Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1451: Emperor Fire Advanced

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Chapter 1451 Advanced Fire

"Cheng Feng, you are here!"

Inside the fire bottle, the new emperor saw Cheng Feng.

Say hello while swallowing Chiyan fire energy with a big mouth.

"Well, let me see you."

Cheng Feng smiled and nodded, his eyes showing satisfaction.

After a few hours of engulfing, the body of the new Emperor Emperor has grown significantly.

In the past, Jo Mo was the size of a slap, but now it has grown to the size of a human head.

In particular, the breath on his body is as magnificent as the ocean.

More powerful than before.

"It seems this little guy's strength has improved a lot."

Cheng Feng secretly exclaimed: "At the lowest level, it has also reached the top level of different fires."

"Perhaps if you swallow the imitation body of King Chiyan, you will be able to reach the super level, and even the king!

Different fires have strict classifications.

From low to high: primary, medium, high, top, super, kingpin, emperor, and supreme.

The new-born Emperor Fire is born extraordinary because it is the second different fire in the world.

As soon as the shell was broken, the rank reached the higher level.

This time, it first swallowed a large amount of "Pseudo Chiming Extreme Fire", and then swallowed a lot of Chiyan fire energy.

The level has been raised directly from the high-level fire to the top extreme level.

I'm afraid it won't take long before you can be promoted again and become a super different fire!

Om ~~~

While Cheng Feng was groaning.

The new emperor fire that devoured Chi Yan's fire energy suddenly burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, the head-sized body was inexplicably cracked.

These cracks appear quickly and spread faster.

Just after seeing Cheng Feng, he was covered with the body of the new Emperor Fire, which looked extremely scary.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

Could it be that the new emperor's fire devoured the Chiyan fire, which caused the body to break?

"Cheng Feng, don't worry, this should be a good thing."

While Cheng Feng was worried, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded.

"Good thing?"

With a raised eyebrow, Cheng Feng had a guess in his mind: "Uncle Nalan, is it possible that the body of the new emperor's fire is broken, but he is not promoted?"

"That's right, that's it."

Nalan Changsheng smiled and nodded, explaining: "The origin of the fire of the new emperor fire has reached the top limit."

"The reason why his body is broken is that the body cannot contain the source of fire."

"Once the body ruptures, re-gather a flame body."

"The new emperor fire will enter the super level in one fell swoop."

"At that time, it will be a great helper for you!"

Nalan's long-lived voice has just fallen, 嘭 ~~~

The body of the new emperor's fire burst and burst into a red flame.

The next moment, all the red flames quickly condensed and contracted.

After a few breaths, a new flame body took shape.

I saw this flame body, reaching a foot tall.

He was no longer wearing armor, but was wearing a red coat, carrying a knife, and flying red hair.

Except for the color of the clothes, the color of the skin is different from Cheng Feng.

It is simply a reduced version of Cheng Feng!

"This little guy, actually made the flame body look like me."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head but smiled.

Because the new emperor did so, he clearly saw Cheng Feng as his closest relative.

"Cheng Feng, I seem to be a lot stronger."

After condensing the new flame body, the new emperor fire was very excited and couldn't help looking at himself.

And like children, show off to Cheng Feng.

"Well, it has become a lot stronger."

Looking at the new emperor fire, Cheng Feng nodded with a smile: "The level should reach the super level."

"But when it comes to lethality, I am afraid that many super-top, and even the fire of the half king can't compare.

The new emperor fire, but the prince in the world of flames, is born superior to other exotic fires.

Although the current level is Super Different Fire, the power far exceeds all Super Different Fires.

This is similar to the gap between the peerless genius and the ordinary warrior among the human warriors.

The levels are equal, but the combat power is ten times, or even a hundred times worse!

Moreover, the most terrifying point of the Xinsheng Emperor Fire is that it can devour all strange fires.

In the flame world, it is born invincible!

Of course, this has to put aside the only imperial fire.

The new emperor fire meets the only emperor fire, and there is only one way to die!

"Cheng Feng, I'm hungry again."

After showing off to Cheng Feng for a while, the fresh emperor suddenly rubbed his belly and said, "I won't talk to you anymore, I will continue to eat delicious food."

"After you're full, come to play with you."

After saying nothing, Xinxin Emperor opened his mouth, and then sucked it.


A red flame fire energy that was four or five times larger than it had just flowed in from outside the sealed fire bottle.

Screwed together, all put into the mouth of the new emperor fire.

Immediately let the breath of the new emperor fire increase by one point.

"This little guy ... is really a foodie!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled.

However, I hope so, it can shorten the death time of Chiyan God's imitation body.

Cheng Feng roughly estimated that the current speed of Xinsheng Emperor's devour.

Up to ten hours or so, the imitation of King Chiyan could be killed.

A deep glance at the new emperor fire, Cheng Feng's spirit pulled out of the sealed fire bottle.

Immediately I heard the imitation body of King Chiyan, angrily roaring.

"Damn Cheng Feng, the gods are going to make you a thousand swords and frustrate your ashes!"

Obviously, with the promotion of the new emperor fire, the swallowing of Chiyan fire energy increased, and the King of Chiyan imitated the body and felt a strong threat of death.

Furious, the animosity towards Cheng Feng increased a lot.

"Cheng Feng, what did you do just now?"

Beyond Qiankun Wuji array, Pei Feng was also surprised at this time: "How suddenly, the engulfment intensity of Fenghuo bottle soared four or five times?"

Not long ago, Pei Feng also vowed to say.

The death of King Chiyan within two days is already the ideal state.

I never thought that as soon as his words were finished, Cheng Feng compressed this time by almost five times.

It's almost incredible.

"Senior Pei Feng is actually nothing."

However, Cheng Feng said faintly: "I just happened to find a little trick that increased the power of sealing the flask."

"Furthermore, it takes a little too long to consume the imitation body of Chiyan God King for ten hours."

"It would be better to be able to compress it five or six times, or eight or nine times."

"Uh, shorten the time eight or nine times?"

Hearing that, the corner of Pei Feng's mouth was drawn, and he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Cheng Feng, this matter is only you dare to think."

"It seems that I'm really old, and my courage is too bad for you!"

Cheng Feng's words gave Pei Feng a feeling of being 'old'.

For Cheng Feng, that was a complete service!

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