Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1450: God of Chiyan Skinny

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Chapter 1450 The Scary God King Skinny

In his speech, Cheng Feng looked up to the north of Qianding Peak.

I saw in a big rift valley, a cage surrounded by earthy yellow gas walls, like a mountain standing.

She displayed the eyes of the **** of fortune, and even inside the cage, the thin figure of the immortal King Chiyan was imitated.

"It seems that the Emperor Xinsheng has devoured a lot of energy during this time."

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "The immortal King Chiyan has already lost weight."

The Chiyan God King's imitated body was formed by Chiyan fire energy.

The new emperor fire can not only devour different fires, but also various fire energy.

Before leaving, Cheng Feng put the new emperor's fire in a sealed fire bottle, and let it pass through the cover of the sealed fire bottle to devour the Chiyan fire energy of the Chiyan god's imitation.

Although only a few hours, the effect is very significant.

Let the Chiyan **** king imitate the body and lose weight several times.

It gives people a sense of illness, loss of essence, skinny feeling.

Maybe in a day or two, you can imitate the Chiyan Lord and consume it alive!

"Good job."

Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction: "Next, I want to think of a way to fight the death of the Chiyan **** king imitation as soon as possible."

"But before that, you need to clean up the site!"

Said, Cheng Feng's eyes became cold and he stared at Qian Dingfeng like a knife.

I saw that under the ‘perspective’ of the eyes of the God of Creation, the evil warriors hiding one after the other in Qian Dingfeng suddenly appeared.

These evil warriors should have heard the wind that the King Chiyan was trapped, came to spy on the situation, and even intended to rescue them.

But he was afraid of Cheng Feng's strength, and he has never done anything.

At this moment, Cheng Feng returned, when suddenly sharp eyes on Shang Cheng Feng, his eyes suddenly hurt.

There was a chill in the whole body, and the feeling of death rushed forward.

"No, it's Cheng Feng!"

"This **** **** seems to find me!"

Each evil martial artist was in a daze, and he dared not delay.

Performing martial arts skills, they fled to the outside of Qianding Peak.

"Come here, just leave me!"

However, they just left.

A cold voice sounded in my ear.

Immediately afterwards, a cold blade approached quickly.

噗噗 噗 ~~~

Heads flew up one by one, and more than thirty evil warriors dormant around Qian Dingfeng were all chopped down by Cheng Feng.

Even a master who ascended the heavens was not spared!

"Cheng Feng, are you back?"

The voice of Pei Feng, the master of the Blackwater Palace, had just been killed after Cheng Feng had just killed the spy warrior. "I just received the news that you are at Qianlong Academy, and the **** gate guarding the grave came back to the tomb people?"

"And also single-handedly killed the four clones of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods !?"

"It's so fast."

Cheng Feng exhibited the shape of a hundred miles, and instantly reached the side of Qiankun Wuji array.

"Listen to what you mean. The news I received was true?"

Looking at Cheng Feng, Hei Shui Gong Pei Feng's eyes stared, his face full of surprise.

Because he knows Cheng Feng's strength deeply, with the help of Hell's Heiyan, he might be able to escape in the hands of the seventh strongest man in the sky.

But this time, Cheng Feng didn't bring Hell's Hei Yan with him.

In this case, let alone the retreat of the **** gate gravekeeper, who was hit by a lucky luck without being killed by one of them.

However, Cheng Feng is in the impossibility.

It's incredible!

"Senior Pei Feng, don't be too surprised."

Glancing at Pei Feng, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "I can kill the four avatars of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods for a reason ..."

Next, Cheng Feng briefly described the use of Qianlong's force to resolve the crisis at Qianlong Academy.

After listening to Pei Feng, he suddenly realized, but his heart was still surging.

Because although Cheng Feng borrowed external forces, he did kill the four elders of the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

Such feats, even many well-known masters.

Even his first-class teachings like this are far from complete!

"Cheng Feng, your kid is really a pervert."

Pei Feng was full of sighs: "If you can maintain this brave and progressive momentum, I am afraid that you will become the second Heavenly Burial Emperor!"

"Senior Pei Feng, we ourselves don't have to brag about this, do we?"

Cheng Feng shook his head, knowing in the future that his future could be very unsettling.

If it is not good, it may fall off.

So I have always kept a clear head, not intoxicated by the praise of others.

"Cheng Feng, this is not touted, but the fact."

Pei Feng glanced at Cheng Feng and said, "It's important to note that your performance today is no worse than when the Emperor Tianbu was young."

"Even better!"

"Okay, let's talk about something else!"

Cheng Feng shook his head and laughed, opening the topic: "Recently, there shouldn't have been any moths in the imitation of King Chiyan."

"No, I've always been good."

Pei Feng laughed: "Maybe in two more days, I can consume it alive!"

"And this is thanks to the semi-sacrificial vessel that you borrowed from the Holy Flame Sect.

Pei Feng did not know the existence of the new emperor's fire, and thought that the power of Chi Yan's fire energy, which swallowed the Chi Yan god, was a fire bottle.

The fear of the Holy Fire Sect has been raised several levels.

"It will take about two days for King Chiyan's imitation body to die?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and looked at Qiankun Wuji.

A copy of King Chiyan was found, despite being debilitated and losing weight.

However, the divine power in the body is still strong. Under the suppression of Pei Feng and Chi Yanpao, he has the ability to struggle.

"This time is a bit too long."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "I killed the blood of the second elder of the Second Deity of the Blood Gods and killed a large number of evil warriors. The Blood Gods will definitely take action.

"In case two or three peerless strong men are sent to kill, it is not only the Chiyan **** king who imitates the body to be rescued."

"We will even be in danger, maybe we will die here!"

"So, we must think of a way to kill the Chiyan God as soon as possible!"

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

Pei Feng shook his head and said, "The imitation of King Chiyan is the sixth most important thing."

"But the vitality is stronger than many seventh ascendants."

"It's ideal to consume it within two days. It can't be any faster."

"Don't rush to a conclusion first."

Cheng Feng said, "I'll think of a way."

After speaking, Cheng Feng's spirit entered the sealed fire bottle.

I saw the sealed fire bottle, the billowing red fire raging, pouring into the center of the sealed fire bottle.

And there, a little man in a red armor was opening his mouth, swallowing the billowing energy into his mouth.

It is the new emperor fire!

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