Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1449: Back to Qiandingfeng

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Chapter 144 Return to Qian Dingfeng

"Mr. Shu, I understand."

Cheng Feng's heart raised a warm current, focusing on the focus.

Without further delay, he reached out and beckoned to the Zijin banner standing in the cracked mouth of Qianlong.

Hum! The Zijin flag immediately flew up and flew towards Cheng Feng.

By the time Cheng Feng arrived, the stout flagpole had returned to its original size.

Cheng Feng held it in his hand, glanced at it slightly, and then directly loaded it into the soul ring.

After folding up the Zijin banner, Cheng Feng looked at everyone.

Gaze glanced at a righteous warrior present, and saw a lot of familiar faces.

Even inadvertently, Cheng Feng saw a Cheng family member.

It was a spirited young man, Xiuyuan reached the broken third realm, Cheng Chengyuan, the first outstanding genius of the Cheng family to step out of the Star City!

"Makihara cousin, the family will leave it to you!"

Cheng Feng's gaze paused on Cheng Muyuan's body, preaching.

"Rest assured, I will take care of the home!"

Cheng Muyuan trembled and answered firmly.

"Cousin, thank you!"

Cheng Feng replied briefly and withdrew his gaze.

Wait to bow to Mr. Shu, Mr. Jing, Ji Xianli and others.

Then he exhibited a shadow-shaped method of 10,000 miles, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared!

Just as Cheng Feng rushed to Qianding Peak in Heishui County.

The entire feathered dynasty, but because of him, set off a raging wave.

"What? The blood **** master who besieged Qianlong Academy was killed by Cheng Feng alone?"

"Even the four avatars of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods have not been spared?"

"Even the gatekeeper of the **** gate, with the help of the imitation holy hell, barely escaped!

Feathered God, Nakasu, Destiny Division.

On that day, the boss received the news from the spies, and the whole person was directly at the scene.

After a long while, I woke up suddenly.

Quickly spread the news in his hand to the Quartet.


"Cheng Feng actually ran back to Qianlong Academy?"

"And also used a magic weapon of the Holy Order to resolve a crisis in Qianlong College?"

Jade City, Feather Palace, Temple of the Emperor.

A shouting voice sounded in the Temple of the Emperor: "This son is really an aggressive soldier. Perhaps the harvest of fruit after half a year really depends on this son."

"Hope you ... won't let me down!"


At the same time, the blood gods headquarters.

An angry roar was ringing through the Blood God Mountain.

This roar was terrifying, like hundreds of fierce beasts roaring in unison, shaking the whole Blood God Mountain violently.

The elders of the blood gods and blood gods at the blood **** mountain in the town are all twitching their cheeks, and dare not make any sound.

Because of this roar, comes from the mouth of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

Apparently, the anger was extremely extreme, and once the other party's attention was attracted, the anger was vented to himself.

Even if the blood demon elder's repair reaches the seventh middle level of ascending the sky, I am afraid that he will be injured.

"Damn Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng!"

"I will kill you, I will kill you !!!"

On the top of the Blood God Mountain, the roar of the Second Elder of the Blood God Church blew for a long time before it disappeared slowly.

Immediately after, a middle-aged man with big ears and an inscribed 'Pi' on his forehead stepped out of the mountain.

It is second to none as one of the four elders of the second elder of the Blood Gods, and looks exactly the same.

As if cast from a mold.

In fact, this is the second best match.

It is the second elder re-refined by the second elder of the Blood Gods!

"Meet the second elder."

At the foot of Blood God Mountain, the elder Blood Demon saw the second match and bowed to say hello.

"Blood demon, you said before, Qianlong Academy Cheng Feng was a scourge, and I didn't think so at the time."

A second glance glanced at the blood elder elder, Shen said: "Now it seems that I was wrong, Cheng Feng must kill him early."

"Otherwise, it will be a confidant of my religion!"

"Second elder, I have informed Hell Gate and the Temple of Killing and asked them to send elite killers to assassinate Cheng Feng."

The blood demon elder said: "At the same time, I am going to send a blood **** beast to make up for it!"

"Not enough, not enough!"

However, the second matchless man shook his head: "Cheng Feng is very difficult to deal with this. I can't kill him with a blood beast alone."

"In this way, you will send all four hidden blood gods."

"At the same time, I will cooperate with it and strive to completely eliminate the scourge of Cheng Feng!"

"Okay, I will arrange it properly."

The blood demon elder nodded, and then began to plan the layout.


Qianlong County, above the cracked Qianlong River.

There was a wave in the void, and then Cheng Feng's figure emerged from it.

"It seems that my two shots in Longcheng and the Academy still have some effect."

Cheng Feng looked to the Quartet, and saw that there were only a few traces of evil warriors within two or three hundred miles around him.

Apparently affected by the two defeats of Longcheng and Qianlong Academy, many evil warriors have died down and temporarily withdrew from Qianlong County.

Fear of being chased and killed by Cheng Feng, losing his life.

"This trip is not in vain."

Cheng Feng whispered: "There are only two points that are a bit regrettable. One is that I have not seen lightness, and the other is that I have not met Tailong and Brother Jian!"

I didn't see Yue Qingying, mainly because Cheng Feng was late.

When he arrived in Longcheng, Yueqing Ying had just left with Tian Tian Temple elder Wen Tianyu.

As for Tailong and Jian Wuchen, they are not at Qianlong Academy at all.

They all went to the front line of the battlefield and fought with the evil warriors.

Fortunately, none of Tyrone and others encountered danger to their lives. Instead, with continuous fighting, the repairs soared.

For example, Tailong seems to have entered the Zulong class.

In addition, the blood of the Titans has been developed to the extreme. By the power of the blood, Tailong can easily tear the peak warriors in the broken state.

Even for the first half of the ascent, you can regret it!

As for the sword dustlessness, Xiu Wei entered the pinnacle of the broken realm, and practiced nine and a half dragon powers.

At the same time, swordsmanship has reached its limit, it seems that it is gestating swordsmanship.

Once the sword is trained, the warriors who are ascending to the sky can kill with one sword!

Secondly, Bai Ze, Liang Luoshi, wind and rain, lightning, etc., all have their own breakthroughs, which are no longer comparable.

"After I went to Qianding Peak and killed the imitation body of the King of Chiyan, I went to the front of the battlefield to find them."

Cheng Feng whispered: "At that time, we must have a good drink!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng displayed thousands of miles in the shape of a brush, brushing ~~~

Blended into the void and disappeared.

The next moment, in Heishui County, over a rolling mountain peak, Cheng Feng's figure emerged from the void.

He looked up and smiled.

"The King of Chiyan is a fake, and Cheng Feng is back."

Cheng Feng chuckled and said, "Next, I will send you to hell!"

"Clear your scourge!"

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