Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1485: Seven Kill Stones

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Chapter 148 The Seven Killing Stone Steles

Long Ao is indeed a master of Jiupin Formation.

It didn't even take a minute, and the three Qipin arrays were all broken.

Two Cheng Feng appeared silently in front of the main entrance of the attic.

There is a problem at this time, that is, the entire attic has been sealed.

It can only be accessed from the main entrance on the first floor of the attic, and then down the stairs to the second floor.

But on the first floor of the attic, there are four masters who can ascend to heaven.

Although these four ascended the heavens, they are only one or two.

But with the divine dissemination, no one wanted to enter the attic silently.

"Long Aotian, would you like to wait outside?"

In front of the attic, Cheng Feng looked at Long Aotian: "In case the ascendants of the heavens are shocked, all our efforts will be wasted."

"Cheng Feng, please relax."

Long Aotian said with confidence: "This young man is not as good as he was now. When it comes to stealth ability, he is no less than you."

"Well, I hope you are not bragging."

Cheng Feng glanced at Long Aotian, and turned the shadows to the extreme.

The breathing, pulse, heartbeat, dragon power fluctuations on my body ... all disappeared, just like a transparent person.

Then he stepped forward and walked into the attic.

Perhaps because of self-confidence, the front door of the second-floor loft was wide open, which was convenient for Cheng Feng.

I saw Cheng Feng stepping in, and the four masters sitting on the first floor in the loft did not notice.

Easily, Cheng Feng walked past the four of them and walked down the stairs towards the second floor.

Obviously, it is the invisibility effect of the shadow puppet method, which completely concealed the exploration of the gods of the four ascendants.

"Huh, this shadow trick is pretty good."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The stealth effect can actually be improved with the improvement of cultivation."

"Of course, the main reason why I was able to escape the four ascension warriors was the **** killing order on my body, which had completely disappeared with the death of the initiator."

"Otherwise, there will be problems."

Cheng Feng was once taught by the blood gods, and issued several blood-hunting orders.

The most recent killing order has reached five stars, such as the epiphyseal bone, which is very entangled.

However, with Cheng Feng killing the initiator of the hunting order, Xuanting Protector, Blood Hand Protector, Yutuo Ruodu ... and others.

The five-star blood word hunting order disappeared immediately.

In this way, Cheng Feng is like a dragon returning to the sea.

Don't worry anymore, you will be hunted down by masters of blood gods.

It is called a big trouble!

"Long Aotian, is there any problem?"

Cheng Feng stood on the steps on the second floor of the attic and looked up at Long Aotian.

I never thought that Long Aotian didn't brag, and his stealthy martial arts was very clever.

Even when people stood in front of the four ascension warriors, the other party failed to notice the slightest.

Xianting walked, but also on the steps.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng speeded up without any worry, and instantly reached the second floor of the attic.

The second floor of the attic is not large, and there are only five or six items in it.

The most eye-catching is the central stone.

This stone monument is more than three meters high, with smooth and solid material, and the front has been flattened by some kind of weapon, with seven words written on it.

These seven characters have the same handwriting, all of which are 'kill' characters.

When Cheng Feng looked up, he felt that every killing word was a blade.

The killer strokes were split apart, spreading over themselves, and slashing at themselves.

"What a killing!"

Although Cheng Feng knew that the swords and swords in front of him were all fake, he could not help numb his scalp, holding his hands tightly.

From this we can judge that these seven killing stone monuments are indeed no small matter.

The seven kill words alone make people like lightning strikes.

If the skill of the Seven Kills is practiced, what kind of scary power will it reach?

No wonder countless masters are salivating and want to own it!

However, Cheng Feng's gaze did not stay on the Seven Kill Stone for too long.

After just a glance, he moved away and looked elsewhere.

But his eyes swept across the second floor of the attic, but he could not find any trace of people.

Apart from him and Long Aotian, no one else.

As for Yu Fang in the calculation, that is, the night owl, does not exist at all.

"No one, why can't anyone?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned, and the God of Fortune was moved to the extreme. He scanned the surrounding area again and found no half figure.

"Cheng Feng, I know why there is no night owl here."

When Cheng Feng was puzzled, Long Aotian's voice sounded.

"Oh why?"

"Look where!"

Long Aotian raised his hand to the west side of the attic.

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes to look at the past, his eyes glared, and he suddenly realized.

It turned out to be a green shield in a crystal box on the west side of the attic.

That shield was quaint and powerful. It was the shield used to defend Cheng Feng's sword when Ye Di fled before.

Cheng Feng's knife brought a ray of acacia and stuck it to the green shield.

Now that the green shield is here, it's no wonder that Xiao Jin will pursue the breath of Wanxiangcai and bring him here.

But isn't the green shield in the hands of Dire? How come here?

Did Yezhen really collude with Mingxuanfang and set up a trap to deal with him?

Thoughts turned sharply, Cheng Feng's gaze looked outside the attic.

It was found that the entire Mingxuanfang was silent, and there was no slight fluctuation due to his arrival.

"It seems that Ye Di did not collude with Mingxuanfang."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Otherwise, they will definitely make a big move at this moment, instead of being silent."

"Furthermore, Ye Di didn't know that I would follow, and the possibility of design ambushing me was very small."

"But if Ye Di and Ming Xuan Fang did not collude, then why does this green shield appear here?"

This green shield is not low-level, and it has probably reached the top level.

These defensive weapons are also very eye-catching for many masters of heaven.

For night owls, it can play a key role and it is impossible to abandon them.

Did the night owl find Wancai on the green shield, so it was discarded?

But even so, the green shield should not appear here!

"Cheng Feng, it's easy to know why the green shield appeared here."

At this time, Long Aotian interjected: "Just find the boss of Xuanfang, and you'll know when you ask."

"Well, this is also true." Cheng Feng nodded.

This two-story attic belongs to Mingxuanfang.

Any treasure stored in it must be seen by the owner of Mingxuanfang.

It must know the origin and provenance of the green shield.

"Okay, since Yeah is not here, let's leave."

Cheng Feng took a sigh of relief and greeted, "After going out, please visit the owner of Mingxuanfang to find out the origin of the green shield."

"Otherwise, our clue to follow Dire is broken."

"no problem."

Long Aotian nodded, then his eyes turned: "But since we are here, it's not easy to return empty-handed?"

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