injuries.

With Cheng Feng's current physical function, he can grow up in ten days and a half months.

If you take a seven-turn Jindan, he will be healed within one stick of incense.

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